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Everything posted by Mom2jnb

  1. This is yet another vote for another board....call it middle school, logic, dialectic....doesn't matter...but I think it is a great idea...things do get buried way too fast on this board. Alisson
  2. This is my first year hsing....can someone tell me where you go to have things spiral bound and what is the average cost? Thank you, Alison
  3. This so wasn't right to show me. :) My hubby is going to be pretty upset that I have found another creative outlet. hee hee hee Thanks for the site..... AWESOME Alison
  4. My animal loving ds was incredibly allergic to any animals with dander/fur. We found a kitten for him when he turned 4 and we had to return it the next morning because he woke up with an asthma attack and his eyes wouldn't open because of all the swelling. We tried dogs, hamsters etc. The doctors said that it was unlikely that anything other than weekly shots would help him if he wanted to own a pet. So, we went the lizard, turtle, fish route. Well, last March when ds was turning 11 he begged and begged for a kitten. We reminded him of his allergies and his HUGE aversion to shots since he would need one weekly. He stayed with my aunt and uncle for a week...they have many cats (only 2 are indoor cats), they have goats, horses, chickens and dogs. He was fine the whole week...not issues...he did out grow it..but the doctors did say before we go and get any pets that we need to be sure to watch him closely. That your body will adjust to your own animals...we would have to vacuum a couple of times daily, dust daily and make sure to keep the pets out of his room until we knew he was okay..we haven't made the plunge yet be we are thinking of doing so this March for his birthday. He wants to be a veterinarian so I really need to help feed this love if we can and keep his health in check. Oh yes, and I used to be allergic to cats as a kid and they do not bother me at all.......:) Alison
  5. We are starting our "Dave Budget" tomorrow. I drafted it all up then my "nerd" dh put it on a spread sheet in Excel. That will help to not "redo" it every month. We just have to fill in new numbers etc. I know it is tough. I personally have NEVER been on a budget in my life and I have to be honest. I dont' like that feeling of "control" it gives my dh. I want to live a good life but at the same time I am dreading the constant watch. I don't consider myself a big spender but with 2 full time kids home and 2 dss part time it is a hard thing to figure out. But, we could all be a support to one another...to know that in the end you will have no debt.......We have no "consumer debt". We are saving all of our money possible to buy my mother's house from her.....hopefully that will happen sooner rather than later...(thinking about 4 years or more). But, just keep up with the budget....you will be happy in the end...yes it sounds like the newness is wearing off but just think of how great it will be when you don't have a mortgage either...you will be thrilled with the newness of that..so, the newness of no consumer debt will give you a great feeling, then you will look forward to the newness of getting the mortgage paid off...super early. YOU GO GIRL Alison
  6. GREAT!!! Thank you so much!!!! I will place my order right now. Thank you again, Alison
  7. Where might I have a look at the Rod & Staff Art Pacs? Any ideas? Thank you, Alison
  8. Hi, Can you tell me what TOG's return policy is? I have decided to get in before the price increase and I am worried that once I take some time to look at it I may not like it....very unlikely but do they have a 30 day trial period? TIA, Alison
  9. My son is in Math 7/6 The Dive CD has been priceless. I know math pretty well and so does my dh but I find it is easier if the explanation originally comes from someone else and he doesn't tend to 'challenge' it when I reinforce it....He usually doesn't need reinforcement but when he does he believes me because he already heard it. Not to mention it gives mom a little break... Lessons aren't usually longer than about 5 minutes or so. I would do the CD over and over again...BUT we are going to swtich to Teaching Textbooks because their CDs cover the lessons and then they also cover individual problems...but I think I read somewhere that Saxon is getting ready to launch the same idea too. HTH, Alison
  10. I don't own Fiesta but i have a couple of friends that do. They order from megachina dot com HTH, Alison
  11. But I always get great deals at magazinepricesearch dot com Rachael Ray Mag NG kids Fitness 4-wheel (dh he has a '66 Bronco that he can't part with) Vegetarian Times Good Housekeeping (gift) Alison
  12. Well, we have $1200 budgeted a year...just started that....last week. hee hee hee I have not kept track in the past. My theory is I only have one shot at this. I am not going to skimp out because of lack of money but I feel I am a good hunter of deals when I need new things. :) This thread is going to be very interesting. Alison
  13. I am sending House vibes your way. :) enjoy it when you are able. :) It is an excellent show......this episode looks very interesting. Let's all recap and through out opinions in the AM. TTYL, Alison
  14. Here's another.....I guess if I have been I didn't know it..... Alison
  15. We do commissions.... They earn the money if they do the chore all week. They get fines for poor attitude. We list them all before the week starts and go over it. My kids get ds(11) $5 and dd(6) $3 My theory is half their age.....stopping at $5. Alison
  16. Our weather is mid 40s right now....suppossed to drop to 8 degrees between the hours of 6- 9pm tonight. We are under a winter storm warning. I guess Chicago area is under blizzard warning unless they have changed it. I love winter when you can ski...but when it is wet and rainy or too bone chilling cold to ski it makes winter dreary..... ;( Alison
  17. Hi, We too have this.... I second the spongemop and ammonia/water. Dry with towel to pick up excess "dust" at the end. Don't forget to seal. I usually do this in fall (Before our MI winters) and then in mid spring (before major rain/mud). HTH, Alison
  18. I would like to know how we can find out if we have access through a school or what not. Anyone know? Alison
  19. Awesome. I too would love instructions. My soon to be 8ds would LOVE this for his May birthday. Thanks, Alison
  20. I am getting used to it too. I am actually enjoying it. It helped I just started to regularly visit wtm about 2 weeks before the switch so I wasn't too used to it. I was forced out of lurking though. Which, has been a good thing. Alison
  21. I know the Midwest homeschool convention dot com has their vedor list with links up Also inch dot org will have their vendor list up soon.... HTH, Alison
  22. have ADD. I take Adderal but there are GREAT articles on the ADDitude Magazine website.... HTH, Alison
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