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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. She's 10:-) I've read all the threads for a few months, and I'm still trying to decide what to do between now (when she's almost done with the Decimals and Percentages) and when we do Pre Algebra. One of my questions is: What are the requirements for being able to start Pre-Algebra? (Wouldn't mind having some games to play to help....) Is there a scope-and-sequence that I should have for what you need to be able to do?? I mean, if you pass the LOF Decimals/Percentages test, then you go on?? I've been looking for a math program that we can either do together, or one that she can read and do by herself. (I don't want TT) I want a math that will teach/ explain the theory of math as she's doing it. I really would prefer something that's not a DVD, but wouldn't hold that against a program, if it's the best. She's only 10, so I'm fine with doing something from now - September that is "just getting ready" for Pre-Algebra. (Hoping for Pre-Algebra for 6th, Algebra for 7th, Algebra for 8th, Geometry for 9th, Pre-Calculus for 10th, and then??? after that for the last two years. Will depend on her desires and how she sticks to my time table.) Thanks! Carrie:-)
  2. Do you have room for a dog crate? I think the dogs should be fine with a dog crate, how much is it to ship the cat? I'd also want to keep it indoors for awhile after I moved, though, to get it use to the new place. Even though it's never gone in a litter box before, I'd put one in the garage or something to see if I could kind of force it to....When we moved from Tx, I had to get my cat some hairball meds to make it go, and locked it in the bathroom of the hotel we stayed at...it finally went. (I put a leash on the cat at rest stops, kinda funny since she would just slink when she crawled...) Good Luck! Carrie PS. Is your dog good at walking? I'd get a pinch collar and have someone teach me how to use it. It worked on my 65lb dog...and the 2 or 3 other dogs I've tried it on...right away. You don't just have them pull you, I really just had to pop it a couple of times. It would make letting the dog out, much easier. If you want it to get some exercise, you can get lead leashes that are 30ft long? for pretty cheap at many places. I think I bought mine at the hunting section of Joe's.
  3. :grouphug: I just hope that her dad doesn't know...or pretends not to...until she's at least in Highschool, that's only a coupld of years away! I really don't want to deal with it. I know she's getting a good education, and better than she would if she was in public school. Carrie:-)
  4. No grains, you eat/feed less, and they lose weight. This works whether you do raw or good dog food:-) Try it for 2-3 months and you'll see the evidence. If he's overweight, you do the 2% of the ideal body weight. You just kinda feel their back to see how their weight is doing. Carrie:-) Exactly Kris, I hear in Scotland they give oatmeal to the working dogs so they can keep the weight on.....
  5. I've read all the threads for a few months, and I'm still trying to decide what to do between now (when she's almost done with the Decimals and Percentages) and when we do Pre Algebra. One of my questions is: What are the requirements for being able to start Pre-Algebra? (Wouldn't mind having some games to play to help....) Is there a scope-and-sequence that I should have for what you need to be able to do?? I mean, if you pass the LOF Decimals/Percentages test, then you go on?? I've been looking for a math program that we can either do together, or one that she can read and do by herself. (I don't want TT) I want a math that will teach/ explain the theory of math as she's doing it. I really would prefer something that's not a DVD, but wouldn't hold that against a program, if it's the best. She's only 10, so I'm fine with doing something from now - September that is "just getting ready" for Pre-Algebra. (Hoping for Pre-Algebra for 6th, Algebra for 7th, Algebra for 8th, Geometry for 9th, Pre-Calculus for 10th, and then??? after that for the last two years. Will depend on her desires and how she sticks to my time table.) Thanks! Carrie:-)
  6. Is it a really sweet Christian school? Because if it's public, don't expect that it's gonna give her access to friends. I really love our small Classical Conversations' group. Next year, could she do the Omnibus in a real life group? This has been the best group of nice kids that I've seen....it's the kind of group that would be special to attend. PS, after her attending all of her life in the same system...has provided one kinda good friend. It's hard to build good friendships for her. (What am I talking about, it's hard to have good friends, for me, too)
