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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. WOW, How fun...are you there permanently? Were you from the Salem extended area? If we ever come to Syria...we'll have to stop by... You'll have to tell us what it's like there. Carrie:-)
  2. Maybe someone should suggest a mass exodus of the public schools, just because. Because we spend to much money on the schools...at all the wrong levels.... Because officials always spend more of our money, more quickly than they would their own. Because, I have to get by with under $1000 a year for my children, plus the loss of income from a job...when they get to spend over $10,000 a student...and then ask for bonds to build more school buildings. Hmmm... Carrie:-)
  3. Does she have friends who she could stay with when here husband (is she married?) isn't with her? Sounds like she needs round -the- clock care...and then after baby is here...round-the-clock as well. Her situation could go from bad...to really bad... Praying for you all... Carrie
  4. I'd want it on video, kinda like a documentary...to share with my children as they grow up....What a special time of your life! Carrie:-)
  5. I've read this thread on and off for it's duration; don't you know all I can think is, "I don't want to be a failure!" I have to realize that we can't learn everything, but we have to have enough knowledge that they have some major pegs in their mind to hang all the knowledge that they'll attain as they continue to learn in life. If I can teach my children some history and geography and other basics, and how to express themselves on paper....And...how to think logically....then I'm hoping that I've taught them...to teach themselves enough to excel. And, of course because of my Christian Worldview, I hope to teach them that all knowledge is ultimately to lead them into knowing God and appreciate all that He has for them in this life...and beyond. Carrie:-) Note to myself, "Failure is not an option!"
  6. A heavy duty sports massage with stones...barring that...a husband rubbing you with smooth stones that have been heated in a crock pot. Carrie:-)
  7. Hey there, Our library system has some of the TT videos, at least that's what I think I remember. Also, how about some historical fiction. I just love getting online and requesting all the books/cds that I want and going by to pick them up. Our library has some SWB books and cds, some Jim Wise cds, .... Also, remember that you can have your daughter read to your 3rd grader, if she's willing. For some books to help her remember some math...The Cindy Neuschwander books...including her's about Sir Cumference. They are great...they talk about Pi...etc... And, Greg Tang books are good, too. Our library...has all of these. Anyway, maybe just spend the rest of the year reading what she wants...(within your guidelines) and listening to cds? I've found that my daughter will listen to cds if she's doing something like crocheting. And, studying some Maps for a light course in Geography and maybe memorizing the timeline? I'm SO excited to be at least trying...to memorize the timeline this year. (We're memorizing the Veritas Press timeline.) Carrie:-)
  8. We've subscribed for a couple of years. I purchased my timelines from them, too. I bought alot of timelines...and maps... Course, it took me over a year to get the timelines up...and I'm just getting up to hanging up the maps. They are nice....both the magazine and the timelines. I do think that alot of the info might be over a 9 year old....but you should be able to use a good amount. AND, these are magazines that you don't get rid of... If you are a Christian, the magazine WORLD puts out a kids product...and my kids like that. Carrie:-)
  9. I have "Learning Through History's" Timeline. I have bought the magazines for 2 yrs +, too. Carrie:-)
  10. You might not want to live in Detroit...BUT Zingermann's is great! And, Ann Arbor is pretty:-) Of course, I liked visiting Philly...15 years ago....And, I drove in NY City as a 21 yr old.... And I liked Conneticut, too! I wouldn't mind some sun, right about now, though! Carrie:-)
  11. I just saw my friend's son's and they are by color and size in those containers that have little clearish see through drawers. I think that they have four containers...so that'd be about 24 drawers. They were very neat...They have 6 kids...and this is set against the wall in the boys' bedroom. I plan to use this system if my 5 year old gets into Legos more. Carrie:-)
  12. Sounds like we should start a "no electronics before _:__ time club! Great idea! Carrie:-)
  13. I feel for you! I know this must be hard; decisions that are life alternating are always the most stressful because we can't see in the future. Lots of prayer and then you just have to jump for it, so to speak! Carrie:-)
  14. Hey Everyone in Oregon, Classical Conversations is having information meetings in the PDX and extended areas. The January ones will be done by our State Director, Cara Bergeron. There will be the same info meetings from January 20-23 given at different times and locations; please pm me (with your email) if you'd like the email listing dates, times and locations. To check out CC visit http://classicalconversations.com/ and here's a short video of a day at CC in Memphis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2XTDquZIKQ Carrie:-)
  15. Sounds like what I have/ had....I use AmLactin (12%); you don't need a prescription for it....and there are generics. The lotion is between $15 and $25 and has lasted way over a year. It helps after about 2 days of putting it on once or twice a day. Carrie:-)
