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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'd be SO happy to not have fluoride in our water! If I wanted my child to have flouride, I'd use it in his toothpaste and have it at check-ups. That's more....more....more...than enough. Do you have a pediatric dentist? I don't have a huge problem with my child having it on their teeth, but I consider it poison for their body.....I can't afford a whole water purifier right now, but one of the hugest things I was upset about our fridge water was the first purifiers for it filtered out fluoride and then the "improved" ones...don't. Carrie:-)
  2. I like my side by side. We bought it in the back for less, because there was a scratch on the side. It has a ice machine and water in the door. Much better than the old one I had! Carrie:-)
  3. For my daughter, she does Ballet twice a week, and Latin with her sisters and another Mom and her daughter...at my mom's, we also do a once a week Classical Conversations program....and on the day that she does Latin...she spends that whole day with my mom doing Latin, playing some games and doing Home Making skills like Baking bread and cookies. So, basically we have 3 school days at home that we use for History, writing and homework from her CC classes. Carrie:-)
  4. Is it the type of education choices that you would make, but just not the particular programs? Have your children made true blue friends? To me, that'd be worth alot! Since we moved around when I was young, I only have one friend from childhood, that I don't often see, so in a way, we've been....penpals for 20 years. Not the same as having real friends (although I am glad that I have her!) While family is MOST important, friends are, too! Of course, we're in a once a week program, and my daughter was so sweet the other day. She said, "I finally have real friends." It just made me want to cry. And so, I guess I couldn't think of pulling her out. I'll find time for the other school I want us to do. Ours is 24 weeks a year, so we still have half of the time to do the other stuff. Carrie:-)
  5. I always like reading your posts! Get well quickly and happy reading! Carrie:-)
  6. We live in a 2300 square foot house + a basement....For the living part of our house, we use a wood stove. At night, if it's really cold, we use our electric heat. Our electric is between $250-$350 a month. We were doing really good on our per month bill, until this cold December! Carrie:-)
  7. I'm looking for a song of the periodic table in the order of the table, not alphabetical. Does anyone have one to recommend? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  8. Hey There, I feel for you about doing things without nuts. Even if the item is made without nuts, if he's really allergic, it seems like everything is made on the same equipment. If he's ok with sunflowers, I've made the Peanut Butter Bars with SunButter (no cross contamination) My daughter is allergic to peanut butter and so she hates the smell, too. But, I liked them and felt good about having something that kinda tastes like peanut butter around. They are chock full of protein, too. And, I know you said healthy, but just thought I'd mention that Vermont Nut Free Chocolates, has incredible "M&M's" in dark or milk and they are SO good...not that icky knock off tastes of some of the M&M's. Anyway, you could make a trail mix with some of those in it. Carrie:-)
  9. I know someone who is allergic to mice and where they've been...hmmm...and ....shampooing the carpets usually involves using chemicals. And with winter (is it cold where you are?) you usually have the windows closed. I might open up the windows and let it air out, if you used a chemical to clean.... unless you've used that before. Also, they have the same type of pets you have...(cats..you have cats...dogs...you have dogs?) Hopefully it'll clear up. For a quick skin softener, you can rub him down with crisco after a bath...that you've just blotted him after (versus..drying) then have him sit some place wrapped up in a towel while you read. We've done this with my daughter with great success. (she has skin problems) Carrie:-)
  10. Do you have central heat? I'd look to see if those need cleaning. Is everything else the same? Did you have carpet before and carpet now? Did they just clean the carpets? Did they have pets? (fleas?) Regrettfully, I can empathize as we have alot of allergies.... The vents and such being cleaned, if this hasn't happened, might help. Laundry detergent. Just make a list of everything that was...and is... Carrie:-)
