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Everything posted by Mom2jnb

  1. Hi, We just went in October and had a great time. We too used the Unofficial Guide and found it incredibly helpful. I signed up for newsletters like mousesaver dot com and also went to the boards at wdwmagic dot com Have a great time... Alison
  2. Not very exciting...Not very original but we are doing heart shaped Pizza and I always make a heart shaped cookie. But....the fam LOVES it. :) Alison
  3. We don't do KAT.... I have a friend that does and I have considered it. We mainly are just at home with some outside co-ops and CMRS. I go to most OASIS meetings....you? Alison
  4. We are in SW Michigan. Kalamazoo Area.... Alison
  5. Is it the stuffed Meatball Hoagie??? http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,,FOOD_9936_34875,00.html?rsrc=like Let me know if that is not it...I will search more... HTH, Alison
  6. Our Grocery store takes $0.10 off for each bag you reuse...whether it be paper, plastic or "reusable". Target has pretty nice bags the are huge and fold up and snap shut for prices between $1.00 and $1.50. It wouldn't take me very long to recoop the cost of them at the grocery store. Alison
  7. ooppssss.....didn't see your mention of Spiderwick and Narnia....sorry. Alison
  8. Waterhorse was released already Spiderwick Chronicles ....soon to be released or just released Horton Hears a Who in March And isn't there a new Narnia coming out???? I know there are more....that have been released a while ago Alison
  9. We do Breakfast for Dinner every Wednesday. Pancakes or waffles, eggs, Morningstar Bacon (or as dh calls it Fakeon), oj, milk. Thursday my family comes over and we do a potluck. We usually do make your own pizzas on Friday when we do family night with movies. Sunday are always a 'big' dinner....roasts or something that takes some time and then we have lots of sides.
  10. i think that is incredibly thoughtful. I would have loved it if someone had done that for me. :) I would love for you to post a pic of it when you complete it. :) Alison
  11. http://www.sonlight.com/placement-tests.html Scroll down to the Horizons Readiness test..... HTH, Alison
  12. We like Celestial Seasonings Lemon Zinger.....I don't like it sweetened but my dh does and add some honey to it. HTH, Alison
  13. I was able to locate the placement tests at Sonlight's website. Alison
  14. They just featured a book on "the View" called The Cardio Free Diet It stresses strength training...he talked about lowering the cholesterol and such...worth a shot... Alison
  15. Pster, You have mail.....I hope it helps...dh said it is a pretty thourough description...if it isn't right...do another search on the website and it should walk you through.. Good Luck, Alison
  16. I think it depends on the type of van you have......some are easier than others. We always change our own because we can't justify the cost of the labor of doing it........ What type of van do you have? I will ask my hubby if it is an easy change or not..... Alison
  17. Thank you so much for this info. I will check out the website....call for a catalog and do a board search. I have to tell you...you made me laugh when you said, "I call and act dumb" Have a great Friday!! Alsion
  18. Here is my take..... I think he KNEW he would be voted off. I think that he decided to play "oh I am so different..being a dad will change you role" so that he could say..."well, I asked them to vote me off" because he didn't want to be the first one voted off at his second shot at the game. I totally admit that being a parent does change you but after the stunts he pulled the last time I just don't know what to believe. Alison
  19. First, I would like to say that I am sure you are doing a fine job but I do agree...when I here I am doing something that the ps is doing it does give me a little sense of relief. :) Hope this isn't a hi-jack of your post but where can I check out the Science Explorer Curriculum? I am struggling with what we will use next year for Science. My son LOVES science and I am trying to find something that would work for him....this sounds interesting. Thank you and sorry if I took your post... :( Alison
  20. We LOVE LOVE LOVE our Rainbow....expensive but my grandmother has had hers for 25+ years......so $1200 for 25 years isn't that bad of a deal. Alison
  21. Full time here.....1 full time hs on in ps but coming home in the next school year.... Alison
  22. Yes, much to my dh dismay I do this. He gets kind of upset with me because he still sees the S & H as a loss. I usually try to find it used or find someone around here that uses it too so that I can look at it. I just ordered TOG. I am excited to look through it but at the same time I am suddenly incredibly regretful of it. I think I may have made a hasty decision. So, we will see when it arrives and I look at it. I need to put my hands on it and really look throught it. We tried the 3 week trials online and I really enjoyed them but I think I may be more nervous about the year I bought (2) I think I may end up exchanging it for Yr 3. My ds and I have been working on those same units as Yr 2 this year with a history co-op but I was trying to follow the "WTM" chronological order. I think I may jump him to Yr. 3 we will be okay. So, in short...yes...it is necessary..even if I have to hear dh grumble. Alison
  23. I would love some rep points!!! Thank you, Alison Hsing ds(11) dd(6) still in p.s.
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