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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'd love for you to join us in our "Oregon" Social Group. PM me if you want me to send an invite:-) Carrie:-) Or Here are PollyOR's directions to get to the Social Groups' Page:-):D For those of you like me there are two ways to get to the Social Groups page. Click on "User Control Panel". On the left, under "Networking", click on "Social Groups." OR click on "Quick Links" which is under the Welcome "your name." Click on "Social Groups" which is listed under "Networking."
  2. The group I'm in does Henle Latin, after a few years of something else. In your opinion, which Latin is easiest to use at home or at co-op and then slip right into Henle. Please, if you know, include whether it uses Ecclesiastical Latin, Classical Latin pronunciation or both. Also, if there are cds to use, that's great! Dvds might be even better. I'd like something that can be used at home or in a group. I'm also interested in how many words you end up knowing and how difficult the set up of the program is..... Carrie:-)
  3. Glad you found us PollyOR:-) Anyone can PM me if you want me to send you an invite, or just request to be invited. I've invited everyone I saw who lives in Oregon; sorry for the oversight, Polly! Please feel free to tell everyone in Oregon! Thanks! Carrie:-)
  4. My friend's kids listen to Story of the World. At least some of the cds might work. OR, Jim Weiss has some cds that would work like Thomas Jefferson...etc. Sometimes just listening to something...can get you straight to sleep. :-) I think he also has some bedtime cds,too
  5. :grouphug: Wow! just wanted to say that you'll make a good decision! I would say not in a public situation for a while, but I have no real experience to base this on...except if he knows where it was in the old school, it'll take 24 hours to know where it is in the new....CC included. Carrie:-)
  6. I think that correcting is nicest when you just repeat what the child has said, the correct way. When I'm at co-op and the children say, "I want some crackers.", I don't wait for them to ask, "May I have some crackers?" I just kindly smile and say, "May I have some crackers?" as I give it to them. (if it's allowed) If it wasn't allowed, I would just say, "No, you may not, right now." It's also how I correct other incorrect ways of asking for things. My child says, "I want peaches" and I answer, "May I have some peaches, please?" and they just catch the pleases and thank-yous. Now, who teaches "shall" and "will"? I'm not good with these. Carrie:-)
  7. My children think that they have slave work to do. My oldest 2, do what I ask. My biggest problem is getting the laundry put away. I can wash it...and then it sits and just sits...instead of being nicely put away. If I could possibly get the laundry put away and the kitchen counters cleared, my house would look more neat. Of course, I'd still have other things to put away. At one time, I had an extra room, and I just hung all the clothes away in there. I have an old craftsman house and I have to say, there aren't many little hide away spots to put things. (We have 2 rooms in what would have been "hide-a-way" closets.) Carrie:-(
  8. I just started a social group called "Oregon." Those of you in Oregon, pls consider joining! Carrie :)
  9. I thought it'd be fun to have our own spot, so I just made a Social Group for "Oregon". You're invited! Carrie:-)
  10. I think it's a great idea! I'm in Oregon...all the Oregonians should meet up! Carrie:-)
  11. Ewwww. I had these as a child. I was so grossed out about it. My mom took me to the Drs so I have no idea how to do it naturally. I just remember the wash and dry everything part. Carrie:-) Sorry....
  12. We're having our CC info meetings around the Portland area. I've never been able to go to the New Exodus Books and I'm very excited to look around while I'm there. The CC meeting that's being held at Exodus Books is Jan 22nd from 9:30am-12:30am. If you plan on going....it'd be fun to meet you! (Of course on the CC side of other locations, we're having ones in Beaverton, Newberg, McMinnville, Milwaukie, Oregon City, and one of the PDX' Barnes & Noble's.and the Bend area later) LMK if you want more info. It'd be really fun to have a big get together in the PDX area some time, just for a park day or anything like that. Since I don't live in Portland, I would need someone else to suggest a place. Carrie:-)
  13. Wow, "can" instead of "may." I even have my children say, "Yes Ma'am" instead of "yeh." I also say, "It is I or it is she." I'm not perfect, but I try to use good grammar. I also cringe when our pastor says, "I" incorrectly. And, he learned an African language, so not all language study promotes good grammar. Carrie:-)
  14. So, how different is it to get the famous men of ....series online and the Greenleaf press guide, than if I were to purchase this series from Memoria Press? Carrie:-)
  15. I think it does make it so that he shouldn't be required to help...maybe offer....but not legally. I wanted to "let" my ex out of responsibility. I know that the law says that my daughter deserves the help of her father, but that BIO guy really screws with her brain! My husband is a great day. If I had to do it again, when I found I was pregnant....I would have put on my runnin' shoes and flown as far away as I could...without telling him! I did fly away, but now I get stuck with her visiting him 3 times a year for a few days at a time. It sucks. Hope it makes her life easier to know him....than if I had done it my "now preferred way." Carrie:-)
  16. Hey There, So, we love CC, but want to do a side subject for co-op with another couple/few families. I'd love to know which subjects and/or programs you have tried...that work for you. I'm open to any grades for ideas, but my children are in 1st and 6th next year.
