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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'd pay....Can you imagine one hospital bill? But then, I'm paranoid! Carrie:-)
  2. We have the Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln one. I actually like them both. Carrie:-)
  3. Oops...I do that to my neighbor all the time, except I don't bring bread.... She has a son a little older than my son and she's kinda slow due to medical issues...I don't want her having to walk to the door...if it's just me. I always kinda open the door...and say...Val?? and she says "Come on in..." I also always knock first...anywhere I go...instead of ring the bell. Maybe it's kinda like that...just depends on where you were brought up?? I couldn't let anyone just open my door...because of the dog. If you have animals..you could use that as an excuse.... Let me get to the door, cuz we've been trying to hold (insert pets name) collar before opening the door...so he doesn't get out.... Carrie:-)
  4. I feel for you:-) My two oldest aren't an issue...my 10 year old is. I can make rules that my rule abiding oldest two will choose to follow. Forget it for my 10 year old. I don't make any of the children ask to eat whatever they choose. I don't really have junk in the house. It's fruit, a few chips..yogurt. Of course, since they just chow through any junk food...I just can't afford to buy it because there's no moderation. If I purchase it and don't want them to just eat through it...I just let them know..."This is mine." (If they ate it, and meant to...they'd have to pay me back..so I could buy some more.) It's great that it seems like you can just talk to your children and they respond. I try this with mine, but for my youngest two I just started a "time-out" thing that works for this week. My friend told me about it and I thought it was strict...but then my daughter started pretty much yell at me...and I thought...that's mean too! So, everytime she does something that's not allowed, I calmly say, "Two" and incrementally raise the number by 2's (or sometimes 1) until she stops.... Like "That's 2" and if she argues..."That's 3" (which would mean a total of 3...etc. (She's only got as far as 8 so far) So, for her, this has so far..changed her from someone who would yell and scream...to someone who stops right away. I can't believe it.... Oh yes, the part that she hates (that makes it so she cares) is that she has to have her hands on her head. So yes, I have kids that look like they're being arrested. BUT, if I can do it calmly, and she stops yelling at me...it's worth it. For the TV, you can probably just lock it during certain hours...or lock it to certain channels...or maybe a combination of the two depending on what your control allows.
  5. I read tons about rescuing, because I really wanted a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, or a Lagotto. I decided that I didn't want to pay $600+ for the Wheaten Terrier, for a rescue, when I could get a "new" one for $1500 from someone who was breeding her show dog a couple of times...and I could get one from her. But, on a kinda dare from my husband, I started watching petfinder.com . I found our perfect black dog...to go with our black cat....in Nov 2007. I drove 4 hours to get there and they told me he was food aggressive...and I had a 4 yr old. I have NO idea where they got that from as my four year old could take a raw bone with meat still on it...and Brownie wouldn't bite him. I read alot about crating and tethering dogs to you for the first few weeks. This is what I did with my dog, I tethered him to me for 2 weeks, except when he was in his crate. I also kept him on the leash outside and walked him about 3 hours a day. (We had no fence at the time and I wanted him to be tired!) I lost a lot of weight.... That was a good thing. The other thing I did was get involved, after about 1 week, in a serious dog training class. Mine was taught by a husband/ wife team that have taught classes for police dogs and such. (I wouldn't choose PetSmart or something like that) We used a pinch collar, and don't have to be "popping" it alot...for him to get the idea. After the first week of being dragged by my dog....and every bone in my body hurting....him walking politely by the end of the first night, was a welcomed change. I really believe that getting him into training right away and tethered the rest of the time was a HUGE seller. (or in the crate.) And, I know that many disagree, but just to throw this out there...I do raw food for him... and for arthritis and other bone problems....this can really be a good thing! (And for dogs that you typically see that get overweight easily. Overweight dogs tend to have more issues with joints....) Just a thought. I love the Leerburg.com site. You might enjoy it, too! Carrie:-)
  6. I'd at least see if it's "legal" in your state. Here in OR, it seems that it's ok for a 10 year old to stay at home alone, 11 with siblings, and 12 with other people's kids. That being said, I plan to leave my 11 yr old with my 6 yr old, starting next year, to drive half a mile for dropping off items at the Post Office, run to get a gallon of milk...or something like that. (We live in a small town where everything is within 1 mile.) I wouldn't run to Salem....which is 15 miles. I would be gone a max of 1/2 hour...and make sure a neighbor is home in case of problems. Carrie:-)
  7. Hi PollyOR:-) I can't remember where you live...I'm outside of Salem....I think you're pretty far, right? Otherwise we could all have a Memory Work Party:-) Carrie:-)
  8. Can anyone explain the levels here? The goodies that I could have, but don't? I'm looking at all of the levels and points and stuff...and I'm wondering if I should be jealous?? Carrie:-)
  9. So for those that are Protestant in their beliefs, I'll ask, Is there a Catholic slant in the religious part? I'm assuming yes, and I've already ordered it....so....but I'm still wondering. I'm not sure if you'll get more...or less questions...when we start getting the books... Carrie:-)
  10. Oh my word! This makes me want goats. When I was younger, my friends mom (with 8 homeschooling kids and perfectly WHITE furniture) said that goats are easier to house train than dogs. Hmmm....Anyway, wouldn't mind having one of those cuties today! Carrie:-)
