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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I ordered it media mail, on the first day that it was talked about on here...and I live in Oregon. Carrie:-)
  2. :001_huh:<Bump> I know that some people in Sweden must homeschool. Right?? :lurk5:
  3. Any Swedish Homeschoolers out there? I have a guest from Sweden and we were talking about it...he doesn't know any. Carrie:-)
  4. My friend has her daughter in PS and I can say that as I look at their experiences, I am trying to make sure I don't repeat them. Her daughter is able to go off campus during lunch or leave and not attend classes, and only later (if she's the one that gets the call) know that she skipped. It just leaves too much room for things to happen, if your child leans towards getting in some trouble. Her daughter is now "put on restriction" and with her all the time....(except school time) and that's just not where I want to be. SO, I don't ever expect my daughter to be in public school. By the time she's 17, I want to be "letting her fly" instead of scared of what I've allowed to happen. Of course, the fact that I live down the street from the PS highschool and have seen all the kids every day for 7 years, reminds me that no child I have custody of, will ever voluntarily spend their day there. (maybe 1-2 classes...) I am part of the Classical Conversations community that is happening in Salem; there is also another group that is starting for next year for jr high/ highschool students. If you want to know about either of these, you're welcome to pm me:-) Also, there are First Class co-ops opening all over. I've heard that the book about TJ education is great to read (I mean, for her:-) I also plan on having my oldest read the Bludorn's book on Teaching the Trivium. Not that she will truly grasp it now, although she may, but so that she will understand what I want for her. My 5th grader, although she wasn't sure about being totally homeschooled (this is her first full-time hs year) wouldn't trade getting up and going to school for anything. She might miss the field trips, but not much else. My 11th grader just decided to get out of PS and be homeschooled... (she's doing some classes at PS and the rest at the homeschool group.) If you are close enough for CC, you could come and see what a class is like... Carrie:-)
  5. Oh, well, I'm having the children draw and memorize the maps, during their study of Ancient History. The maps that I have, aren't so clear, and I'm wanting to gather other people's opinions of whatever maps they study during their History Cycles. I'm looking for clear maps that are accurate. I also would welcome ideas as to how they teach their children the different locations on the maps..and how they differentiate between ancient and modern names for places. Carrie:-)
  6. I'm not sure what options are around for everyone else, but if it were up to me, we'd probably attend something like a PCA church or one of the other conservative minded Reformed churches. I don't believe in a couple of "their" beliefs, on the other hand, they tend to be "Christ-centered" family first...around here...homeschooling families. (and they believe education...Christian education both in the home and church...is important:-) Just a thought.... Carrie:-)
  7. Hey Oregonians, I'm suppose to be driving Caley to the PDX airport tomorrow am (plane leaves at 9am), so I'll be leaving at 5:30am or so....as long as Northwest is having flights...I hope it's not too bad! Carrie:-)
  8. Yup, We buy our milk raw for $4 a gallon, our eggs for $4 a dozen, and meat...well, next year I'm working on that! When I get my freezer I'll buy our own side of beef. Our eggs are from a farm where the chickens run around playing with the 5 year old...(or at least getting chased from the 5 yr old) The have a great farm dog to run with them too! (and the dog gets to sleep inside at night) Carrie:-)
  9. Bump... Has anyone used the Veritas Press' Classroom Maps? Carrie:-)
  10. YES! I don't want to be caught off guard by something like my daughter having "Text S*x" My friend just realized that her daughter was doing all kinds of stuff with her texting and calls. You tend to feel more comfortable saying stuff on the phone or imming. I've gone through and looked at my daughter's texting, and my other daughter's bio dad just informed me that he got her a cell phone for Christmas. URGH! I saw someone say that their children's phones had to be charging in the parent's bedroom at night. I think we'll do that, too. Carrie:-)
  11. :grouphug: I'm SO sorry that you're going through this! It's a journey no one would sign up for...I've had lots of very close family go through similar and I feel lots for you! Make your life as simple as possible...realize kids can do (and want to do) more than you think they can.... And...talking about you and all of the family life situations is much more important for their total health than school...not that school isn't important. I'm sure that your friend is going to realize that you need to be helped..more than help right now.... I'm SOSOSOSOSO sorry...and I wish that we were close...cuz even though I don't know you...I'd be there :crying: :sad: I can't wait for the day when you post that you've made it through and tell us good things about how it went..... Till then...keep the board posted...I'm pretty sure everyone feels for you! Carrie :-)
  12. Too bad our kids can't be friends! My son would die rather than eat meatloaf. My mom tried to make sure that she set my son up to eat....here's a (....can't remember what)....eat it and you get dessert. He chose not to eat at all...Even that perturbed me. I mean..since when does someone else decides what your child eats???? Crazy!! Carrie:-)
