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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. If I took them to a doctor, I'd go to a pediatric ears, nose and throat specialist. I decided a few years ago, after a bad experience....that when it's more than a simple check-up..it's to a specialist we go! Carrie:-)
  2. I believe that students had extensive Latin knowledge, which is how English grammar was learned, and also greek and I think maybe Hebrew and you were to learn to be fluent in at least the Latin and Greek before starting the University at ....14?? Carrie:-) PS, I'm going to order the 2nd edition of LCC, I've already read the 1st edition and I'm going to go this direction with my 5 year old. My 5th grader has gone another direction but at least she's going through Henle 1 right now which is according to schedule...She doesn't want to do Greek, so I'm not sure that I'll make her...
  3. For next year, I want Three Priests or whatever that group is. It's a group of 3 priests from Ireland, and I really liked them when I heard them on TV. Carrie:-)
  4. Cats can be gone for days and then come back. Keep hope:-) She'll be back... Have you moved lately? Carrie:-)
  5. This just sounds yummy! I'm happy for your kids...they are gonna have so much fun... Carrie:-)
  6. Sorry you're worried. My mom usually jokes about my worry and... if I stop with one worry...she says I must be worrying about what to worry about.... I have two children that are almost the same ages as yours...My first was with someone else as well. Unlike you, I *imagine* that I would love to be pregnant. We can't afford to adopt.... It'll be good! Third time's a charm! Carrie:-)
  7. Hi Sue, I read your link to your past post, I really appreciate your responses to this. When you say "SOTW" what does that mean you did besides the SOTW spine and extra suggested books? Thanks! Carrie :001_smile:
  8. Drawing and learning Maps during their Ancient History Cycles....Anyone have ideas?? Figured after Christmas, maybe there would be some more ideas:-)
  9. I'm glad to read this thread! My husband wanted to tell my son that he couldn't sleep with us until he stopped wetting his pull-up. I told him that it's developmental...and should really almost be a reversed thing...When he stops wetting...he should be in his own bed.... Yup, I know that at 5, most would say he's too old to be in our bed...that's another issue. He just really has the need to be with another person while sleeping, so when our olders are here...he sleeps with them...and when they're at their mom's...he sleeps with us. BUT, on the wetting thing.....my brother's son took some homeopathic meds that helped for a while. He's 8 now and I think he's still using pull-ups. I've heard that it's the pull-up thing that makes kids not wake up to go.... SO, it's good to hear of the cases where adults were wetting...all the way before pull-ups. It's also worth it to note, that I used cloth diapers until pull-ups..thinking that the pull-ups would only be needed for a few weeks/months..now 3 years later..... Anyway, Thanks for the thread...and if anyone has miracles....be sure and share! Carrie:-)
  10. Studies also show that later readers, typically have fewer eyesight problems:-) My homeschooled brother, didn't read until 7 yrs old. He caught up to grade level (and probably beyond) in 2 months. My daughter, in public school, didn't read well until I allowed her to read Harry Potter in 3rd grade. I don't count "reading" until it's like speaking. Who cares if a 1st grader can sound out words, but it takes forever? It's kinda like potty training....or anything else....will they be ok as an adult?? Will they put it on a resume?? I say, let them play with legos and listen to read alouds by you and on the cd player...with cds....You can listen to cds that are good for your mind.... and get the wiggles out too! Carrie:-)
  11. I was just thinking, you might send him for a week this year, and then tell him in May or June you'll discuss next year...Make no promises...BUT, just the week might make it so that when you discuss PS, he might change his mind.... Carrie:-)
  12. I have a 70 lb dog. SO, where did you get the Peticure one? Is it rechargeable or does it have a cord? I'm thinking that I could go through alot of batteries! Thanks! Carrie:-)
  13. Hi There, I have the memory book and the LCC book, but not the 2nd edition. Is it that different? Will the memory book be even more useable with it? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  14. My husband bought one of these machines for our dog's Christmas present this year. Does anyone have one of these that they successfully use? I saw some bad reviews, so I decided not to buy it, but buy a regular dremmel. But, he didn't know... It was a sweet present, but will it work?? Merry Christmas! Carrie:-)
  15. You can't purchase it anywhere besides lulu. Lulu is the publishing company. (for self-publishers) You may want to choose to do as I am, which is to cut the binding off and put it in a notebook with page protectors, or use pouch lamination and laminate it. I'm not sure which I'll do. I can purchase the pouches pretty inexpensively through OregonLam.com or the page protectors that have the part at the top so that the pages don't fall out. Carrie:-) PS, we are a Christian family, but I have looked through that pages and it looks like many sections would still be good for your memory work. Of course, the Latin has "religious" sections in it, as well as the Greek. Those are the two that would have most of the religious contents, except for parts that naturally have God in them due to actual recorded events.