  11. Slightly off subject..... Hi Rose, You're using Hey Andrew for Greek? How's that going?? Is that for your 8 yr old? I'm trying to decide what Greek program to use...and how to fit it in:-) Carrie:-)
  12. Devil's advocate here, but maybe she just wasn't well whatever day she wrote that. I mean, surely she isn't that much of a witch... She probably bought it and then was trying to think of something cute to put...and it just failed...there's nothing nice to say about comparing the two!!!!!! (or commenting on the fact that they are adopted from an orphanage) She may have been thinking about adopting too?? Maybe she's in some way jealous? I just watched a friend's 6 children the other day, and I told her that when the little one climbed up to me...I asked my husband if he could imagine us having a couple and he said "Yes"...and I just smiled at the thought. They're from Liberia, I think...sooooo cute..... Anyway, many of us would love to adopt....and maybe she would, too. I don't know...just trying to think of why she would write that. That being said, it's a great movie...and I don't think that your kids would ever equate themselves to "Orphan Annies." I watch Step-Mom and Parent Trap with my kids....and even though I thought about the things that are alike.....they never did.....(and my daughter is a "step" too) I might ask...."What did you mean by that?????" just in case she ever thought about saying/writing anything like that again! I just read A Child's Cry (I think that's what it's called) Anyway... Maybe you want to give her another chance?? Carrie
  13. I just bought a book off ebay, and the good condition that the seller said it was in...was just not what I call good. I didn't ever contact them, because I didn't want to go through the trouble. That being said, if you offer half back, maybe that would be a good solution? I would have been happy with anything back...just to let me know that they cared. It's funny, even when it's a non-personal transaction...usually the person just wants to know that the other person wasn't trying to take advantage... Sorry, Carrie:-)
  14. Hi there, When you know Modern Hebrew, can you read the Torah? (OR, does it have to be one that's translated to Modern Hebrew??) Carrie:-)
  15. Oregon, Pretty Nice, green, not as bad as some for work....but not great. Lots of country to live in, and cities such as Portland that are good. Easy to fly out of..... Nice coast to visit! Good food.... (Politically, Very Liberal!) I would say that the homeschool laws are very easy here.... Carrie:-)
  16. Hi There, I already posted this in one of the threads about the New Memory Book by Andrew Campbell. But, I wanted to start a thread in case there are already LCC co-ops, that I just don't know about:-) I'm pretty sure that there will be groups that start using this workbook, in a cycle type way, with their students. When this starts happening, let's start to post here, hopefully in the same thread...to share information. I can see groups really using this to have that positive peer pressure to learn all of this important information. Also, are there already LCC co-ops that I don't know about? I'm interested in hearing any information about co-ops that are structured, using LCC. Thanks! Carrie:-)
  17. I'm pretty sure that there will be groups that start using this workbook, in a cycle type way, with their students. When this starts happening, let's start to post here, hopefully in the same thread...to share information. I can see groups really using this to have that positive peer pressure to learn all of this important information. Also, are there already LCC co-ops that I don't know about? I'm interested in hearing any information about co-ops that are structured, using LCC. Thanks! Carrie:-)
  18. I think that the few words for the outline idea, leaves less possibility of "copying" someone else's sentences. You'd think that you naturally learn not to do this, but that isn't always so. My dad had someone who was helping him to write a book and thank God that the editor went through and typed in some of the sentences! Many of them were word for word. He said he had no idea that this wasn't proper! So, if you use 3-4 words, you're always forced to write your own sentences.
  19. Thanks! You were right:-) Carrie:-) PS...Doesn't it look like her kids do really neat learning??
  20. What I've heard is that if their protective coating (what's it called?) is washed off, that they can be kept in the pantry for <weeks?> but once that's washed, they need to be kept in the fridge. Of course, overnight is most likely just fine....although my dog would be voting for them going in his dish! :-) :willy_nilly:
  21. Could you share what Catechism you use and what Greek? Also, do you have any music for your Catechism?? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  22. Crazy, I know, but unless he's allergic to soy..... put lecithin on them (available at the health food store...it'll last you forever) and mix with a little olive oil. Do the wrap in plastic bag, with rubber bands around wrist...then in socks.... Open in the morning....and if it's like me....it'll be much better. I didn't have deep cracks....but my hands bled...and this always worked. ( and still does...) I HATE the way the mixture feels at night...but love not hurting in the morning:-) (I've tried it without the plastic bags....just use the same socks over and over...not as good...but it's better than nothing) Carrie:-)
  23. I'm trying one more time for this. There was a link from the persons response to knowing history facts, to their personal blog with her singing. I can <almost> picture the person. Anyone?? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  24. Ok, so now I'm wondering what your vision is for how this book is permitted to be used. If families all have copies of the book are they allowed to have a co-op with the memory work? I just ordered it, but I'm wondering if you have anything you can share...after all, I'm gonna have to wait almost 2wks to receive it! :-) I'm really glad to be able to purchase this. I re-read your book ;I have the old one:-( and realized that my daughter is on track with her Latin (she's in 5th) but we haven't started Greek. I suppose that soon I'll have to splurge for the new one.... I have a 5 year old son that I'm trying to decide what path to take as I have a "fresh" start. Anyway, glad I now am able to have a chance to review the memory work! Carrie:-)
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