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Everything posted by Danae

  1. If your homemade mashed potatoes have plenty of dairy they will freeze well and can be reheated in the microwave.
  2. I adore people who will do all the cleaning. I will make gourmet food anytime for anyone who will do the cleanup.
  3. I do think a big part of that is just that the expectations (and ability) to stay in close contact is so much higher. It's only been what, 18-ish years since unlimited phone minutes and no long distance charges has been a thing? Twenty years ago if you moved out of state a short phone call every other week and seeing family a few times a year (if within driving distance) or every few years (if you had to fly) was normal. If you didn't want to see or communicate with your relatives often it was fairly easy to just not without making a public point of it.
  4. I’m thinking you should have confirmed the plan to go to aunt’s house with your closer family before starting assigning them food. A group text of “aunt says we can have the big gathering at her house, everyone okay with that plan?” would have bypassed whatever the problem is.
  5. All the water and fat in the tissue is replaced by polymers: plastination. (Don’t click the link if you don’t want to know details.)
  6. On our last camping trip I made campfire eggplant parm (and lasagna for my non eggplant eater) and it was a huge hit. I made them at home in 9” foil pans, double wrapped them in heavy duty foil, and we buried them in the coals, like making foil packet dinners.
  7. Cook wild rice in chicken broth (follow package directions, but use both for the liquid). Sauté chopped onions and carrots in butter. Add just enough flour to soak up the butter, stir until no dry flour remains. Add milk and the rice with the broth it was cooked in and cooked chicken or ham. (To me, Minnesota wild rice soup means ham. Chicken wild rice soup has a higher portion of chicken broth vs milk and chicken meat instead of ham. ) edit: add slivered almonds with the carrots and onions if you want to be like Byerly’s.
  8. Your person is being an ass. I’m sorry.
  9. If you don’t want to just say celiac how about “It is similar to celiac. Even a tiny amount will make me very sick.”
  10. It both wasn't nice and is something that a confident and secure person wouldn't give a second thought to if the confident and secure person was familiar with this person. She's not trustworthy. She's not going to change, and you shouldn't count on any plans she seems to make panning out nor her being honest about the reasons when she backs out.
  11. There’s clearly other baggage or history here, because to me it reads as an innocuous compliment. The idea that it’s implying anything about his actual marriage or her sons-in-law seems to be reading a whole lot more into it than would be warranted in a normal conversation.
  12. Legalize. And I say that as someone who has never used a recreational drug, including alcohol, and probably never will. (Unless using booze to light fancy desserts on fire counts as recreation. Which it probably does.) I want stiff penalties for driving while impaired, whatever the substance involved, and for operating heavy equipment and the like. And strict enforcement of clean air act regulations. But possession or use in a safe location with safe transportation and not blowing smoke into non-consenting people’s airspace? Not my jam, but not my business; shouldn’t be illegal.
  13. Glasses or contacts from the moment I open my eyes in the morning until I set down my kindle after reading myself almost to sleep at night. Sometimes even after because if I fall asleep reading I'll wake up with my glasses still on.
  14. That's horrific in at least two ways. One that they clearly didn't see anything wrong with their scare stunt and two that they didn't know not to post videos of their daycare kids online.
  15. Zimsterne! They’re basically egg white, sugar, cinnamon, and ground almonds.
  16. Well darn. I was really hoping increased hand washing would be a permanent societal change. If it ends up rebounding to worse than pre-Covid levels that would really stink.
  17. If you make a less sugary dessert you can make a little banner on toothpicks that says happy anniversary instead of piping it.
  18. I would try to do waivers ahead if possible, but also have her sign a letter saying you have permission to travel with and transport her daughter within the United States, to sign on her behalf waivers for participation in recreational activities, and to make decisions regarding medical treatment if parents cannot be reached.
  19. If he has finished all the math that they offer would they work with you/him to find an option? Maybe do DE but call it an independent study supervised by one of their teachers? Or just do a straight up independent study class? I did that in high school . . . the math team coach supervised my class in “advanced topics” or something like that when I had a hole in my schedule.
  20. Yes, it’s different. Again, that’s my point. Not to you, but to anyone who is reading the thread looking for recommendations. Just because it’s an American Express card doesn’t mean it’s a no-carrying-a balance card. If you want that feature you have to get one of the cards that has it. Amex offers both kinds.
  21. I guess she or her editors thought "hey there are actually some upsides to being divorced" would attract fewer readers than "acting like you're divorced could save your marriage." I'm not sure it would have saved hers, since she says she left because she didn't want to be heterosexually monogamous. And she seems to be glossing over the obvious point that when you don't spend any of your free time with a spouse you have more of it to spend alone or with other friends. Giving up a hobby will also create more time to do something else. The question is always whether you'd rather do the something else, or the current thing.
  22. *shrug* I'm looking at my Delta Amex statement right now. The required minimum payment is 6% of the statement balance. That's for the whole statement and has nothing to do with travel or large purchases. There's nothing to turn on or off. Edit: the point I’m trying to make is that if you want the feature of not being able to carry a balance you need to specifically get a charge card, not a credit card. Amex offers both. You can’t turn off the ability to carry a balance on their credit cards. (Which obviously doesn’t mean you have to carry a balance.)
  23. We have two American Express cards (had one, and added a Delta airline card through Amex) and they both work just like any other credit card — you can pay the balance in full every month and not pay interest or carry it over and pay interest. I know that Amex used to be considered a charge card not a credit card and the minimum required payment was the full statement balance, but I don’t think that’s true for most of their cards anymore. I mean, obviously you want to pay the full statement balance anyway, but there’s nothing special about Amex in that respect.
  24. Yeah, we might like that, but it will absolutely not work for MIL. “Show you your options” is what we’re trying to avoid. Nested menus are too confusing.
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