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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Apple has a deal right now.. if it's still going on... it's for people in some sort of education aspect.... :)
  2. PS, I don't think anyone is really judging others, right?! Loose and Lose... and others are a GGRRRHHH to some, because when they (we?) read the post, we "imaging" that the person doesn't know the difference between the two. When you think about it, perhaps they do... or don't... but neither do half of the other people in the world. (even, or perhaps especially, do some of the public educators) Grace people... we can give each other grace. AND, think of these posts that point out errors... with a bit of humor, instead of thinking that the OP is making a serious personal attack on others.. :)
  3. I think you can, as I have in the past :) Well... I thought I had! :D
  4. Chickens! That's as far as I read :) OKLA Chickens anyone?? :)
  5. You might want to do some type of cleaning every couple of days or so.... You can play ball with a bucket of water... and drop the ball in... so that the dog dips in.... :)
  6. This is an incredible meal!! Squash done with butter.... and sauteed onions.... in Tortillas warmed... with.. if you want... a yogurt and cheddar cheese sauce.... ( I don't care for the sauce... my mom loves it) I have to say, I just love this!! It's SOOOO yummy! Also.... here's another I love... Squash Casserole with crumbled up saltine crackers on top... Yum!! :)
  7. Hi There, Well, I direct a program. There's a decent amount of prep work :) You have Practicums with training for 3 days, about 4 Tutor mtgs a year, perhaps help with Info Mtgs and a Mock Day, and probably 2 hours or so of learning to do the day. You'll need to show up 30 minutes to 60 minutes... before the day starts to write things on the board and get "settled" for the day. My mom with 7 children is going to be doing her 3rd year this coming year. She's awesome! I also have other Great Tutors. How your community works... is well... a bit community specific... Part of the learning you'll do... you would do whether or not you did CC. :) It's fun... rewarding... but work!! :)
  8. Private School? What do you need to do for a Chaplain Job at a Prison? Insurance? Working for an Insurance Company? Being a "server" or bartender if he's got the personality and it doesn't go against your beliefs... If he's got the desire to not be a head pastor, but would be willing to be in Youth Ministry... Youth Minister... Shoe Sales like at Macy's, Nordstrom's, etc.... (Or a really nice shoe shop) Post Office, UPS... these type of places can keep you hopping!! :) Good Luck!!
  9. Very Nice... Obviously the school didn't know your daughter's ability level!! Very happy for you all! :)
  10. Hey There, So outside Franklin Lakes... is one spot my husband is looking at. It's very early in the game, but I wanna try to think outside my comfort zone. I've lived in NJ before, but not as a "long term" thing... and for sure... not as a Homeschooler. Who wants to tell me how great it is in NJ? Specifically around the Philly border... :)
  11. Could you choose a Lutheran Church that is Missouri Synod or Wisconsin Synod? Those would have formality, with views you might find with a more "conservative view" of the Bible.....
  12. With a cell phone, right? And, then going over what to do if someone tries to abduct you...
  13. Wow, how incredible insensitive. I'd ask for a copy of my medical charts... like on the spot... and change Drs... if I had a choice!! That is something to report... (Of course, I don't know... I might be worried about "revenge reporting" by the Dr.... ) What a Jerk!! Sorry....
  14. Well, if you were going to spend the money before.....then just buy an extra nice gift. If I were getting married, the really nice set of knifes from Cutco would be great... "they last a lifetime"! Which would be a nice wish for your son and to be daughter in law:) I think you give to those who need... as you can. I wouldn't take $$$ out of retirement, for children that would be having a ton of money. Perhaps you could purchase a money series like Dave... for after they're married. Sometime people who have money... and come into money... can use help with that... Maybe something about newly weds.... and how they can start wisely...??? :)
  15. I, believing in good Chiropractors.... would be asking for a good one. You'll just get that "Good Feeling" even though it's a bit scary. My kids all like ours. :)
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