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Everything posted by Hypatia.

  1. I have some experience with antidepressant meds & changes in personality. I'm not sure if it will be what you're looking for, but you're welcome to PM me. :)
  2. Others have already said let it go enough, so I won't repeat that. I just want to say that I do remember some hurtful things my mom (and especially my stepfather) said to me when I was a young teenager and I still remember how bad I felt. Like so many others have mentioned, it just made me dig my heels in deeper. I wish I had YouTube videos, or something similar, available when I was a teenager, it would have helped me learn how to put on makeup much better than I did. My mom never showed me how, so I was left to bumble about with that Maybelline blue eyeshadow on my own. Yeesh. I'm 38 and still find the YouTube makeup videos helpful.
  3. We have several Mac laptops, love them. I have a MacBook Air, DH has a slightly older MacBook Pro. We also still have several older Mac laptops (another Pro, black MacBook, and a couple that are several years older than that). They just keep on truckin' and the kids use them. They've taken much use and abuse, including being knocked off the couch several times when they were running. My toddlers have all thought the power cords were delicious. About a year ago DH also got a souped up PC laptop especially for gaming, for some of the games that needed a bit more than his Pro could do. He uses it for gaming but cusses at it frequently (and this is the guy that was a die-hard PC-only guy when we met.) I used a PC laptop for about a year between Macs and it wasn't for me. Hated it more than a college one night stand.
  4. I got one of these for my 3 year old before we went on a cross-country road trip last year. He has apraxia and was completely non-verbal at the time, I didn't want to travel thousands of miles with a kid who couldn't even tell you his name if he got separated (and he's a runner). I really liked it and he wore it all the time until about 2 months ago. My biggest complaint was that the engraving was easily scratched from normal wear & tear until it became illegible.
  5. I hate flyers, I already have enough crap to throw away without someone leaving more on my doorstep. I wouldn't ever think about calling the police about it, I just make sure to never do business with that company. Solicitors, on the other hand, I loathe.
  6. We live in a split level. Bedrooms (and 2 baths) upstairs. Family room, laundry room, and half-bath downstairs. Living room, dining room, and kitchen on the entry level. My biggest complaint is the lack of a bathroom on the entry level. Normally not an issue but when there is a potty training little one (and a baby prevents the convenient placement of a little potty), stomach virus, or morning sickness then going up or down a half-flight of stairs can sometimes take too long.
  7. If you don't have an up-to-date history then you may want to also ask about the TIG (tetanus immune globulin) if tetanus is an immediate concern.
  8. My x-MIL was notorious for picking things up from the side of the road. When I was in college, she showed up at our townhouse (we lived about 1.5 hours away) with a nasty, not-even-remotely clean, old toilet that she had picked up from beside the road and wanted us to put in our bathroom. :huh: Not a chance. She didn't understand why I wouldn't let the thing in my house and left in a huff.
  9. Our grey tabby Xena loves to play fetch. Her favorite toys are craft pom poms, preferably the small ones. The large ones she'll fetch once or twice and then massacre them in the hallway. She'll still use a toy mouse if she can find it, she dropped one on my face about 3 this morning.
  10. My kids have this strange fascination with umbrellas, probably because we never use them. I always laughed at socks and sandals, then I moved to WA. Now I wear them without blinking, and my Keen maryjanes & wool socks are standard for winter.
  11. Great! I switched from the Diva to the Lunette a couple months ago. The Diva was just a bit too long to be comfortable even with the stem completely cut off (though I did use it for many years before realizing there were other options). IIRC, the Lunette was a bit shorter and wider so I thought it would stay in place nicely and not leak as much as the Luna. I only got to try it for one cycle but I did like it.
  12. We ended up getting a used Siena. We had heard about too many issues with the Chrysler/Dodge vans to feel comfortable (for us) taking a chance, so a used Toyota worked best with our budget.
  13. Our house is on a concrete foundation, it has beige wood siding and green trim. I can knit some squares and send a few dollars to help with the shipping, I just need to figure out who to send it to. :grouphug: Rosie
  14. We take Nordic Naturals ProEFA and haven't had any problems with fish burps. DS1, DD1, and I take the adult size. DD2 and DS2 take the junior size and they just chew them up and swallow them, no complaints and DS2 always asks for his "yellow fish".