  11. I don't know if you'd go for it, but it's not twaddle...I've started reading all the Greg Tang's books for my son. There are many at our library, but if you have to order them....Scholastics has the best price. I'm also reading the Cindy Neuschwander's books including the Sir Cumference books. They are really nice books and they are "living math" books... Just a thought for some nice reading... Carrie:-)
  12. Wow, have you all looked at the Boston Latin School's reading list, including summer...and everything else? Is your life that much grander if you read it ALL? I want my child to be knowledgeable and wise AND still like life. Hmmmm.... Carrie:-)
  13. I'd make chili with the pot roast and the tomatoes and chili beans.....and tortilla chips for those who can have them...and cheese..Of course, you could use the onions sauteed inside the chili and raw for those wrho want them on top. Yum...that sounds good to me! Carrie:-) BTW, if you happen to run to the store, I love one chipotle (SP?) pepper chopped up in the chili...freeze the rest for later:-)
  14. I'm curious...how are you memorizing the timeline? We're doing Veritas Press' according to the Chronological Order that Classical Conversations (CC) puts them in...Veritas Press has them ordered kinda geographically and within that...I believe they are chronological. If I'm wrong, someone can shout that I am:-) Anyway, I don't think it'd be a huge deal to correct it back to the other way...so if you want to change it...just let your kids know... And, if you use cards or something, that might help. Carrie:-)
  15. We knew someone, when I was about 10, who if their cat wasn't in by dark...would ground them the next day. Same lady gave her cat a little icecream for treats... Hope you told your cat, that she's grounded! :-) Carrie:-)
  16. I want white...made in somewhere besides China..... Anyone still reading this thread...that has dishes made somewhere like the USA? Carrie:-)
  17. Funny:-) My daughter,10yrs old, wants to have a party(not necessarily b-day) that's mystery. My step-daughter did a murder mystery night at her mom's church with the other middle schoolers. SO, my 10 year old thinks she should get her own party, now. I thought of a Clue Party, but a Nancy Drew Party would be good...the kids could come in costume, that you either allowed...whatever costume they want, or you could assign characters...they could all read one of the Nancy Drew books.... I've been collecting the Nancy Drew books from when I was young. Can't wait to hear what you decide! Carrie:-)
  18. Have him read the Famous Men of the Middle Ages; but even then, I'd ask what history he wants to read about. I'd probably let him choose. Maybe show him a timeline....This is where we are, this is where you were reading, these are your choices.... I think it's great that he just got crazy reading, unless this is an obedience issue to you. If you really want to stay in that time period, then just check out books each week that he wants to read. I actually hate going to the library, so I just started getting online and reserving my books and going by to pick them up. Carrie:-)
  19. Hey "laughing lioness" Funny about your baby's weight! My first was 9lbs 2oz and my second (and last) was 10lbs 3oz and 23 1/2" long! I was 31 almost 32 when I had my last baby. My husband's ex is going to be 40 or 41 when she has this baby that she's having...Her oldest will be almost 17 and her next almost 14....and diapers all over again..... Carrie:-)
  20. Our Mother Tongue is one that I've heard recommended. Ccarrie:-)
  21. Ewww I went to read the reviews....and it's everything you don't want to bring into your home. It's like asking for a junior high class with all the gossip and worse...to come sit on your coffee table. Who'd want to get that for you! ?? Sorry, but I think either calling the publisher and exchanging subscriptions...or something is your best bet. You could buy an exchange present for your daughter:-) Carrie:-)
  22. First of all, all those getting "Waldorfy" dolls or "toys" should immediately send them to my sweet 5 year old, who likes any kinda of action toys, but especially wood, as they can be used to hit harder. Besides that, can you call the magazine and see if they have a parent magazine that may have other choices for you? OR, is there somewhere you could trade the magazine? I'm not sure how horrible the magazine could be...when it's meant for young girls. (But, I know it could be....!) Second, I try to give gifts that are in line with both the receivers and my beliefs...I think that's only kind. BUT, from my husband's family we receive magazines each year that aren't my favorite. For the life of me...I can't understand why I have to keep getting them... Carrie:-)
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