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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'm directing a program, as well as some of the other ladies who have commented about the program. I would say that if you are going to do it without a CC group, I would put together a group that meets every week at a certain time. I say this, because it's the only way to really stay committed. My mom has been doing Latin with my children and another lady and her daughter. The only way it's worked...for the last 2 1/2 years...has been because they commit to each Monday at 4pm. The time and day has been agreed to before hand each year, and while it's changed a bit here and there, the commitment has not! I would not purchase it until next year, because there are multiple corrections being made. If you are going to do it as a group, I'd have one mom do the memory work for the guide, one mom do all the science experiments, one mom do the music. It is alot of work for one mom to do it all! (Hence the reason it's set up as it is.) Then, I'd decide if we want to do the VP cards in chronological order like CC or geographical order like VP. If you do geographical order, you can use the VP songs. You might want to listen to one to see if you like it. ( I do like the VP history card songs, and have suggested that they make another cd according to chronological order.) The memory songs( on the CC cd) do the history sentence songs orally first, then by song. As far as song versus orally, I'd teach orally first, then have fun with the song at class. I like to try to introduce all of the material orally first. I actually read that it's stored in a different part of the brain if it's learned by speaking it, versus singing it. (And there were instructions about what ear to put the headphones on (and clip the other side) Also, I would use School House Rock for the math, if I was learning it on our own. I like that better. That being said, I love CC. I love the community that we've built. My daughter said she finally has "friends". One of the mom's said that her son said that he loves coming to CC instead of school! And, they learn a ton. I love the fact that they learn cooperatively. Our group is great and the learning is so much more than the memory work. If I was going to learn it at home, I might divide the weeks into whatever kind of history cycle I was doing at home.
  2. That is just foolishness and a fool (which is one who is consistently foolish) shouldn't be teaching children or adults! I'd say he wouldn't be teaching my children. :-)
  3. My humane society dog (hmmm poodle/airdale?) doesn't really smell, except when wet. I shower him every week- week and a half because this helps his skin and makes it soft and curly again. Of course, teeth are taken care of by chewing on uncooked bones. His are pearly white...no dental cleanings in our future!
  4. Ok, this is kinda crazy, but I'm getting desperate for lids for my glass gallon jars. I bought the jars through my Azure Standard co-op, and the lids were on back-order. Now I find out that they're not being made anymore. I really want to be able to use my gallon jars. Anyone have any ideas??
  5. Raw diets are ok but not raw meats. Dogs are just as susceptible to E. coli and Salmonella poisoning as we are. I just have to say, this isn't agreed on by all people. Dogs are not human and things that make humans sick, do not make dogs sick. Why have zoos switched the food they feed their animals? They feed species appropriate food. In other words, you would never feed meat to a cow, and think that was appropriate...and feeding grains to dogs....increases all sorts of problems including ear infections, coat problems, immunity problems, arthritis, and hip issues. Of course, homeschoolers are ones who think for themselves...on topics like vaccines, all sorts of education, and feeding their children and animals. I challenge anyone to go and look at a wolf eating a bowl of bread, when there's a dead rabbit available. My dog is doing great! And, his allergies are much better! Carrie:-)
  6. I'm a raw food for the puppy, convert;-) Grain for cows, and raw protein for dogs, cats and ferrets. I have a friend who had chronic ear infections with her dog. She feeds a raw food now, and no more ear infections. SO, even though she pays more for the food...no vet bills make up the difference. I feed my dog raw chicken, goat, sheep and cow...hearts, kidneys and liver. It's great! I can do it for about the same as the dog food I bought (taste of the wild) and it's great for his pearly whites. It took two months for me to convince myself to do it. It took one week for him to go from chewing 1 inch bites to just chewing up the leg or whatever I gave him. ( I work through the whole chicken, 1.3 lbs at a time.) I also bought a 23 lb turkey for $5.00 to give him. That's going to last over 2 weeks! Anyway, it takes a bit of getting use to, but after feeding him for the last 8 weeks, raw, I won't go back. It's not more trouble than buying dog food...and storing a big bag. Can't hurt to try:-) Good Luck!
