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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Ever see the old Jenny Craig commercial? At least I think it was that one... the one with "a cookie for the kid" "three cookies for mommy" type one..... ;)
  2. Well, my daughter started before I let her :) I suggest the razors that have that HUGE head with the shaving cream already in it... (kinda the hard soap on top) It's much easier to shave without cutting yourself. I also would explain HOW to shave... hints on not cutting yourself... be careful around ankles and such.... go into detail... much nicer than cuts all over... :)
  3. We're in debt, and how sad! BUT, I offered for my 2 oldest step-daughters to live with us through college. Then I suggested that they save all their money... pay off any college... and then purchase a house or whatever they'd like to do with it. BUT, she moved full time to her mom's house... and that's fine with me too. Whew.... she's her mom's responsibility now, and I didn't realize how much of a "light" feeling that'd be! :)
  4. I would think it would be easier to see if you could make it so all her card purchases had to be actually "run" through a machine... or maybe a limit on card purchases.. ($25) or something like that.... OR, maybe one of those prepaid cards... :)
  5. YOU could have a GRAND Time with this!! "We're not sure about the sperm.... different eggs... but they are all mine.. Go Figure!!" Or something... I like to thing "pull out your foot from your mouth... " and give people a look of "wonder" over what they say... :)
  6. Yup, if you get caught :) And of course... there's that "law" thing.... As in... it's against the law. Besides that... I guess that most of the people I know that smoked pot... didn't get into anything worse... and didn't rob to get anything.. :)
  7. Children by my last name.... and legally... no it's not mine... it's my husband's name. (but... well.. it works) By service people... they would call me by my last name... but with Mrs... (Again, not totally right... but it works, too) *Cuz it's on my cards... and the see a ring?? :) For those who I see all the time, I've said.... I just think you're the sweetest.... but you may call me Carrie:) I teach my children to say "Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir" I think it sounds respectful; I like it better than "yeh" :) I also tell them that "Yes Ma'am" without doing what I said... doesn't count :) When I call for my son... I say "Please come here" and he answers "Yes Ma'am, coming" it works with his personality and it just melts your heart... Well.. he melts my heart... period!! :)
  8. Seriously? That actually surprises me.... you mean she's so stupid?? If it were true... it's rude.... and it would look like adoption to a smart person :)
  9. I believe in pediatric doctors for little kids... based on our bad experience with a general DR. Also note that you can get ear drops for ear pain.. although once ruptured, I don't know that you can use them. I know that sometimes they can ooze and be ok... but if it were me... I'd be back at the Drs... and if I could get an appt with the specialist... well... that's the path I take. :)
  10. So happy for you!! If I can only be so fortunate with mine!! :) 4.0 Wow.... Hope my daughter starts to dig in and do well :) Congrats to you and your family!! :)
  11. I really think that they were joking... really..... just joking!! ( I hope...) Otherwise, if it's like here... even if it's in your own yard... even just to a target... it's illegal... besides all the other issues.... :)
  12. Try the $10 no bark little thing right away... just to see if it'll work! My mom has had great success with hers... and now I have with my dog. There's also a little bird house looking one that can work, too! That's between $25 and $50. I think the "birdhouse" one has a greater distance it works... it goes off when the dog barks... without you having to be out. I met someone with two dogs that takes it camping... just because it works if dogs around it start to bark. :)
  13. Watching about 5 minutes of the hoarding show.... and... while I'm cleaning.. I talk on the phone to my mom. This week, I've cleaned my 15 year olds room, my 12 year olds room... my room... (almost) and most of the playroom. I'm trying to be motivated... (this week... actually means... the last 7 days or so) :)
  14. I'd get some lovely chalk.... Is it DickBlick.com that waldorf people recommend?? It's better chalk... better coverage... and more calming :)
  15. When I was younger, I didn't understand how far up they had to be pushed. When I explained how to insert it, I kinda showed with my hands how far up it goes... and said... Go as far as you think... and then a bit more. Most young teens haven't explored enough to realize that it doesn't go up just an inch... Good Luck... PS, when I was young, a bit of vaseline on the tip helped..