  7. I feel for you as I have one bio child who just finds it hard to tell the truth. With our youngest bio one, my husband really wanted to nip it in the bud...so, before he would ask about something, he would set them up for telling the truth. Remember, telling the truth is the MOST important part, think about the truth for a moment...THEN...tell me....What happened? This worked for him. With my first step-daughter, the first time she lied, she was 6(she's older than both of my bios) and got no sweets the whole wknd during family camp. She's 13 and I haven't seen her lie since then. Lying is hard, because we all know someone who lies like they're telling the day of the week. You can't tell when they are lying or not...because the cease to think of it as wrong. I've had a friend and a family member that you just never knew when they were telling you the truth. You just got use to fairy tales. Carrie:-)
  8. For kibble, I fed Taste of the Wild with no grain, for my favorite...and the one that makes my dog's tail wag....I suggest reading about Meat! When I went to the Wild life place, right before I started this, I looked at it and realized...dogs eat meat. His teeth are great, his eyes are looking good, it's great! Check out some books; first week is kinda weird...now it's totally normal! Price wise, I pay almost the same as what I use to pay. I can get all the organ meats for 99 cents a lb. (hearts and kidneys of sheep and cow, and I expect to ask all my friends who buy meat by the cow or hunt...for their organs this coming season) Your dog eats between 2%-3% of their body weight. All my dog eats is the muscle organs, a bit of liver and some raw bones....(safe ones) Also, I rotate the above with raw chickens, cut into quarters. Oh, and if I want I crack some eggs for him (about 6) It's a bit crazy to wrap your brain around...but if eating this way would kill a dog...there'd be a ton of dead dogs...My dog enjoys crunching on carrots and such. I do clean up where I'm cutting the chicken up and such...just as I would if I was preparing it for our dinner, and I feed my dog in the bathtub, so I can just quick clean it up. It took feeding him maybe 3-4 times before he was trained to stay in the bathtub.... And no, I'm not nervous about salmonella, he licks himself...and it's cleaner than the other things he'd eat if given a chance:-) This takes an average of 2 minutes a day. (Yes, I know others disagree.... I'm use to most of my choices having the disagreeing thing going on...) Carrie:-)
  9. :grouphug: If it makes you feel better, all of us have to eat something like crow...often. Luckily, chocolate chip cookies from Great Harvest, or something similar helps you and the people that are the ones who are making you eat crow...And, of course, remember....you deserve a cookie after a bird! Carrie:-)
  10. And I would say...no...about the baby shampoo...but yes to either goat's milk fresh squeezed...or breast milk squirted right in the eye...or in a container and then dropped in the eye. We had a whole discussion online on another online about the alternatives...and....well..some feel comfortable with the ingredients of the baby shampoo (like Johnson's) but I wouldn't. Carrie:-0
  11. DO you have an open MRI place available? I think that there is such a thing.... Carrie:-)
  12. My children did this with my mom and the dvds to watch. She wouldn't have chosen to not have the dvd help. It was actually so good that she said they could have gone from LCI to Henle. (They've done through Henle Unit 2, and this is how she feels so far). She only wishes that they had done the lessons for Henle, too. I know they have the Beta....but ,my mom wants to do Henle... Carrie:-)
  13. I'd read the book about peacemaking. I'd try to go at is as a win-win situation. Love and Logic with an adult...might work...."Bummer, what can we do to both be happy?" and then don't talk until after he says something....which technically means he's basically going to lose...cuz first person to break the silence...kinda loses...EXCEPT if he's actually willing to offer a solution. It's kinda turning the situation back on him...SO, either the Peacemaker's book...or try doing the "Bummer" and quiet thing is what I'd try. Carrie:-)
  14. Hey Pam, So, you're Catholic? When my mom gets stuck on Latin,(she's doing Henle, after finishing LCi and II), she calls our local Abbey. She asked this last time, if lay people are allowed to take Latin there. Taking Latin will really make his brain work, too. My kids kinda fuss about it, but they do it.... My 10 year old jokes that she's gonna marry someone who took Latin while homeschooled and speak it to her children as their mother tongue. It could be the homeschool "secret language." Anyway, Priests and such seem to find true joy when they hear that homeschoolers/private schoolers are taking Latin and other Ancient Languages. Maybe you can find a kindred Priest, too. It's great that you have vicars to talk with your son, these are men in training? It might also be kinda fun to hear someone fluently read Greek, for your son.... Let us know of your progress, as your son adjusts to this new workload. Carrie:-)
  15. Is the baby being fed on demand? or by a schedule? This would be part of if I would worry.... Carrie:-)
