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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Is there a reason not to do Geometry, Algebra I and then Algebra II. What are my math sequence choices after this? Trig and then pre-Calculus? My daughter is in sixth grade... and I'm looking ahead to 7th grade. She'll have finished Singapore 6B by next year. If I stay with Singapore, anyone know if there's a "Geometry book" for Singapore? or is it mixed into the next sequence? :)
  2. If you live around Emu farms.. In the summer.. it's a great time to purchase these at markets.. This is the one I purchased. http://www.truefoodsmarket.com/product_info.php/products_id/2546
  3. I know a lot of meanings for names, and didn't realize the Susannah connection with Lily. :) and of course... it'd make a cute "family" name... (our Lily) :)
  4. I think she'll study history and science.... just differently. She'll have to study to make her "life" more authentic ;)
  5. So happy to hear of a happy ending. Life will always be more special, and I'm glad that the calls weren't horrific as they could have been. WOW about the girl in the middle!!!! What a praise. I feel bad for your DH as he must be a bit of a mess. To think he got out of the way... only to be rear ended. I'm sure he'll need to be thinking of Chiros or something..... I have a friend who was rear ended and I know that sometimes it takes a while to realize you need to get some adjustment help... So happy for your family.... and the other girls' families... ;)
  6. Hi There, Here's the beginning of my thoughts. What is your personality? Are you easy going? My son is very into routines. He hates unexpected. But, life happens, right? So, I've done things that seem to help like.... I say, "no" sometimes just because he needs to learn to hear "no" and respond appropriately. I also try to help him learn that things aren't always as planned. Why? Because this is my time to train him, and I've seen first hand adults that have to have things a set way and are not able to process the... it's life.... and things aren't always as planned... (You need to be able to make lemonade out of lemons) Now, if you have diagnoses that have certain labels... they help... and make you have part of the answer. And.. hopefully will get you over the hump a bit. I would say, during a calm moment, try the sit down thing. Talk about one issue first. Perhaps the "things don't always go our way". Perhaps you can talk about the situation and think through different choices. I would try 2 weeks of being firm and "love and logic-ee" and seeing if it helps. Very calmly (ugh, right?) say "kids who are calm and dressed can hop in the car and go" "kids who aren't will stay at home". (This is if you have the option.) Otherwise, just two choices that you can live with. After a couple of weeks of being calm and giving choices.. you could more easily judge what part is something you can deal with... and what you need help with. I'm not suggesting anything like this with judgement... just suggesting with love :) Only you know if it might work for your situation. :)
  7. Teaching Cursive First is easiest. If anything is dropped, printing would be better to be dropped in my opinion. The only time you need it is to fill out forms.. and by then... really... printing is just dropping the connecting line between the letters. You don't need printing for school until labeling maps. :)
  8. Maybe stories about humbleness? I can tell you stories from VBS that the teacher told us in opening from when I was between maybe 8 and 10? Two stories in particular... the story about little Timmy who stole the lunch from someone else.... and the story about the boy who always wanted the biggest and best. (his mom set it up with g-ma that at the holiday he would get the biggest ... but the worst... so when he got the biggest apple.. it had a worm... when he got the biggest piece of pie... it has something gross in the slice... etc) Anyway, these stories make me realize that when you hit on the right moral story.. they can stay with your children much longer than anything you just say. ;)
  9. There's something from Spectrum that is like shortening... pretty much.... Coconut works if you want the flavor. Different "kinds" of coconut give varying levels of coconut taste. I actually like the really strong one for popcorn. Lighter ones for baking. You can order by the gallon. (Do you have nut allergies? ) The first one I ordered had that it was made in a factory with nuts... :)
  10. With my pup, I really think that if I couldn't keep him, I'd put him to sleep. I feed him raw, it's best for him. He sleeps in our room, although he might be moving out to the hall outside of our room. He is either right with us, crated in the house, or crated in the car. It's hilarious... I can keep him in the crate in the car... all day... and if I have to run an errand after I get home... he's ready to go out with me again. I take him with me except for when it's too hot, because I can let him out... to fetch and whatever for a while... and then stick him back in the crate. That way he at least gets to stretch out. He absolutely is fine in his crate... he would go crazy just in the yard. My pup was actually just fine when he was boarded with a kennel. They had a run. It was a really good place, and I just added having him played with.... each day. Anyway, at a humane society... I think just sending him to doggy heaven would be kinder. I love my dog, and I take caring for him seriously... but in the end... he's an animal... and so.. with us or dead.... I hope to have him for many more years though. :)
  11. I'm glad to hear that Chipotle is good. Here, it's across from Baja Fresh.. which I love!! So, I've always looked... but never ventured over to it.. :)
  12. Hi There! There are lots of those who have, and I'm sure they'll pipe up. My daughter did Challenge B last year and we enjoyed it. We're hoping that there will be a Challenge I Tutor for this year, and that it'll be decently full... :)
  13. If you get a trailer, I've seen nice "one kid" ones as well as the usual double. :)
  14. I don't, but I use to get raw milk. Supposedly the pasteurization of the milk isn't the worse for you, but rather the homogenization. Could be you'd be get better quality milk :) Anyway, I love the glass jars. Much nicer and fresher than plastic. :)
  15. And of course, the last story in the last few weeks. Family dog... raised from a pup... went outside with little 4 year old... killed her. I have the SWEETEST dog... and I am VERY careful when he's around kids. I wouldn't let a pit around my children. Bummer... many of them look so sweet. :(
  16. So how often is ... say... Google updated. I mean... can I see where if my mom is home... now? Or, is it like... every 24 hours it gets updated... etc.. :)
  17. That is hilarious!! Well... to think of... not to live.. Hope they're better soon!!
  18. Why get rid of books when you can get more bookshelves. Honestly, the largest amount were Mel and Norma Gabler, when we lived in Longview, TX. I was young and still remember. They were textbook critics who had books on bookshelves all around their house, their extra bathtub, on every surface where they wouldn't slide off.... Everywhere!! What an exciting place to visit!! For me, books are friends.... good thing cuz in Real life... friends and I aren't around each other much... :-)
  19. I do wonder about this. Do you all have little reusable bags for your garbage cans? (restroom and kitchen) :)
  20. It costs about $4 for a nice spiral to be put on. If you're passing them down... might be worth it:-)
  21. Both my son (6) and the little boy we keep once a week (5) have this problem. I would rule out a UTI, but after that.. (and until the appt) I'd remind once an hour . I do... and he stopped. My son was trained for 3 years or so... and then the WII and whatever else he was playing... just put him in a zone that he couldn't get out of.... :)
  22. Oops... she's not 18. They almost have to take it back... she's a minor. Point that out to them.. (At least in most states that's true...)
  23. You realize it's a program best done with others:-) You pick friends, a day and time, and you plug on?? Well... that's my take :)
  24. I like the romantic part of homeschooling! The dreams... the hopes.... the reality is ...not so much. I think that if I had the $$$ and a good school.... I'd stick her in.... ;)
  25. Hey Peela, If you come back to this thread... I'm curious what Cauliflower cheese...with triple cheese is... (Is that just cheese sauce made with 3 cheeses?) Yum! Also, custard would be referring to an actual custard.. like custard pie?? And.. it sounds like sweet.... since he likes sugar?? :-)
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