  16. Sorry you're missing having a baby girl. You're young...it can happen... And there really are those..baby dropped in lap stories...So here's to it happening this next year! Carrie:-)
  17. I can't say that I have a child with diagnosed ADHD, but I do have a 5 year old that isn't still unless it's tv....and even then he's usually moving. I'm wondering if you took the pressure of "learning" for a while if that would help? Maybe just do lots of books on audio and jumping and bouncing on balls...Anyway, when I'm going crazy with my son, that's what I get him to do...play, play, play. When we're in the car, many to most times we are listening to cds. You know, like the Jim Weiss cds...whatever you would like to be reading to him.... At least in a car seat or whatever...they are usually restrained:-) I also have one of those bouncy things that he bounces through the house in...and I put one of those mini trampolines with the bars on the porch for him to jump on while he waits for me to open the door, or I can push him out on a cold day to get some energy out. Looking at him, we just don't do sit down activities, usually. We do attend a Classical Conversations group, which is 3 hours...once a week. I have to say, that he tries hard to be still and good. But, he has a certain amount of time that he can handle participating in class, and then he just leaves the class and comes to me. Maybe some think that's undisciplined, but I see it as him understanding how much time he can handle in a "classroom" situation. I also try to give him no corn syrup and only a small amount of sugar or sweeteners... There's a yahoo group called Healthyparenting that I joined that has good natural suggestions for all types of issues like this... Carrie:-)
  18. I am REALLY happy for you! It's an incredible feeling to give just the right gift...and have it appreciated; let along give two gifts that will mean so much. I still have my doll that my mom gave me when I was just over 10. Carrie:-)
  19. Could it be that the mail has been delayed? Let others be the ones to blow the whistle on Santa...That's what I'd do... Carrie:-)
  20. You can just call a diaper service and buy the amount you want from them. They are maybe $2 or $3 dollars a piece. You just need to know if you want the regular sized ones or the infant... I'd take regular. Wash them on hot 2-3 times and you're set. I've seen some great diapers with the fabric on them...they'll be adorable:-) Carrie:-) BTW, there are good Gerber diapers, but you have to get the diaper service quality ones, and yes...there are better cloth diapers out there:-) My favorite burp type diaper, was the square hemp diaper that I got as a sample. It was two layers of hemp serged. It was too thick to fold as a diaper, but perfect for a lap pad, or burp diaper...
  21. How sweet and unselfish! Thanks for the tears and smiles! Carrie:-)
  22. I have a feeling that you expect yourself to act differently when others are around. Maybe that's a reason why you just want it to be your nuclear family on Christmas Day?? I guess I'm weird. I see our family as an extension of a larger family...a branch on the tree. I want all of our family together....I'd even take my husband's mother...if she was able (she was here last Christmas) I guess it's how you perceive family structure. It's one of the things I don't like about our culture...how divided families are. Don't get me wrong, I understand that sometimes boundaries are fuzzy or overstepped....holidays are crazy times to have to decide how to get along with parents and inlaws.... For us, those people are the ones who would have our children if we died.... Good Luck! (and realize that I KNOW I don't understand how your extended family behaves....) Carrie:-)
  23. Hi There, I wouldn't necessarily want anyone teaching my son phonics without me.... But, I would explain to them what to say when my child points to "B"... you know..."I say "b" (the sound) softly." (You know how some teachers say "Buh" I'm doing a hybrid program:-) of the SWR and WRTR. I'm using Cursive First, because I'm sold on the fact that it's better for children to do the strokes in cursive, and historically, that's how children were taught. But, for school with your mom, there are so many extra great books that you could have her read, if she likes to read out loud. My son will read Sir Cumference and the .....(there are many books about him and his family..it's math oriented.) They are by Cindy Neuschwander. Also, we have Greg Tang's books and Paul Giganti. I just log into the library, order the books and pick them up. My son know all the sounds, some of the two letter phonograms and can sound out a word in his head, and he's still not ready to write or read. He was 5 in July. Anyway, at those ages, I'd just have lots of books that are really good books....and lots of art supplies. (I love some of the Waldorf supplies, like beeswax colors, they are so smooth and totally a different feel than the normal plastic crayons, and even beeswax to mold in your hand. If money isn't an object, there are a ton of educational things you can purchase to help your child learn without worrying about them being "schooled" on those other days... Just a thought:-) Carrie:-)
  24. Ability wise, I'm sure that most any homeschooled kid could pass the test:-) I don't think you have to worry. Scheduling the test may be different. Carrie:-)
  25. I saw the suggestion of cutting the binding off and placing this in a notebook. I think I'll do this and use page protectors, or maybe laminate in thin pocket laminating pouches ( oregonlam.com ) and put it in a notebook! Thanks for the idea. (and of course use something like post-it tabs for the different sections) Carrie:-)
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