  16. From Carrie:-) Sorry that I sounded harsh about the language. I didn't mean to sound like I was getting down on you about being in Elementary Greek, I was trying to let you know that I'd concentrate on the languages, because I hear that languages really aren't always taught in Seminary now. Also, because that is his area of desire for serving, that while he's young...it's a great time to learn a couple. I believe that in 4 years...that's plenty of time to learn Latin and at least one other language...and perhaps even be exposed to another. 3-4 years is alot of time for a student that is serious....especially if he's self motivated about it. If you were in OR, I'd have my dad encourage him! He loves to encourage new students in languages..and general:-) Carrie:-)
  17. Get online, reserve your books ahead of time...and just go by the front desk to pick-up. I only have 2 children to take with me....and I'd rather wait till my husband comes home! Carrie:-) On the serious side, I use to take 4 children places when I was 17...and rules...repeating before you get out. "I stay with Mommy (or Carrie, for me), I put my hands in my pockets, I don't touch until I ask, If I don't obey, I don't get to.....for the rest of the day etc..." And, if they aren't behaved...have your husband go back and practice with them. You be the one going...he's shadowing to "teach/train" them how to act for Mama.:-)
  18. How many hours of work would this be? I'd say that the language should be at least a minimum of what you've put for Greek. I'd want him learning Latin and Hebrew, too. My father, who has his degree in Theology (and one in Law) started learning by himself. He's kinda crazy.:-) After talking about what he did in highschool...and comparing it to what is considered a true classical education, I realize that he gave himself as close as he could...to a classical education. NOW, some will tell you that Pastors don't need to know Greek and Hebrew, but to me, I've never respected pastors that haven't taken the time to learn the original languages...as much as I have those who have studied. Could you get a really educated Man to mentor him, so that he at least sees where he can be going? Try pastors, including...maybe especially... retired ones. Ones who went to Seminary a long time ago would be my pick! This is what I'd have him doing: chores (clean main bathroom, vacuum living room, basic grooming, general bedroom straightening) devotions/prayers two sections of Elementary Greek I (I told you I was being transparent about how behind we are in school) four pages of reading in Apologia Biology, associated vocabulary, and one experiment write one paragraph about something you read today algebra I with VT algebra (he's in Unit C) I'd have him check out books on audio when possible, too, to save on the reading.... And...the bottom part, I'd have him do until "school time" was over. For a 15 year old, I would think that he should be doing about 6-8 hrs of school work a day. Carrie:-) Who has a 16 year old....
  19. Hi Christina and all:-) Yes, I have custody, but I really don't want it to come to court. SO, he hasn't been told. Yes, he would owe me more $$$ if we went to court, but I might have to send her to his house more... Right now she goes 3 times a year, for 2 wks. She likes to go, but he already makes comments about her 2 siblings being SO smart....and her 7 yr old brother being smarter. It's not like she's stupid. She's pretty smart, but he'll ask her obscure questions...and this is with him thinking she's in PS. I can only imagine if he knew that I was homeschooling her. Carrie;-)
  20. You could say that your husband and you have realized you're so able to do childcare, that you've decided to look for some. You figure that you could make "you fill in the blank" a day, or you could start doing official childcare for them. Carrie:-)
  21. You can get math books from the library. With our library, we can just hop online and reserve the books. You just go and get the books from the front desk. This works well because you can pick-up the books that are from your local library as well as the ones they have to get on inter-library loan. I read lots of Greg Tang's and Cindy Neuschwander's books. (Sir Cumference books) There are whole groups that you can gather lists of Living Books including math books.You can use alot of math manipulatives that you gather from around the house. At 7, with the library, you should be able to do it free:-) Carrie:-)
  22. Local Newpaper, or another printing shop. I went to the local printing company, because their paper is nicer. Mention that it's for education; I received my rolls for free. (Normal would be $4-$8 an "end roll") Carrie:-)
  23. Hi There, My 5 year old loves singing chants/songs and so I'm looking for the "best" cd for him to learn basic Latin grammar and other Latin basics. Any suggestions?:)
  24. I've bought some of their books; what I don't like is reading the author's opinions on his website. He comes off as a little cocky to me about his opinions on things like vaccinations. Since many homeschoolers think for themselves about issues, whether they decide to vaccinate or not, I don't think that he should come off as he does..... Oh well, the books look good...
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