  17. If you have friends who you actually love, drop by to see you...I'd consider myself loved. I mean, you are fortunate. Perhaps I'm just anti-friendly, but I would jump up and down if people, especially with kids my kids' ages, dropped by to say, "Hi." I'm not talking about dropping by for me to watch their kids, but a "I'm in the neighborhood" I grew up where you knock instead of ring the doorbell...and family stays with you when coming by your area. They also help you wash the dishes after dinner and such.....Not come for maid service. I envy some of you who are talking about friends and neighbors being bothersome. Maybe you make better cookies than me! Carrie:-)
  18. We love CC. It is good for our family. I direct a program in Oregon. For my 4 year old, although he would have been able to learn all of the information, he would not have been able to do the program due to his energy level. He was 5 in July and though he loves it...it's almost to much for him now. It's taken my husband from disbelief of homeschooling...to belief. He really loves what the children are learning. Carrie:-)
  19. I'm jealous over here in Oregon! I was at one spot that you spoke, and I worked a booth(in WA). I should have put a sign up that said, "Will return after SWB speaks." When is our chance to listen to you? Carrie:-)
  20. Classical Conversations Info Mtgs Happening in Salem. PM me if you want the info. There are a few happening January 20th-23. Also, I'm having Open Houses in Salem. LMK if you wanna come see a CC in action. And, of course, I can get you info about other areas, too. Thanks! Carrie:-)
  21. Do a search for leerburg dog training. I also read the most lovely blog that I linked to from somewhere on this board. The family had built a house where they did this incredible system to heat and cool? their house...out on property. They had beautiful dogs and had a bit about their feeding and training. I'll post on the board and see if anyone knows which blog I'm talking about. I need to have blogs marked so I can get back to them. It's frustrating when you read something so special and then can't ever read about it again. I think they homeschooled, too. I also read a book about the BARF diet. I don't do all the supplements that you can do, because there are many different views and really...I can't afford supplements...I absolutely love this new way of feeding. If you want me to help find any more info...feel free to pm me. Carrie:-)
  22. Is there a reason that he can't continue Latin, but add Spanish to his studies? I've always heard that it's too bad for students that quit Latin right before they get to a place where they could really start to do interesting translations. Carrie:-)
  23. Maybe it's just kinda how you see nutrition. I suppose that cooking and feeding the food to your dog is better than kibble, but I have to say it's just not as good for your dog, nutrition wise. Also, dogs aren't really meant to have more than a nibble of veggies and such. On certain occasions I've given my dog a bowl of yogurt and bananas. By trial and error, I've found that this is "his secret recipe" for the times he gets into...paper towels. It helps him get rid of them....Ewww... Also, if he's sick at all....this seems to help him. Others disagree because of how fast a dog's system gets rid of the food. I also believe that though dogs are domesticated, their systems are still very close to ...wolfs and the like. When you try it, seriously, it just feels right after you do it for a while. Haven't you ever wondered why they can eat food that is a bit older and not get sick? NOW, don't give cooked bones, and for the first few times you feed raw, stay near to make sure you don't have a gulper. (You can fix this, you just want to know if it's an issue.) They also drink less, because they are getting more liquid. There are many spots online to read about a raw food diet. It's about 80% meat (kidneys and heart count for this) and 10% bones and 10% liver. I can't tell you how lucky I was to find it for my dog. I pick up his bag of meat on Tuesdays, and just plunk it right from the fridge into the bathtub on a plate. He eats...and I just wipe out the tub. Literally, cleaning and everything takes about 2 minutes. He also loves chicken feet, heart, liver, and quartered chicken. (Although he prefers just the heart and liver of the chicken, he'll eat the rest) I honestly believe that this is how they were meant to eat. You just see my dog jump up and down...and get SO excited. And, I know that vets usually have to be cautious...kinda like Drs. That's ok...my dog's health is proof of why it works. Are there risks for my dog? Sure! But not as many..just different...of those that are welcomed by kibble feeders.... Carrie:-) Off my shouting box....Everyone loves their pets...we just have different points of views...like for our 2 legged children:-) PS, you can check out this site: They use more supplements than I do...but it's good info from a professional:-) http:/leerburg.comsearchdosearch.phpterms= raw+food&Submit.x=10&Submit.y=5
  24. With CC's "blessing" you can use CC in your home for a total of 4 families or less. At least this is what their material says, right now. It also says that you're not allowed to charge money for it. What the legal issue about this is...is beyond me. I believe that if you have a very dedicated group of four families, that you could do this...at home...if you made a serious, dedicated decision...to meet religiously. If it's just...we meet when it's good...I'm not sure that it would work. I've looked through Living Memory and believe that you could do many of the same type activities without doing CC. I do really enjoy the CC community that we're a part of. But, if you want to do something different, I'd commit to a certain number of weeks, and I would do the VP cards, either the way they are numbered now (geographically) or in chronological order is. I really like the way that CC has them ordered, the one drawback is that it doesn't work with the order that VP has their history timeline cards. For me, even though I wish that VP would do a chronological ordered song, too, it's worth the trade. I think that essential parts of CC are the cards, history sentences, some Latin, and for the afternoon some grammar and IEW. Learning bible chapters would be good, or poetry. I like the oral presentations that the students do. (or some show and tell for the younger students) Don't underestimate the amount of time that you'll spend to put a program together. OR, the way that you'll need to juggle responsibilities with the tutors. I also think that financially committing to a program does 2 things. First, it makes the family feel committed. Second, it helps level out those that are working each week, with those that are not. I mean, the tutors who commit to each week are recognized by the families that love them and the $$$ that is paid to them. (No problem with 5 adults helping to put it together... and the rest just enjoying.) And believe me, there are expenses that you probably don't even think of yet.... Like I said, I love our group; I was just talking to a couple of ladies today saying that I'm not sure if the best part is what they learn...or the community that's formed. Carrie:-)
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