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Everything posted by Danae

  1. Mary “B,” sister of Lazarus, may be Mary Magdalene according to the second half of the talk by Prof. Bass. Deliberately or inadvertently switched with Mary “A” in John (possibly) in order to reduce the importance of Mary Magdalene in the text.
  2. Nobody looked. Carefully preserved ancient documents don’t get eyeballs on them that often, and apparently none of the people who needed to look at that one were specifically looking at the handwriting in John 11. Digitizing means instead of a few dozen people looking at a document there can be thousands.
  3. Our sarcasm is deadpan enough people from other regions sometimes miss it.
  4. Because I’m a pedant . . . this is not a mistranslation; it’s an issue with the text in the original language. Also, woohoo for digitizing documents and getting more eyes on them!
  5. Nope. I’m from the Midwest. I don’t care what people know or don’t know about PA.
  6. If it weren’t for that tiny strip of Delaware that curves over the bay Pennsylvania would be touching the Atlantic Ocean.
  7. I’m confused by the current Friends revival, or attempt at revival. There was a big display of Friends themed kitsch at my local craft store, and T-shirts at Target (I think it was Target), but it seems to be a marketing push not anything I’ve seen a fan-based demand for.
  8. I would like to clarify that my “no” response was for eating it myself. Feeding it to elderly relatives is “Oh hell no.” I am aware that food doesn’t seem to be a major source of transmission, and I don’t fret about the possibility that people who have asymptomatic Covid and don’t know it may have prepared my food. But people who know they are Covid positive should be keeping their germs to themselves.
  9. I have not set up a sale myself, but I have friends that have. They recommend it.
  10. https://www.32auctions.com edit: you can set it for “buy now” at the price you want and/or have some items that are bid on.
  11. This! Be very clear, “I was hired for a position and a future plan that did not involve staffing the front desk. I was happy to fill in for a short time, but I am not willing to have my career redirected permanently.”
  12. In the future, don’t pick out stuff or offer suggestions. Don’t say that you will come pick up her box o’crap at a convenient time or suggest that she can drop it off or mail it. That buys into her frame that this is your stuff that she is holding for you and you are the one being inconsiderate. You are not!
  13. This particular article makes that point. It’s not a the entire planet will be destroyed doomsday idea. “The world ending” is always local and has happened many times for many civilizations throughout history.
  14. I mean, he’s right. You can’t reassure him that that’s not going to happen, because that’s exactly what’s going to happen. You can quibble over “left” and reassure him that he’s not being dumped or abandoned, but he’s never coming home to his previous home.
  15. This has never come up for us — in almost 16 years I don’t think there’s ever been a situation where my kids have ridden with anyone except their parents, grandparents, and one family that we carpooled with. Maybe their aunt a few times. Honestly, I’m kind of glad that the situation hasn’t come up where we’ve had to decide. I know it will as they move into driving age and they and their friends start getting licenses. DH works in traffic safety research, so we are more conservative on this issue than just about anyone I know. But I probably would have given permission to ride with a 20+ driver, if it was an adult that I generally think of as responsible. I definitely don’t think you did anything wrong, and the idea that this was impacted by or should impact custody is nonsense.
  16. I absolutely use it as a toaster, but we bought it to replace our toaster oven, which looks pretty much like it but a bit smaller. So everyone was used to making their toast in that style of appliance already.
  17. While I agree that it’s important to have legally distinct terminology, I think it’s the affidavit-homeschoolers who are going to need to use a more specific term. The idea that you can keep the word “homeschool” from being used to describe other people who are doing their schooling at home is fighting against people’s natural use of language.
  18. I never caught it when my teens had it, despite the fact that I accidentally switched masks and spent a day wearing the mask that the just-tested-positive child had been wearing that morning.
  19. OP, I’m going to say this bluntly, because you’ve said you have trouble sometimes knowing what a normal reaction would be with regard to your mom. WHAT ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH WERE YOU THINKING GIVING HER EVEN THE SLIGHTEST HINT OF A POSSIBILITY THAT YOUR GIRLS WOULD WORK FOR HER?!?!? No. You want to give her ZERO control over any of your lives and that means under no circumstances is she anyone’s EMPLOYER. The fact that her instructions are ridiculous doesn’t matter. How much she does or doesn’t want to pay doesn’t matter. This is a hard no, full stop, not gonna do it situation. Don’t get sucked in, and protect your kids.
  20. From the wastewater testing in my metro area 4 & 5 combined make up over 50% of the total sampled. 2.12.1 was dominant until about the middle of June. We tend to be behind the coasts, so I would guess your area is mostly 4&5 by now.
  21. Maybe think about why you feel you can only apologize for hurting her feelings, which you did not intentionally do, and not for boxing up her stuff without notice, which you did intentionally do.
  22. I know what you apologized for because you told us. In your first post and in this one, in great detail. Your question is whether you did anything wrong. My answer is yes, you did. You should not have emptied her drawers without telling her ahead of time that you were going to do so. Others obviously disagree.
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