  7. The teacher that I wanted to use, said to wait until my child read. If that's true, I'd try to finish the year. My daughter's ballet teacher is very strict about how she speaks and expects them to behave. That being said, my daughter loves her. My daughter did go through a couple of times when she wanted to stop; my rule was that she finished the year. Now she says that she can't imagine life without it. I did piano when I was young, and now looking back, I wish my parents had been as strict about practicing as with say...cleaning my room. I had talent, but no inner drive to practice. My backyard friend, Maria, had parents who weren't that strict, but made her practice. She excelled and then graduated with a degree in Music.....a success! :-)
  8. We had our home number "ported over" to our "house cell phone." So, you can probably have only cell phones and still keep the same number. I have the home phone so it forwards to my personal cell phone number. With caller id, you still only answer the calls you want to take. I love having cell phones and we use them alot. Carrie:-)
  9. I borrowed my parents and use it all the time; I borrowed their laminator, too! I just love them! (my parents and the machine) My dad had a small seminary, and they were purchased for that, so my mom made sure they were of good reputation:-) comb binder machine is a docubind P100. The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't collect the punches and the part where you adjust for length of paper, doesn't stay "set" you have to be careful. But, I do really use it! It makes everything seem more "official" to me. And of course, the laminator is great! Oregonlam.com has inexpensive supplies for combs and pouches for the laminator. They also have a flat shipping charge of $5.95. They have the best prices I could find! Carrie:-)
  10. Hi There, I got on Plaid Dad's blog and see that it's been 2 yrs since his book was accepted. (right, Nov. 2006) I'm wondering, could you self-publish? We'd love to have a copy and I'm sure you'd sell a ton. I know that there are publishing companies that would be able to get it done pronto! I'm sure the people on this board would advertise for you! My dad had one of his books reprinted and it wasn't too bad, money wise. If that won't work, does anyone else have a Classical memory work system that they know of, that is in print?? One that fits with what the child should be/ will be learning?? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  11. I like the NKJV Thomas Nelson Study Bible, that's what I have and I have a pocket NKJV for church. Of course, I have to say that my dad did study notes for it:-) I'd vote for NKJV or NASB
  12. myfavoritebabycarrier.com has Ergos They have a 90 day money back guarantee, and sometimes they have discounted ones. There are some nice little, pretty inexpensive bags to carry, too. http://www.sobebabies.com/shop/ This store has really nice carriers, and at least one that is like the Ergo, but not it....(They are prettier than the Ergos) They are made in America. I forgot to say that through November 30th they have 20% off most items. That being said, I love my Ergo, found it comfortable to carry my 4 year old in for a few hours at at time. I still haven't given it up...even though I have no idea why. I still have my slings, too. Perhaps I'll find a baby on my doorstep someday! Carrie:-)
  13. Ok? I must be dense today, because I didn't say anything about this. Did I misread something? Carrie:-)
  14. I was able to attend a talk given by the president of New St Andrews ( a reformed college) and was very impressed! My oldest daughter, who is/was in public school, was VERY impressed and would like to consider it. They take no financial aid, but are on the low end of tuition costs. (right now it was $9200 a year) They have a true "liberal arts" program and have a mixture of students, with a huge amount being homeschooled. (and not reformed) Carrie:-)
  15. Hi There, I'm wanting to know if anyone has comparisons of the definitions of on the cd that you can purchase from WTM, Shurley Grammar's Definition and maybe how they work/don't work with the definition that Leigh Bortins uses in her EEL curriculum. I'd love it if the definitions in EEL coincide with either Shurley Grammar or the WTM's. Since I don't have anything except for EEL, I can't compare...Has anyone already done the work for me? :-) Carrie:-)
  16. Think wood stove:-) I hated the idea, but it warms your bones, and your house walls and floor. We can use about 2.5-3 cords of wood each year and not do any other heat. (And that's our old house with no proper insulation. Carrie:-)
  17. Rainbow Light, I think they're called. You can get them for less than the Health Food Store prices if you order from Frontier....(the co-op) There are a few choices that are close formulas, some are one a day, some are three a day. Good quality, and great ingredients. Carrie:-)
  18. How about IEW for Key Word Outlines? Might check into it:-)
  19. Even if she does nurse, it'll probably only be for a short time. Get the baby doll and then do a routine, "Oh, we nursed...let's change diapers." That'll get you out of the position. And...well....I nursed a long time. I figure it's bonding time and helps with sickness. And, of course, what's one other thing to explain to the relatives...course...what they don't know won't hurt them. Carrie:-)
  20. We have tons of all the sizes. Different sizes for different activities. The little ones are great for my 5 year old, especially with his milk. I like the sports cap and it's great for kids, too. Carrie:-)
  21. Wow, thanks for sharing our home business. If you end up needing some our "homeschool" discount is KK010. Carrie:-)
  22. We have a Sienna, and I like it. BUT, I would buy the Odyssey, if I had to do it again. I purchased the Toyota because I could get the 8 passenger, but I really liked the Odyssey better. I also think the selling power is better with the Odyssey.
  23. So, do you have your 13 year old doing Challenge? I'd be happy for you to answer on list or off...I'm trying to decide exactly what I think about it...and I'm wanting lots of opinions...:-) We love doing CC for younger grades; I have a 5th grader and 5 year old. We've memorized the work, by going over it once every few days and the cds. I do know I have to buckle down next year...(not sure if that means January or 2009/2010 school year.) I hope that the memory work is helping them in "hammering pegs" and also just in the getting in the practice of memorizing. Carrie:-)
  24. Isn't Oregon at $11,000 per student? This doesn't count the bonds that we pay for new buildings and such..... And, while Portland Schools are charging more....There are small schools that charge under $4000. a year and do a great job. There are poor countries with children learning three languages at a time (at an elementary level) that as far as actual education could beat the sox off our kids here. And, they're writing on slates with chalk....The money isn't the problem!
  25. So, I've read on some of the other threads that Omnibus I has some material that would be suited for older students. If you had a choice, would you do Omnibus II and III before Omnibus I? I've asked other places...but just in case I missed anyone:-) Is anyone doing Omni as a group? We're looking at doing is once a week, with a "teacher". Carrie:-)
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