  16. Get use to it? We crate our dog when we eat or are cooking... to save him from being yelled at! Counters are fair game as far as he's concerned... I think he feels like he should be getting praised for "hunting" for his food! Hornblower has some more productive ways of training... clicker training... etc... :) If you hunt for dogs ... you'll see tons of her ideas and where to go for training... (online) Course, crating works better than yelling or beating.... (which I have to say... my dog has been threatened with.... good thing we haven't followed through.... but... the crate works..) Since you're fostering... if you could get him trained...it'd be cool. The other thing that was good... before it broke... was our kitchen gate... (leftover from baby years...) But, we love our pup... and he's worth it :)
  17. Hey There :) Disclaimer: I direct a Foundations/Essentials Group, and my daughter will be doing Challenge A this coming year as a seventh grader. There are problems with every group, homeschool or not. Leadership does play a big role in how the group plays out. I am not sure it would be considered a "pyramid" as far as $$$. In my group, I have told all the families not to let $$$ be the reason not to join... or not to "rejoin". I have a ton of work, and I'm willing to share whatever $$$ I receive... with families who want to do CC with us... if the mom wants to help with the work. I mean... that's how $$$ turns, right? I had thought of running my group like a "co-op" with us not taking any $$$... except for our facility cost and registration cost... (which goes to CC corporate) BUT, is that fair to those who pull most of the load.... to let some of the families slip in and slip out... without paying $$$ OR time? To me... when you're part of a group... you pay SOMETHING or it's not a "co-op"... Because to me.... "co-op" is a cooperative. Anyway, like I said... the $$$ is nice... but I'd love to share with anyone who wants to help... especially at the rate that I get "paid" considering how many hours I work... Now, maybe it could be "argued" that other Directors don't feel this way... or that CC corporate is taking a part of the $$$.... but... that's not my concern right now... I'm just too busy doing what's best for my group... and my family... There are many lovely options for those who have enough energy to start a co-op by using Living Memory... or other choices... (I love the look of a TOG co-op) But, for me... right now... it works. Besides CC, I follow a LCC method :)
  18. Hey there, Glad you're laughing and not shooting arrows at me :) It should work for those cute mini-pins you're talking about! At least for my mom's pugs... and the obnoxious dog on her left. She tried the meet and greet thing with the dog... and like everything else that they insist on doing... the just basically said it was her problem! Course, these are the people that did an island between my mom's yard and theirs... with these huge trees that ate into her yard!! And... everything else that ate into my mom's landscaped yard... even after being told that the shrubs and trees etc... would be too big!! Funny looking trees that are chopped off on one side.... and... well.. funny looking dog when they cock their heads to one side... and stay away from the property line, too :)
  19. Hey There, Guess what? They work!! My mom lent me hers... which she has used on the two dogs in the yards on either side of her... (They don't bark much... at all anymore!!) And... my dog turned into an almost "non barker" in one day. I don't think that it hurts them... just a bit of an annoying sound.... Just wanted to let you know... if you have need... that it's GREAT!! I said "Hush" and then pushed the button... Three times... and ... he stopped for the day! And, I went over to the neighbors... and it worked there, too!! :) (PS... Sorry in advance Hornblower... if there's something bad about them... that I don't know...) :D
  20. I enjoyed the baby stage, too! Course... my baby nursed past the baby stage... into the toddler... and then into the preschool stage. He was my last... and loved nursing! He was 4 years and 10 months. People say..."hmmm i could never do that.." But you nurse at one day before 2... then one day after... and ... well... he just kept going. So, even if you don't nurse for that much longer... another year would be great. Remind your husband that the World Pediatric Association (is that what it's called?) recommend nursing for at LEAST 2 years :)
  21. We've let our dog off leash when absolutely no one is around. In Cali, we found the most lovely spot to let our dog off leash.. in our own little spot. BUT, in a populated place, I wouldn't let him off. For one thing, I don't want another animal attacking him!!
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