  13. Things to "be" a knight? Wood or nerf swords, playsilks or material cut like "capes" My mom made my son the caped and the other things that go with being a knight....or whatever else he likes to imagine. That's the BEST kinda kid...one who uses his imagination:-) Carrie:-)
  14. This abacus has one "heavenly bead" and then beads underneath. My husband worked through the first book and he's excited. It has one book to use for each year and then a workbook,too. It also teaches you from the beginning to visualize the beads so that children use to "do the abacus" in their heads which helps with mental calculations. (In years one & two they do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.) Carrie:-)
  15. Did you see the case (I believe it was around or in Oregon) where the dad was charged with a crime? He had at least had one beer and pulled his child around behind him (with his Truck?) and she went flying off into a brick wall and died. No harm was meant....but.... I tend to be horribly paranoid...I still have my 5 year old in a car seat....and don't like my children being driven by anyone but my husband and me.... Oh well...everything's dangerous...if someone gets hurt... Carrie:-)
  16. I loved the finger with a bow! I thought, "Wow, no need for a publisher, here! He can do his own covers(and hopefully editing), and it looks great!" And of course, we'll do your advertising! As for price, although I'm sure it could command a more expensive price, $25 plus shipping is what I could afford. I'm not sure if it was $50+ shipping if we could all just press the button to pay. I mean, $25 is only 2.5 lbs of coffee:-) I'm thankful for the low price and I hope you are getting a large chunk of that $$$. At least this way, people won't think you have an unlimited amount of books that you receive free! :-) Seems everyone thinks that when you write a book you have a whole shelf of them to give away! :-) Carrie:-)
  17. Break down and do some bleach(in your washer with the towels). Also, wipe your dryer with some vinegar, soak one of your towels in vinegar and dry in dryer till it's very dry(don't make it drippy..just normal "wet"). This has helped me....also...check the dryer's hose to make sure no mold or any clothes (socks etc...) are in there... Carrie:-)
  18. My mom always makes all her delivery people fresh home-ground whole wheat bread. She also has made her dentists and other people bread. When she wanted to go to this one dentist who had won some award for best dentistry here...she made him bread every (week?) so often until he went from..."we're full" to "you're welcome to come:-)" She makes it look professional, so maybe that helps...She's cleaner than any bakery I've ever worked at or have seen:-) Carrie:-)
  19. My husband I and were just talking about how it'd be great to do a map and "project" it on the wall at our homeschool group (and at home!), so if I were you...that's one of the ways I would use it...you can use a decent white sheet for the wall:-) Carrie:-)
  20. Hi There :) I'm looking for everyone's favorite Ancient History Maps and also curriculum. (and if you know you can copy for your co-op's classroom, that's a bonus!) I'm also looking for suggestions on how you memorize areas so that your child doesn't get confused with the Modern Name for the spots you're studying. I also welcome suggestions for audio cds or dvds about the subjects. I have students from ages 4-12 so if you know what levels it covers, that's great, too. Thanks! Carrie
  21. Will it be easier for her to work on it now, than in two years? Does she want to go to college? I've known one family with a child who had issues (not to get specific) that I wonder why they don't send her to something. My conclusion is that they aren't worried about her moving on... (Maybe they plan on her living at home for life?) Is she planning to go to a small college? Our Christian College, in my opinion, was out of control. I would have preferred a small, quiet atmosphere and living at home. My parents made me live in the dorm. I HATED it and didn't finish.(not the only problem, though) Anyway, I would think that if you let her finish at home and then find a serious learning atmosphere, it would help here. Also, does she have an idea of what type of career she wants? (It won't/can't ever be as bad as middle/high school) You don't have to have a LD to hate being in chaos. Everytime I go to my step-daughters middle school, I feel as though I've walked into a room of roaches buzzing around me. It's chaotic and just makes me want to run fast...(Ok, perhaps I have something??) I just can't stand all the teen girls running around.....I really don't like it....(And the highschool is worse!) Carrie:-)
  22. Just have your brother throw on a chicken breast when he's cooking the pork? And sides....she 'll eat something:-) Sounds like I'm talking about my 5 year old:-) Of course, I don't eat pork, either...but that's another story:-) Carrie:-)
  23. Also, though, since the op has such young children...do you really have to decide on your whole math career, even through grammar school? I have a 5 year old who I have decided to do math with only manipulatives, so far. Even if I had a math book like Saxon, I'd be the one looking at the book...and he'd be doing problems with manipulatives. I just received my abacus and 4 books from Nurtureminds.com I purchased an extra abacus so that I could teach my 5th grader, too. This included years 1 and 2 along with 2 workbooks for those years. These work from the beginning all the way up to division. I also have cuisinaire rods and the Unifix cubes. So, I have spent my money on these activities for my son and in 4th or 5th grade he'll hopefully have his math foundation and we'll move on to whatever else we choose to do. (This is kinda my version of the Bludorn's take on math) Carrie:-)
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