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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. My grandmother was 82 when she first tried sushi. She never planned to but did so at my request. She loved it. I don't think I'd like bungee jumping, escargot, or living in a big city.
  2. Muffin tins. When cooled, pop them all into a Ziplock or storage container.
  3. Does it have to be totally independent? I suppose Rod and Staff English could be independent if he is a proficient reader, but that is grammar only and you would have to add their spelling and handwriting if needed.
  4. Hello. Yesterday was all meetings and appointments so no list. Today: Breakfast✔ 3 tests between the kids✔✔✔ Work✔ Gardens✔ Groceries✔ Lunch✔ Dishes✔ Work out✔ Pray Scripture✔ Taco dinner
  5. I never knew leotards and one piece swimsuits weren't supposed to hurt until after college when a doctor said I had a very long torso. Then I realized all body parts came in various lengths.
  6. Short story: Mid-30s. I had hysterectomy late April, and kept ovaries. Dr is talking about possible hormone replacement/aid/supplementation at 4 month mark. She gave me progesterone to take now, but I haven't started yet. I don't know that I want/need to? I feel mostly stable, although I did have a noticeable shift in mood, skin, and weight at precisely day 14 post-op. Where do I start reading to educate myself before committing to anything? I am known for following rabbit trails and having analysis paralysis, but I also don't want to just take something because it's offered.
  7. Right? I took my oldest to EPCOT fall 2019 for Food Festival. Geography, cuisines, and line formation all in one field trip.
  8. Have you tried a variety of washable pads? I had like 40 from several brands. My fave were Yurtcraft on Etsy because I could customize size, absorbancy, and fabric. But ultimately Stayfree regular with wings disposables still got a lot of use. 🙂
  9. Just had a hysterectomy and gave away months and months worth of supplies to sisters and nieces so they are set. But I also had a cup and it wasn't terrible. I'd definitely get a cup and washable pads if I still had the need.
  10. We interrupted our plan with a trip to Sams and Target. They had those 10' inflatable pools half price, so I grabbed one at 17.50. Back to our regularly scheduled program.
  11. Morning. We've been up for a while, earlier than usual. Coffee, breakfast✔ Read (Revolution is Not a Dinner Party)✔ School✔ Work✔ Lunch✔ Garden work✔ Scripture✔ Prayer Shell pecans✔ Dinner✔ VBS✔
  12. They'll store for a few months in a cool, dark place away from onions. We make a beef and sweet potato hash that is pretty good.
  13. Hello again! I am back. Finally had my 6 (really 7) week post-op appt and am cleared to (mostly) return to normal activities. I do still have a 10# weight limit atleast through August. But I can work out and vacuum etc. Today's list... Breakfast ✔ Work 1 hour✔ Plan next week✔ Lunch✔ Check budget✔ File papers, post grades✔ Weed garden Paint last wall in boys' bedroom✔ Spaghetti for dinner✔
  14. I realize this thread is 2 years old and was just bumped. Just throwing in my experience... I got MLFLE for my oldest when he was starting grade 1, coming off Abeka k4 and k5 at a private school. This was the same time MB was taking on MLFLE as one of their titles. I bought it straight from O'Dell's website, where she explained that she created it for her daughter with dysgraphia (and possibly other diagnoses I don't recall). They don't tell anyone this now, presumably for sales reasons, which is a shame. Anyway, I did the placement test and ordered level 2 according to the results. It was painfully slow. About 40 lessons in, a day's math work meant something like tracing the numbers 20 to 29. We blew through it by month 4 and switched to CLE, which we love. After completing CLE 200, I retested him for MLFLE and he would have placed into level 5. At the end of first grade. It was bizarre. At that point, a friend with a child in upper elementary pulled her kid to HS. She got the same curriculum and LOVED it, but her daughter really struggled with math. It worked for them for a few years, but didn't fit our needs or preferences at all. I actually made a YouTube video about our math transition, which I later took down just because I deleted the channel. I got a lot of comments on it about how I just didn't understand MB or CM or whatever. That's when the floodgates opened on FB and any comments that were not GLOWING started getting deleted left and right. They don't even let you recommend BIBLES on their pages since they don't produce any and can't "verify" and recommend them. I jumped ship on all their pages because they were so shady. I try, when it comes up, to tell people whether I think it might or might not be what they need. I have a friend who is a single mom and has HS the last 2 years. She started with CLE because she knew both I and another friend liked it. But it was too much for her kids with her schedule, so she swapped to MB math and LA for year 2 based on the other person's rec. She regrets it because she feels it is too short and too light. She is ready to send them back to PS and busting her butt to get them "back on track". I also think we need to be specific when we talk about what part(s) of MB are "too light". Some products are their own, and others are reprints of older works. My personal philosophy is that we need a strong foundation in the 3 Rs, and elementary level science and social studies are for exposure and exploration, not expertise. I don't think that MLFLE OR LLFLE provide that strong foundation for the average child. I have seen them be helpful for kids with specific needs (as the math was intended), but overall, consider them weak. The other curriculum they sell in their "grade kits", if written by and for MB, are of similar caliber. Some of the items they are simply publishing in a new format are nice. However, they are shooting themselves in the foot with weird social media rules, so it turns me off of them as a brand.
  15. Steps away from the Old Mill restaurant, there is a blacksmith where you can forge a knife from a nail or railroad spike (depending on age/size/strength). You have to make an appointment pretty far in advance. Then walk a few doors down to have the leather sheath stamped with your initials for a few bucks.
  16. I don't have advice on the math, but does your state require you to register and teach the kindergartener this year? Can you wait until January or next fall or go straight to first grade if you needed to?
  17. The kids wanted bagels for breakfast. They are up to $5.29 for a regular brand bag of 5, cream cheese was $4.29. But the grocery store bakery had fresh 4 count packs BOGO at $2.99 and the store brand cream cheese on sale so I went that route. I'll regret not having Philadelphia tomorrow, I'm sure.
  18. My husband had that haircut in the mid to late 80s.
  19. I could eat meat 2-3 times a week and not mind. I don't usually crave meat. However, my mother's blood type is prime rib and my dad thinks it isn't a meal without meat. My husband and boys tend to agree with Pop.
  20. @prairiewindmomma I got an ELF lip color in Black Cherry that is a great dupe for Clinique BH and cost like $4.
  21. You don't say if he is oldest, youngest, or only. That might change my answer. However, when my oldest boy was 9, I made him a chart for what subjects needed to be covered each day and by what time, but let him choose which order he completed them. Subjects that required my help occasionally had to be shuffled as the events of the day dictated (don't ask mom to do your English oral drills while she is in the garden or on the phone), but he otherwise had freedom to do as he desired. Some days he wanted to get all the easy work out of the way immediately, and sometimes he trudged through harder stuff and saved "the best for last". Which is, when you think of it, how many of us approach our days.
  22. It's actually for an older family member who gets occasional underarm rashes. Desitin is the only thing that seems to work.
  23. Diaper rash cream is hard to find. I had to go to 4 stores.
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