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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. That's so cool. My little one would love something like that.
  2. @TheReader hope you get a quick resolution. That kind of thing would get me worked up for days. Is this a reoccurring thing if there is a designated... capturer? LoL
  3. Will go back to read. So busy I didn't have time to post. School, work, 100 errands, PT and more. Ready for bed soon. 😴
  4. $2 lunch packs for kids til Labor Day at Winn Dixie and SEG stores. https://www.winndixie.com/press/details/southeastern-grocers-launches-low-cost-meal-program-to-fight-child-hunger?DataSource={E8B9ED87-B73E-40F3-9E37-8CC0DD0B1F99}
  5. Did work and school, laundry and dishes. Skipped the library for a nap because I had a headache. Cleaning up the dinner mess now.
  6. Those were some of my primary symptoms of Lyme.
  7. A trip to Hawaii sounds very exciting @TravelingChris School Work Dishes Laundry Library Not sure what else....
  8. It's tax-free week for clothes here. Husband needed new work pants and we are at 6 pair for just about 100$ with sales now. Also found a pair of shorts for one of the boys on clearance at Old Navy for $1.47. Walgreens had various items 90% off, so I grabbed flushable wipes and feminine products to donate. One boy was begging for new shoes just because of commercials or something. We opened the shoe tub and found 2 pair of handmedowns so he was happy.
  9. Started the day by spilling coffee on my bed and (closed) laptop. I need to cut the boys' hair and then I have 4 appointments and will be gone all day. Have fun crossing off your lists. 🙂
  10. Good morning. We are year-round schooling now, but rolling in a few more subjects this week since so many fell off in June. So it's something of a first day here, even though we did math and reading all summer. Older boy is in charge of dinners for 2 weeks. We shopped the freezer and pantry and he made a meal plan. Tonight is pork tenderloin, green beans and IDK what else he had listed. School✔ Work✔ Prayer✔ Scripture✔ Laundry✔ Dishes✔ PT✔ Anything else is icing. (Painted toenails, watered garden, got to read, packed for tomorrow.)
  11. We used C or D with the oldest early in our home education. He liked that it was 'easy', but didn't feel there was enough practice in newer concepts. He also prefers routine, so the new concept every spread annoyed him. We switched to CLE, which prepared him well for Saxon. Then I used A for my youngest in Kinder. He liked the variety but blew through the book by November. At that point, I put him in CLE, too. I personally decided CTC MR is good for summer math or as a supplement, but it can't be a full program in our home. I am considering their algebra book for my oldest to use as a supplement when he needs a break from Saxon.
  12. My first thought was Xtramath but I can't recall if it is an app or not. It does cover all functions, and response time can be set to 2-6 seconds.
  13. DH's fam has done reunions for decades. Pics from 80s are soooo crowded. Pics from last 10 years are a small percentage of the earlier ones. First gen here was 9 kids. Current gens have 1-3.
  14. Morning. Ready to run here... Animals✔ PT✔ School lessons✔ Work 2 hours✔ Laundry✔ Scripture✔ Prayer Pack Head out of town
  15. For skincare, you might want to look into Acure. I have been using it for atleast 8 years, primarily the cream cleanser and argan oil. I have 3 younger sisters within 2-8 years of my age and my skin looks as good as or better than theirs.
  16. It was the early 80s so I assume things were very different then.
  17. That is frustrating @math teacher. Now I am curious how many Kate Dicamillo books there are. I believe I have read two. I just got a book from the library to read before I require my older boy to read it. Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations (I believe that is the full title). Drop kids at VBS✔ Animals✔ Work 2 hours✔ Dishes✔ Laundry✔ Garden✔ Work out✔ Scripture ✔ Prayer✔
  18. They removed them. Mine was for adenomyosis and extreme periods, but they found diffuse endometriosis during. Hers was younger than mine. I think she was 32.
  19. The L'Oreal mascara primer works well. People asked me if I wore falsies.
  20. My aunt's ovaries failed after a few months and she had a second surgery.
  21. My GYN isn't yet 60. She was a school teacher for a while, and medicine was her second act. I am unsure why she is retiring. I have no idea why my friend's Dr prescribes it to everyone. I am frustrated that I am probably going to have to find a new Dr since one is gone, and one doesn't give me any info. I am still waiting on the hormone numbers to be emailed. I know enough to know "in range" does not equal optimal, but I don't know much more beyond that.
  22. The Dr who did it said patients usually take several months to level out and she replaces/supplements for them. I was under the impression this was around the 6 week check, and that the beginning would be the most wonky. A friend who had one 5 years ago said her Dr supplements everyone, so it that kind of supported in my mind what my Dr said. The weight thing is usually my first sign things are off. I just about never fluctuate. Every time I have had noticeable weight gain, my thyroid or hormones have been off. Unfortunately, they didn't check thyroid at the same time with last draw.
  23. Yes, I kept both ovaries. I am 36. My weight was originally down 8#, then leveled out to down 3-4# from preop. I am now over preop weight despite working out again. Thank you for well wishes.
  24. I got zero notifications on this and had to search for it when I remembered I asked here. Thanks for your replies. I honestly have no clue why she gave me progesterone. I was told a blood check at 6 weeks. That didn't happen. They scheduled one for early August. Meanwhile, my endocrinologist is waiting for results to possibly tweak my Rx. I had my PCP do a panel when I saw her for a check-up. I don't have numbers because I am waiting on the email but got a phone call that "all was normal and there were no signs of menopause". I just hit the 3 month mark this week. I gained 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I am in PT for some related pain and bladder issues. I am wondering if I need to see someone more specialized about the hormones before I decide to use any at all. My GYN retires next month and the one who did the surgery seems pretty hands-off. Basically I am glad I am not bleeding profusely but I have a new host of issues to sort now.
  25. I have been using It Cosmetics brow power pencil for years and LOVE it.
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