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Everything posted by Mom2jnb

  1. I would. We are big into veggies. We currently just moved to a house with a much smaller yard so growing most of our veggies isn't an option. We live in an area that is very lucky that we have so many farms/orhards and such around here. We actually have a CSA that will deliver for us....did you do a search at Local Harvest dot org.....or go to animalvegetablemiracle dot org and it will link you to ther searches...maybe you have one closer.....maybe not.... My hubby would be very leary of the 45 minute drive. In the end he would realize the benefits and he would still probably grump a little weekly but I think it would be worth it. Good Luck Alison
  2. I don't remember the thread count but we purchased a new bed a couple of years ago that needed DEEP pockets in order to stay on. I found Chris Madden Sheets at JC Penney's. They are my absolute favorite. They gift softer with every wash. I purchased two sets and when my Dad and Stepmom came to watch the kids for us about a year ago they asked if they could keep one set..... I let them. I will be buying another set soon. It is easiest for me to have two sets. These are not flannel just plain cotton sheets..great summer sheets. HTH, Alison
  3. I am sorry you are going through this. Life's curveballs can be doozies sometimes. ((((HUGS)))) Alison
  4. I had debated about it before my son even entered preschool. I was pressured by family and myself that it wouldn't be "right" to keep him home. Well, I finally pulled him out this year. He is in 5th grade according to the ps system here but he has increible ADHD he is gifted and with me being able to work the schedule for him he will be heading into most subjects that are 7th grade and higher next year. My aunt and uncle have 14 kids and she homeschools (or has graduated) a total of 12 of them. She was a true inspiration to me and always will be. We go to their house weekly for a class and I try to get out there to visit often. Their children have always been inspiring do to their well behaved manner and how curious they are for learning anything. I plan on pulling my daughter home this next year. I am still getting a ton of the same pressures I got from my family when I wanted to pull ds. Even though most agree it was the best thing for my ds and how the "old ds" is back!!! I just don't understand people. My Dad is very unsupportive of the whole idea because he is upset with the above mentioned uncle for marrying who he did so that makes him judgemental of all homeschoolers...DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!! I could have summed this up like Lynn.....ADHD, gifted and too many phone calls home!!! Sorry to drag this out!!!! Alison
  5. well...because I have yet to figure out how to take one of my photos and size it correctly etc. So, i just went to wherever it is that you make these silly ones. Alison
  6. We go camping every year. This year we are doing the Mammoth Cave, KY area for a week. The camping itself for 6 people will be under $200. But, then we have to do food and such. Not sure where you are in the midwest. There are camps around here that are all inclusive. I would just google family camps or something along that line. Good luck and have a great time!! Alison
  7. Are we all going to the same planet so we can share??? hee hee I will think and post later...this is a HARD question!!! Alison
  8. We started budgeting this month also. It really is an eye opener. My dh enters all our expenses in an excel worksheet and I just write the category at the top of the receipt. We each have $50 a month for "blow money" amazingly I haven't touched any of it this month...but that was hard....I am saving up for the curriculum I need for next year. Our grocery budget is $650 for 5. It is too low we found. I was working on cleaning out the freezer's this month and I really didn't have to buy a ton of meat or anything and we STILL went over.....I have been told it takes approximately 3 months to get a hang of the right amounts for each category...stick with it....we are all here for you and each other. Alison
  9. OOOOPPPSS that is what I get for trying to do 10 things at once. :) Sorry about that... Alison
  10. It says in the beginning of the show that she had infertility issues and they had to have fertility treatments for both pregnancies. They were trying for just ONE more when she got pg with the 6. Alison
  11. Card Games: Euhcre (not sure that is spelled right) We play Mexican Train Dominos, Blokus, Mad Gab, Apples to Apples Of course those can all be played with kids but it is fun to have "adult only" time with games My little sister and her hubby play Settlers of Catan they say that is fun Alison
  12. Well....if my dh had his way I would collect NOTHING. He hates "plunder" which in itself is a word I cannot stand as it comes right from the mouth of his ex..grrrr I collect scrapbooking items (should be using them but can't find the time) Another Book collector here My dh buys a silver charm for dd and myself for places we or he travels to I used to collect NKOTB stuff....sold it all ds collects Calvin and Hobbes and Foxtrot items. dh still owns and collects parts for his 1966 Ford Bronco...still running... (And he thinks I should get rid of my items...I ask....how big is a Bronco, spare tires, doors (not attached) etc. compared to my scrapbook stuff) honestly, his is taking up more room than mine...... Alison
  13. Glad you had a great night!!! That is one of my all time faves too!!!!! Happy for you! Alison
  14. Great Job Nicole.....I have BTDT.....I have the rep for being a little "passionate" about my projects. Glad you were able to be thourough and not "raise your voice" Great Job!! Alison
  15. I watch the show weekly. I admit in the beginning I thought she was a little harsh on Jon. But, I think if you watch the whole situation, remember there is tons of editing and then as another poster said watch their interviews about the day you see they truly love each other. I do not think they are exploiting their children. They seem well adjusted and happy. They are a good solid family and I will watch the show as long as it is on. JMHO, Alison
  16. I loved Smurfs on Saturday mornings. Also, Scooby Doo it used to kind of scare me but I watched it anyhow. My kids couldn't watch Scooby either....it scares them. Alison
  17. I don't have a blog, so not doing 888 but I am currently readying The Gluten Free Girl I think we have some intolerances here. Trying to educate myself. Financial Peace Revisited Parenting with Love and Logic Audiobook Also reading w/ds Hugenot Garden, Door in the Wall Alison
  18. Well, if it makes you a bad homeschool mom then I think it would make me a bad homeschool mom. :p I feel the same way when ours is cancelled and I have already vowed we won't be doing another co-op for a good long time. Alison
  19. It's an oldie..but it is the first movie I ever cried at and I still do each time I see it....family friendly too. Savannah Smiles (((Hugs))) Alison
  20. My Dad had listed the creator of VeggieTales house....I think my Dad helped sell it but I can't remember at this time. When I was young we were on a small plane with the group Peter, Paul and Mary. About 12 years ago in the Vancouver, B.C. Airport we met Brian Denehey. I met Joey McIntyre from New Kids about 3 times. Don't know them though.... Alison
  21. We had a very similar situation happen back in the fall with our son. UGH..it wrenched my heart to the core.... We worked with Bsafeonline It is FABULOUS Thanks, Alison
  22. well, I guess I will just take my own lemons from now on..... EWWWWW Alison
  23. ((((Nancy)))) From one Michigander to another......The weather is absolutely horrible. I am glad to hear everyone is okay from the car accident. Hope you ds feels better...I know strep is at a high right now in our area. Try to stay warm....I will be thinking of you, Alison
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