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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hi Heather, There are many books that I love about homeschooling, and I've read everything from the Moore's to now trying to read Climbing Parnassus, but I think a quick little read about why you want a home centered education is Leigh Bortins' Echo in Celebration. You can get it with this free download to preview at http://classicalconversations.com/ Agreeing with Classical Conversations' or not...it's a nice view on your home being the most important and it is Classical at the center. (according to what she considers classical) Carrie:-)
  2. Ok, Cadam and I have talked about what we'd do, if we started a LCC type co-op. Those that strive to use LCC, what kinds of co-ops do you have, and how do you do memory work with individual levels? I can't think outside of what I'm doing in our CC group. Would we have students divided into actual grades? That are doing LCC at home? Do you see us doing Greek and Latin together. I do have the new LCC edition 2 book and the Living Memory Book, too. All your help is welcomed:-) I don't want a Cottage School right now. I just want to meet maybe one day a week. Carrie:confused:
  3. Our Chiropractor, outside of Salem, (1 hr from o/p) has a child rate and you can purchase a package. If you want the #, pm me:-) We love him; we've gone to him for over 5 years. I have 4 children and they all love to go to him! Carrie:-)
  4. What great man had the father that had him work on the pipelines or something to get him back to being focused on school work?? I think the boy was 14 at the time; school looked good after hard man's work for a couple of (weeks?)..... Carrie:-)
  5. So, Barbie:-) Can you tell me where you meet? 100 families must make it HUGE:-) Our CC groups is maybe going to be 20 families or so...and after that....we will outgrow the church we're at... Carrie:-)
  6. Good For all of you! Bummer for us! We should be so lucky as to be able to have you over here. Beth...we should have her here, right? Maybe next year?? Carrie:-)
  7. Just a question, is this a stubborn issue, at heart? My son eats really just weird foods. His selection is very small, and so he has to be happy with what we have...that he'll eat. Many times it's my mom's homemade (home ground flour) WW bread. We try for really little sugar and I've tried to cut out most food colors and Corn Syrup... If it's a problem, you can explain that adults are usually the only ones that choose what to eat. (all the way, at least) and that you'll call him when it's time to eat dinner, so he can come make his own. And then of course, after that, he needs to clean up after himself. I plan to start this within a little bit with my son. My step-daughter decided she wouldn't eat meat a while ago (when she was maybe 11?) I tried to ride it out, but then I told her that at our house...she has to just eat what's served. (She's with us half time) She just isn't old enough to make sure her diet's balanced. When she's 18, or closer to that...then she can decide to cook herself her own meals. If it's just stubborn, being interrupted to come cook and clean...when his siblings are still playing...might break the streak.... Of course, I'm not meaning for you to punish him.... Good Luck! Let us know what works! Carrie:-)
  8. My daughter, in PS at the time, was taught with a modified WRTR and didn't learn to read well until 3rd grade. I HATED Harry Potter and she wanted to read it. As soon as I said, "Yes" she turned into a reader. Now, reading junk food compared to real food....gotta choose if you can be happy with your children reading the equivalent of marshmallows:-) My 5 year old son can spell any simple word, but still says he can't read. Carrie:-)
  9. Life of Fred (10 yr old) and just "living math" with my son...and starting to use the Abacus with him... Carrie:-)
  10. There's something that's suppose to take it out..Oxy clean? or really strong Hydrogen Peroxide? Maybe check online if no one speaks up soon? I am SO sorry for you....this must be frustrating! Carrie;-0
  11. I'm just wondering, if you're home during the day, can you jump in and homeschool? Or, maybe your husband's not up for it? My husband thought that our 5 year old might end up not doing enough for kindergarden, and then this year happened. He's just recently admitted that he's more than fine. If that happens to be the reason.....a good conference helps.... Otherwise, easy does it:-) A little afterschooling and summer schooling should get you there. Also, reading books with your goals in mind. I love Greg Tang's and Cindy Neuschwander's...and playing games:-) Carrie:-)
  12. I'm happy I'm almost to 500. Something special happens? I really like those guys on yours, Starr. And, Heather, I always like your posts...and I'm glad that your family is safe. I was just thinking about how you're doing the other day....are you having issues from being slammed into, still?? Carrie:-)
  13. I consider Henle most of our English Grammar, too, because she's doing it with my mom. My mom is a seriously tough Grammar teacher type person. She speaks very good grammar. She's the one who remembers when speakers use "I" incorrectly. (my youngest daughter is in 5th grade) Carrie:-)
  14. We've done the first book and almost finished the second book. My daughter is going to start the Algebra book, soon. I'm nervous, as I had a very rocky time with Algebra. One of my other daughters is doing Calculus, for fun, in addition to her other Calculus that we borrowed from PS. With the first two books, she does the lessons for a while, and then she uses the whiteboard to go through and do the bridges (the bridges that she didn't use...just one extra bridge per "lesson") I think with algebra, that we may be able to just use Algebra I and the companion book. Carrie:-)
  15. I remember my first college class! Ancient History. I didn't do so well, but had fun being in "College." He's probably great at organizing his course load, but ....just in case, I could have used some parental help. They forgot that I had NO idea how to organize my study habits for a college course...Oh well..live and learn. I hope he really enjoys it...and SHINES:-) Carrie:-)
  16. :grouphug: Glad it's almost over....(the healing will soon be done, hopefully!)
  17. Malia...just wanted you to notice that I sent you an invite to join our Oregon social group. I live outside Salem..... I do agree about the homeopathic remedy...my cousin used it and it worked for a while. I do know someone that wet until they were 12 or so, and once after they married at 18. That's just mean about the teasing! You might prepare him, if he ever dares to spend the night anywhere...the way they do at Tadmor Camp:-) I think it's something like...sleeping bags, pull-ups if needed, keep a plastic bag in sleeping bag (in bottom) change before you get up...put in bag. For your son, then he could roll up the bag and get it ready to go home. (don't forget to take it out! :-)
  18. I always imagine that I could go back to work and it would be money to pay down the credit cards and build that supply that I see people talking about. If I could just make $12,000 a year (after taxes) in a certain number of decades, we too, could be debt free. (including OUR house:-) But, we stay in debt, I stay at home...and my kids stay in bed.....(instead of waking up early) I look at the kids as I pass the elementary school and just kinda think, "One Year?" Hmmm. Then I'd have my own boss to grumble about... Carrie:-)
  19. How about some good books, SOTW cds or books, interesting movies about quality books, Use the time to catch up with math drills (could go from not knowing math facts...to knowing them, if that's an issue) Science videas...How about some Moody Videos? They are pretty interesting. Or some ID videos. My 11th grader loves to watch my parents. Church libraries might have some great sources. Biographies about whatever period of history she's going to be going into... Carrie:-)
  20. I have a semi-loop schedule, but I just have to kick my daughter through all of her homework. SO, it's not really working out for us....Is Latin done? Is Math done? And reading History..or having her watch or listen to some history....and I'm kinda happy that we're done with some school. I am trying to get her motivated, and then the schedule would be great! (And IEW and your English...and...I have to be the one to check out everything...) Hmmm... Carrie:-)
  21. Original Question....sorry... Looking forward to hearing about how this is scheduled... Carrie :lurk5:
  22. At our library, we can check it out. You might check yours:-) Carrie:-)
  23. Makes me want to do TOG:-) I wanna do it with Chocolate, think that'd work?? Carrie:-)
  24. I'd love to know what math program this is...my 5 year old knows pretty much all the chess moves...of course, I know....none. Carrie:confused:
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