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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. PT actually ran its scheduled hour instead of hour and twenty like usual. So I guess I have no reason to put off the laundry. 🙄
  2. I had a major surgery recently and I feel like I knew who counted me as a true friend based largely on what they brought us to eat when I couldn't cook. That sounds silly but some people went out of their way to get stuff they knew we loved even if I had only mentioned it in passing once. I was kind of awestruck how specific a few people were, versus generic "oh yeah, they like pizza". I hope that I am that kind of helpful and considerate to others. That isn't to say I base my relationships on anything like that. It just struck me really deeply.
  3. Good morning. I am trying to really get myself back in the school year groove. We are past our week off for cleaning, past most of our travel, past most of our visitors, and back into math, reading, and Bible. Animals✔ Breakfast ✔ (egg and cheese croissants and fruit salad) Bible✔ Read aloud ✔ (The Family Under the Bridge) Math lessons✔ Grocery shop✔ Work 1.5 hours✔ Lunch✔ (pizzas) Dishes✔ Laundry Unpack Chewy order✔ Clean back porch✔ Check mail✔ Scripture✔ Prayer Dinner✔(prepped chicken salad and watermelon before appt) PT appt✔
  4. I will never forget hearing a story about a mom asking her kid to eat half his sandwich and him replying defiantly he would "only" eat 11 bites... which finished the whole thing. LoL
  5. Target has spiral notebooks listed for 75c... I paid 35c a week ago. Walmart beat them on Ticonderoga and Pink Pearl by 4-7c an item when I was shopping then. Target had the better price on Frixion pens because of a Circle deal. But the Target ad right now is sneaky because of the stuff like the notebooks.
  6. Lol someone once gave me trash bags of clothes they got from someone else. I kept 2 items and months later, wearing the sweater for the first time, I found a $20 in the pocket.
  7. Yes, many times and many different circumstances.
  8. My county has tried to overstep several times since we started 6 years ago. They keep trying to add regulations and even volunteer committees to police other parents. Go by the letter of the state law and just submit your eval annually. The SB has nothing to stand on when they ask for more. "Maintain" has already been established by the state law and Brenda Dickinson.
  9. Walmart surprised me recently with their options from their private brands. Seems there was every format I could dream up. Not sure which were masculine but it might be worth 10 minutes of browsing. I found one I love for under $5.
  10. Took the kids and a tagalong cousin out all day. 4.19/gal for gas. State park entry was $5. Packed lunch. Then creamery for cones was $18. We went to the museum and parking was $4. Pressed penny souvenir for cousin was 51c. Hit the art shop and found discounted pottery by a local artist so I paid $10 for 2 small bowls; one is mine and the other is a gift. $43 after tip for dinner with leftovers. We don't typically spend money like that but she's visiting from out of town and my kids needed to get out, too. Back to free fun for a while now.
  11. The group we lost to Covid had a great team that planned it all- weekly standing park play dates rotating through different area parks every two months, local free or cheap events that required RSVP, and more distant/more costly events that made more sense/were more cost effective to do as a group than just Mom+2 kids and required advance registration and payment. Plus a couple of holiday parties or crafting days.
  12. One librarian had a particular love for art so she would do a 5 minute lesson on an artist and show their works then we would do art inspired by it or in the same style. I don't have it in me to lead a class but know kids are routinely creating so I figured an art show is the next best thing.
  13. Our public library used to have monthly art classes free for all ages. It was 2pm for homeschoolers and PACKED. They quit due to covid and don't plan to restart it. So I have decided I am going to ask the local art gallery/supply shop hybrid if we can do a homeschool art show. I've got friends in various co-ops so we can advertise and coordinate easily. I am thinking 2 or so pieces of each kid's choosing, and preregistration to be sure we have display space. I am trying to establish a full proposal for her that she can tweak as necessary rather than be too vague on the idea.
  14. I'm sure your sister knows you well enough to not be offended. In the South, you'd be in more trouble if you didn't try to help.
  15. I used to think my emotions were pretty stable because I didn't cry easily even when faced with great grief. Now I think they are somehow blunted and I don't fully express the far ends of the spectrum. Just Sunday I was very moved by someone's story about their child and was all choked up but no tears came. I can count on one hand the number of times I have cried in the last, say, 3 years? And only twice sobbing.
  16. Got gas at Sam's for 4.23. I walked through a few places just browsing kids clothes. A lot has gone up suddenly, like just this week. Back to school clothing switch over has previously $4-5 tees going for $8 and up now. Even the clearance racks have stickers like 7.99 and 11.99 on items with MSRP of $16 that I paid $6 for on sale last season. I'm glad I stock up on dirt cheap deals all year long and we don't need "proper" or trendy school clothes.
  17. @Slache gotta say, I have acquired a few this year via Thriftbooks. Mine hasn't found them yet. But I gathered from other threads we had some similar styles/likes, so I was in a slight panic there was something wrong with them that I needed to be aware of or preread for. 🤣
  18. Hello. For logic, Fallacy Detective is popular at this age/stage. We are planning to use it this year for the first time. She could read it solo but I believe it is meant to be used together for conversation. Progeny Press is a literature guide company I love. They have dozens of titles. They are a Christian company and Biblical worldview plays a part in the analysis. I know Memoria Press also makes lit guides, but we have never used them. No help for coding but someone here will know!
  19. We got book 1 for $5 recently and my 6 year old is especially captivated. It is more apologetics, and I feel like it is largely beyond him, but he has a lot of questions and even some insight when we all read it.
  20. What happened to Tiner bios? Saw the strikeout as I scrolled after editing.
  21. Gas was as low as 4.08 in parts of GA when we drove through. 4.08, 4.09, 4.11 were the outliers in far south and far north areas. Most of the state was in the 4.30s but my part of FL was 4.80s the same week.
  22. They were all sandals, which we need tons of in Florida. But my little one got a pair of Walmart sneaks from someone recently and raved they were so light and comfy. They just were falling apart in 10 days because he is so rough. LOL
  23. Litter boxes are comforting in transition. That will stop. I voted Samson. Our grey males are Harvey and Oscar.
  24. Has anyone sold quality cleats at Play It Again Sports? I have 3 pair in great shape and little boy needs a new size for fall. Think trading 3 will net me a pair?
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