  15. I am so so sorry, I don't even have the words. Just know that you're in my thoughts.
  16. Diet soda, I have to have my caffeine. :leaving: We just refilled the CO2 canisters at home a few days ago, using dry ice. There was a tutorial on YouTube and it was really simple, the hardest part was the initial loosening of the top. It was much cheaper, and we had leftover dry ice to play with too. :D
  17. There was some kind of special on a few of the sale ones, the ones I bought ended up only being $0.09 and $0.40 each.
  18. My 9 year old just took over my old Kindle 2 last weekend. Right now he's reading some Star Wars novels from the library, we'll use it for other literature too.
  19. For me it's the hour (or two) right after I get up. I'm no longer a morning person (thanks to still getting up during the night), so I just need to sit there with caffeine and not have anybody talk to me for a while.
  20. I used to get a ton of wrong numbers when I first changed my cell phone number after moving to this state. "Hi Professor so-n-so, this is Joe, I'm *fake coughing* sick so I won't be able to make the exam today..." My favorites: "Hi Bob, this is Ted, letting you know that we'll be in your apartment next week for maintenance. We're planning on such-n-such day & time." "Hi Bob, Ted again, just reminding you we'll be there tomorrow afternoon." "Bob, this is Ted... we need to speak about some items that were present in your apartment..."
  21. "Do they all have the same dad?" Well, it's none of your business and it doesn't matter. :glare: DS1 & DD1 look very much like DH, DD2 and DS2 look more like me. I haven't gotten that question as much since DS3 was born since he looks more like a mix of both of us.
  22. Currently we have a middle of the road front load type, part of a Whirpool Duet set we got about 14 years ago. This weekend we have a new, huge, "holy crap, it costs HOW much?" LG washer & dryer set that will be delivered this weekend.
  23. When I'm going to bed at night I say "c'mon, who wants to go to bed?" to the cats and they trail me out of the family room and upstairs into the bedroom. DH just shakes his head and calls me "the pied piper of ** cats".
  24. I only have 5, but I'll go ahead an answer since mine may be a little different than some others. Neither DH or I are from large families. DH does have 3 siblings, but the youngest two are from his dad's 2nd marriage and they aren't very close since he was much older. I have one brother. We were only planning on 2 (hahahahaha), but surprises happen even when preventing. Yes, we do believe in birth control and use it, I think it's a wonderful thing (even though I'm having difficulties finding the one that works for me). When they see us out in town, I get a lot of assumptions that we are a religious, conservative family since we have several kids, DH was in the military, and we homeschool. Nope, I'm a bleeding heart tree-hugging liberal atheist, we just enjoy sex. I get a lot of "Don't you know what causes that? wink wink", and depending on my mood I'll give them an extremely frank answer that will hopefully stop them from asking that again. By far the oddest comment I've gotten was a lady that, after cooing over then-newborn DS3, said that I had been consorting with fairies. :huh: We just backed slowly away from the crazy. I do have what some would call a picky eater. She has sensory processing issues, no amount of "not acknowledging" them will make them go away. We work with them (if we're having shepherd's pie, for example, then we'll leave her meat, veggies, and potatoes separate and there's always plenty of carrots, apples, or other healthy things) and the other kids don't mind. Just because I do it for DD1 doesn't mean that all of them expect their food that way. With appointments, they usually all come along. We all have the same PCM at the local military hospital and he's used to seeing all the kids along. For dentist appointments I schedule them all at once. We have an awesome pediatric dentist and last time I just took all 5 kids in, I go in the small room with the younger two and the older 3 were out in the open bay area. I saw the same homebirth midwife for my last 4 births and all the kids were always there at each appointment. (I don't do internal exams, so that was never an issue.) The would sit and read or play on the iPad, and she would show the older ones how to take my blood pressure or let them listen to the heartbeat on the fetoscope. One of my close friends also has 5 kids. We'll watch each others kids for special occasions, appointments, emergencies, and we can each pick up the others' family if needed (after a car accident before). We do go out to eat all together, though I usually go out with my girlfriend and her 3 kids. So we'll roll into the local Red Robin or whatever with the 2 of us and 10 kids (or more if another friend is along), no big deal.
  25. To the cats, "her butt smells just the same as it did yesterday." :leaving:
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