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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. What happened to Tiner bios? Saw the strikeout as I scrolled after editing.
  2. Gas was as low as 4.08 in parts of GA when we drove through. 4.08, 4.09, 4.11 were the outliers in far south and far north areas. Most of the state was in the 4.30s but my part of FL was 4.80s the same week.
  3. They were all sandals, which we need tons of in Florida. But my little one got a pair of Walmart sneaks from someone recently and raved they were so light and comfy. They just were falling apart in 10 days because he is so rough. LOL
  4. Litter boxes are comforting in transition. That will stop. I voted Samson. Our grey males are Harvey and Oscar.
  5. Has anyone sold quality cleats at Play It Again Sports? I have 3 pair in great shape and little boy needs a new size for fall. Think trading 3 will net me a pair?
  6. Good morning. We are back from a 1000 mile round trip to see a newly-born family member. $210 in gas for that but worth it to see family. Walmart had tons of clearance when we got back. Literally 2 aisles of marked down shoes. 3 of us each got a pair for $1. Also needed some new bowls. Got 8 for 40c each. School supplies are trickling into stores so I picked up our favorite brands of pens, pencils, and erasers, and a fat stack of 35c spiral notebooks. We have been making an effort to be more creative in the kitchen to avoid getting food out. Buffalo chicken mac and cheese was a huge hit.
  7. For our king, we have Threshold and they are fine. Not the most luxurious but not at all bad. For the kids, we have Project 52. They are soft but a bit thin.
  8. Jog the memory when he denies having heard. "We were in the kitchen after dinner and when I told you, you said...."
  9. https://khankids.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4584616371739/
  10. How about Kahn Academy's summer camp program that starts today? It is listed for 3rd and up but the email I got said they had something for K-2 as well.
  11. My aunt has indefinitely postponed knee surgery because she started taking high doses of curcumin. I would definitely try it. I have used turmeric for inflammation for various medical issues, myself. I usually notice an effect in joints I didn't realize were bothering me (ankles/heels, and shoulders).
  12. We used and loved CLE LTR this year with my second child (and the first I taught to read). We did do about 60% of 100 Easy Lessons the year prior, so LTR was breezy. But no complaints and I would use it again.
  13. I only have two kids- 6th and 1st- and no one has ever spent an hour on math. Not even now doing Saxon Algebra. However, I do find it helpful many days to have them sit on either side of me at the table and both work on math at the same time. I keep both TMs in hand and take questions or give instruction simultaneously. If I am solving for y with big and little has a question, he might be instructed to do the next question while he waits for me. But otherwise it works well here. When I help a friend's kid, I have them all sit at the table and do math (6, 4, 1, K), and I just walk the perimeter of the table helping as needed.
  14. Morning. Kindy kid is doing his last math lesson of the school year (before evals), even though they'll both continue math and some other items through summer as we transition to year-round schooling. It's pointless to take a long break in summer in FL! Animals and gardens are done ✔ Breakfast done✔ Finishing school✔ Put away dry groceries✔ Balance budget Wash car today or tomorrow Work 1.5 hours minimum ✔2 hrs Laundry mountain✔ Scripture and prayer ✔
  15. Not everyone who I know to have had covid lost taste/smell, but their stories seem to be 50/50 first symptom or after effect.
  16. Morning. Hope the study gives you some answers @mom31257 We have all been down with a stomach thing. Trying to get back at it today. I need to clean house and catch up on paid work.
  17. The Old Mill restaurant has HUGE portions. For 7 people, you could probably order 4-5 meals to split and be absolutely stuffed. We also eat at least once per trip at the Apple Barn's restaurants (there are 2, with slightly different but mostly overlapping menus). Mel's Diner (tiny one behind the Publix, not the big one on the corner) is great but always packed. Old Dad's is good for sandwiches and such if you find yourself on the far side of Gatlinburg. It's a combo lunch counter and convenience/general store.
  18. The problem with "unique" is that it can mean special, or it can mean odd.
  19. Put a kitchen size trash can in the garage, put your litter bags in that, and just toss the single big bag on trash day.
  20. We bought from someone who has been selling 2 month birds for years. They did have an illness and purge in January but no problems since. It's a small family operation and they have a great reputation. We were going to wait for Golden Comets but I am glad we didn't. I didn't realize all their health issues as trade off for production. We picked up a few more Black Se×-links. Our favorite bird is a BSL and she has a great personality and production level. We have some buffs and austrolorps, as well. Our least fave so far has been Easter Egger.
  21. We picked up a few more pullets yesterday. The drive was longer than I planned for. So these birds are very $$$ but we should get a good 2-3 years of laying once they get acclimated. I did get a refund check for overpaid Rx a few months ago. 3 gallons of gas worth. 🤣
  22. I never have had fever with a UTI. It's usually pain or frequency.
  23. How old are the cars? We have 3 for $130/m, all are old (15y+), one is liability only.
  24. In addition to probiotics and yogurt, any fermented foods they can handle, even in small doses.
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