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Everything posted by Mom2jnb

  1. We are in SW Michigan. I woke my dh up at around 5:30am and said....."Please quit shaking the bed....it is making the armoire rattle" He just looked at me dazed....It was all explained when I caught the news this morning. I remember us having one about 15 yrs ago too but I never felt it...just heard about others feeling it..... Alison
  2. Thank you again for all the ideas.....I am excited to try some of them for my family and then I think I will make a few for them and let them use them as needed. Thank you ladies!!!! Alison
  3. Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate all the great ideas..... I am sure they will be thrilled with them. Now I just have to make a decision. Thank you all again. Positive rep for all :) Alison
  4. You would answer these 8 questions for each child you are homeschooling: 1. Age 12 years 2. Grade 5th/6th 3. How many hours does the child spend on school work each day, on average? (don't count lunch or play time) 2 1/2 hours 4. What time does the child start and end school each day, usually? 8:30 -11:00am 5. How many hours does the child spend on math each day? 30 minutes 6. How many subjects is the child studying? (Count subjects that require at least 1/2 hour per day on average) 6 7. On a scale from 1-10 (with 1 being the lowest) how focused is the child during school time? 8 8. On a scale from 1-10 (with 1 being the lowest) how comfortable (quiet, well-lit, sufficient space, etc.) is the child's study space? 10 (he studies where he would like...assuming no tv, computer, etc is on
  5. Hi All, Here is the situation...my Uncle's BIL passed away last night, a week after a tragic accident. My Aunt and Uncle have asked if I could bring a meal or two to them. I have no problem with it...BUT here is the situation..... The have 14 kids...12 of them will be there with Mom and Dad during this meal. I need meal ideas.....They have been absolutely slammed with Mac and Cheese, Pizza, and spaghetti.....any ideas??? Thanks:bigear: Alison
  6. We took the plunge last year and purchased a *new to us* pop up camper. We absolutely love it. We were *tenters* for years so it was so nice to go camping and have things such as rain not have me up all night worrying my tent would be flooded in the am. Enjoy camping.....I hope you have many family memories with your new camper. Congrats!!! Alison
  7. I am reading A Yeare of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs; Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer Mr. Popper's Penguins with my dd and Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh with ds. Alison
  8. My situation is that I have a son that is severe ADHD. I will not allow him to take meds because for 2 years he did NOT grow AT ALL. The school system here was not the best for a child with these needs. Many, not all, of the educators blamed his behavior on parenting skills etc. My daughter had a fabulous Kdg teacher and she is with the most requested teacher in the district for 1st. I adore her teacher. She just does better at school. I want to pull her home I really do. I will definately pull her home by 5th grade. If she gets the teacher I am willing for her to have next year i will keep her in public school. If not, I will pull her out for 2nd. I believe you need to treat each child individually. Life cannot always be "equal". My daughter would love to stay home....but I believe a lot of that is the fact that she thinks it is all fun and games during the *school day*. You have to do what is best for your family. Do not worry about what others may think. You are in NO WAY a failure. HTH, Alison
  9. (((Crissy))) So sorry about your loss. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Alison
  10. I know that Todd Wilson from Family Man Ministries has one that says "Honk if you Homeschool" Alison
  11. Looks like Sola....... may sell PC. I think if you work with PC consultant they can make it right....even if you are past warranty. I know i had one break...(because I took a frozen pizza and put it in a hot oven) anyhow.....I just needed to find a piece with part of the PC logo on it......I love their stones and wouldn't trade them for anything. I would buy a new one if I had too. Sola....if you are a PC consultant please PM me. I would be happy to place my orders through you. :) I place an order about 1 time every 2 months or so not always huge but I know how every bit counts. :) Thanks, Alison
  12. There are a lot of sites out there. You will have to figure out what works best for you....also, many of them will link to other sites. Some of them that I frequent are: moneysavingmom.com afullcup.com vickysdeal.com frugalhacks.com itsmorethanenough.blogspot.com simplythrifty.com grocerycartchallenge.blogspot.com I will list more in a little while. I need to get the kiddos some lunch. Alison
  13. I saw here speak at the Cinncinati Homeschool Convention. I enjoyed what she had to share but she didn't speak very loud...even with the mic so it was a strain. Personally, if you have an option to by the CD's that is what I would do....at least you can turn the volume up and pause and play when you need to. JMHO, Alison
  14. I am fairly new here...(just here since Jan.'08 and lurked since fall on the old boards). But, I completely agree. I have really enjoyed everyone's input and opinions. Thanks to all. Alison
  15. I don't know what I would do buut I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you. (((Erica))) Alison
  16. Dh says he wishes everyone would mind their own business...heee heeee.:lol: He said that if you all realized my "love" for books you wouldn't be encouraging me. :) Love you all!!!!! Alison
  17. Beth, I think you may have just put NYC on the top of my vacation list. Not only do my dss' live only 30 minutes away but an 18 MILE bookstore....my dh just rolled his eyes but I am already planning. hee hee heee Alison
  18. Julpost, I am glad that you stood up for yourself. Good for you!!! You have done the right thing. Alison
  19. Thank you everyone..... Keep the ideas coming. I am going to start taking this seriously if I can do it in the evening and online. It would be wonderful transition when my children have *left the nest*. Thank you so much... Alison
  20. I enjoy "research". I research trips, family journeys, thoughts, topics etc. I think that becoming a librarian after my kids are grown and *gone* may be the career path for me. Do you know how to become a librarian? I have tried Googling librarian science degrees and I cannot figure it out. Maybe I am just not *clicking* tonight. Does anyone have any advice or experience..... TIA, Alison
  21. Hey Toni....tried to give you some more rep but it won't let me....I have to "spread it around" Anyhow, all you ladies have made me have a great day!!! Thank you, Alison
  22. We have a Pet Net in each child's room. It is essentially a triangular net that fits in the corner with screw hooks and they can put them there. they are out of the way but still accessible. I had one as a child and just found them again recently at organize dot com. Good luck....I am pretty sure stuffed animals increase exponentially like rabbits...... Alison
  23. Cancel the check!!!! Don't eat the meat....it may be BAD......Call the bank!!! Stop payment immediately!!! Please!!!! Alison
  24. Are you kidding me!? That is my dh and he told me we was completely devoted to me!!!!!! Darn....... Alison:lol:
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