  16. I feel for you! We have a situation that is somewhat the same; we thought about what we'd do if my husband lost his job. Here, he's making a good salary, but if he lost it...his chance of getting one that would pay what we need....is pretty slim. We thought about all of the choices, he could fly back here every weekend (or every other wknd) I could drive all of us there on the wknd (depending on where he ended up.) We live an hour from the airport and have thought about all the different choices. He has two girls (16 & 13) that we have half time... There's the chance that you could be in a good spot to help with college....and maybe he'll end up wanting to stay in Florida (that's where, right?) with you. OR, with vacations and the summer...he might end up with you almost as much as now... I'd say that broke and working enough to kill yourself to stay...isn't going to do anyone...any good.... (But, I might have my husband go back and forth for a few months to make sure the job situation will work out well. I told my husband, that before I moved, I wanted him to work at least a year...to make sure everything would work out.....with him going back and forth....) Carrie:-)
  17. I used Avent; I had to use a faster nipple because that's how my milk flows. You can use the liners with the seal like a ziplock type closure. (and warmed in warm milk...not the microwave.) I put them flat in a rubbermaid container in case my milk spilled. I was able to have many bags in the freezer in case of emergency. I would suggest starting the bottles from the beginning so they'll take it. I've started with both of my babies early and switched back and forth and had no nursing problems....(Nursed until they were 3 and 5:-) Carrie:-)
  18. Ground her from her room...to the table...until her work is done correctly, for a couple of weeks and then give her another chance? BUT, if you do this, have her come to this conclusion by herself. When our 16 year old (bright, too:-) forgets to do her work, she limits all of her fun, kinda a self imposed grounding, of sorts.... She is easily distracted when videos/tv etc. is around. Good Luck.... (PS. I'd rather be knitting, too:-) Carrie:-)
  19. Never for a second would I choose a booster. Car seats are actually safer to buckle and unbuckle in my opinion. Here's the one that I might upgrade to, if I need a change...Right now I have the two largest Britax. I've watched the booster video on YouTube about the 4 year old that died because his booster let him slip out! Here's the address for the carseat that I thing might work for you...and a bonus..it folds right up when you need to move it. Phone # 800.974.7798 Safeguardgo.com It's advertised in the magazine "Wondertime" and it's as narrow as a booster. Carrie:-)
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_urethral_orifice_(male) I actually took a look at this. I would ask for some second and third opinions. I would also ask some boards in maybe England or France, where cutting the foreskin isn't as popular...and see if there's a different solution. It seems here, that because of circumcision, that surgery (on the p***s isn't looked at as harshly as some other countries.) I would make sure that this is going to be a problem FOREVER before I had my son cut. And, is this the ONLY problem that you have when you have a small meatus? I might post over on the mothering board and see if there are any hints that they have.... Carrie:-)
  21. Purchase a little live tree for him...and do a trade? Carrie;-)
  22. I think it's for juice pressing. I bought one for $1.00 I think a few years ago....I have no idea what I'll do with it. Carrie:-)
  23. Hi There, There's a new social group that I've started and I just wanted to let everyone know. Hope this is ok as I'm cross-posting on the General Group. I'd love to have anyone who's doing CC join! Thanks! Carrie:-)
  24. As I read the continual posts about this, and it coincides with this middle age of 8-11, I'm thinking that maybe it's the age that we all start realizing....we have 3 years or so before they are teens. We all have our own methods...and some of them work/some don't. Instead of talking about what you don't like...start talking about what type of relationship you want...ask what they want. My husband is good at talking until your ear falls off....and some of that works....he'll keep on until they're attitude changes, even if it's out of desperation! Also, for bad attitudes, nothing works...like physical work. I notice that children become "sweeter" after really hard work. It should be done often...but here, it's mostly linked to bad attitudes. The first time my husband told my daughter she'd have to work if she didn't start getting a good attitude, she took him up on it...and they both worked for hours moving bricks or something. Now, he can say something about work, and it usually calms the situation. I believe in some punitive solutions, and I also really like Love and Logic.(there's one for teens,too, and that's the one I'm reading right now.) I'm rereading this. Sometimes I act like "Super Nanny" which my daughter loves to watch, so she recognizes it and it sometimes kinda makes her get in a good mood. I've found that if I can keep the consequences something that she does not like, but also not too long...that she can stop herself from going too far.... If they're too big, it overwhelms her and she doesn't see a way out. (Time-out for 2 minutes....and then progressing if it doesn't work...is better for her...than time-out for 10 minutes...and then another 10... This is because she wants to stop herself before she's "in trouble".) Lots of exercise...lots and lots of bike riding...running around...moving wood.... It's actually the way people are wired, and city people just don't have the normal ways to get their energy out. Carrie:-)
  25. I finally got around to looking at it, and I have to tell you...I thought it was kinda cool. My dad brings stuff back like that from Israel and other places...it warms my heart. I'd put it next to my Ancient History/World History books on the bookshelf and be proud. Maybe it'll grow on you:-) Carrie:-)
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