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Free Indeed

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Everything posted by Free Indeed

  1. Nope no excuse, I was born in 75 as well. I must have been 12 going to see this! What were my parents thinking? :001_smile:
  2. I saw it in a theater that had actors doing things during the show. Sometimes they were dancing at the front, sometimes they were throwing toilet paper, sometimes running and screaming. Another one that I went and watched that I thought was MUCH better (and still wonder what was I thinking) is Pink Floyd the Wall. I still have that cd and listen to it sometimes. ;)
  3. There are more here : http://www.homeschoolshare.com :001_smile:
  4. I did not see a thread on it, but I love the book and if you want to PM me with a question please do. :lurk5:
  5. Praise and Worship, and it is one of my favorite songs. :001_smile:
  6. We use and love Reading Made Easy by Valerie Bendt. I have used it with 2 children and working on my 3rd now. I did not know about it when my son was learning to read.
  7. I wonder that sometimes myself. I have really simplified the past few years and it has went well. We really don't need lots of curriculum, but I think it makes some of us feel better to know we have it. ;)
  8. I know several "white" Hispanic mix people. They always go by white in general, but when they went back to college (2 of them anyways) they listed as Hispanic even though they do not identify with that culture because of the scholarship, and other free monies available to them because of it. I have never met a biracial who was mixed with black that chose the white culture. I never knew them well enough to ask why though.
  9. I was hoping someone who is better at expressing t hings would chime in here about Jump in, but since that has not happened I will give it a shot. I bought Jump in for my 11yo son to use who has very little formal writing practice, only narrations and such. Jump in covers all the types of writing (persuasive, etc) and starts with little steps. It breaks it up into very manageable chunks and really helps them put their ideas together to write 5 paragraphs about a topic. All the writing assignments are 5 paragraph essays. We are using it one section at a time and doing several of the same kinds of papers before we move on to the next type. I do not have the book in front of me but I can get it if you have any specific questions. I did not use the teachers book at all. It has ideas for writing prompts, but we really did not care for most of them. The book is from Apologia so it has a definite Christian slant, even discusses abortion in one of the example paragraphs, but nothing "in your face" - or maybe I don't remember anything like that because I tend to agree with their perspective. :confused: My son has enjoyed using the program and will continue to use it. A child needs to have basic sentence and paragraph writing down. It does help guide them through the paragraph writing- I just do not think it is enough on its own. I also wish they would have put the factual based writing at the front of the book instead of the opinion type writing as that comes much easier for my son, but I am not sure about everyone else. It is late, and my thoughts are jumbled. I hope this makes some sense. All in all it is a great program at a very good price and we will continue to use it over the years.
  10. We use LOF as a stand alone program. We have needed some extra practice which was easy to find. We will start Algebra in a few weeks.
  11. Read it, and did not like it. The story gets odd, and the theological stuff is WAY off. I just did not care for it at all.
  12. I agree with the article. I have listened to Voddie Bauchum (sp?) sermons and he has very valid points. I don't think it is for all "Christians" because so many Christians today are of the lukewarm variety that the Bible says He will spew out of his mouth. “Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth†(Revelation 3:16).
  13. Yes, and it was great! I recommend it. I did enjoy Created to be His Helpmeet better, but Passionate housewives ranked up there.
  14. Just here agreeing with the others. :lol: Move south and yes put it frozen in the crockpot- I always do. I would add only a little water, because as it defrosts it will add more water itself.
  15. It puts new meaning to the Casting Crowns song- "Does anybody see her?" Here is a link to that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMjeqXiVq4E
  16. :eek: I "got it" after it was spelled out, but then I was thinking- someone had to have a lot of imagination to come up with that. So, I went to you tube and sure enough they had it, and I listened and YEAH- when you hear the song it is obvious. Not only is it obvious it is very clear from the lyrics is was meant to say that, not an accident. Of course I do know a little of Brittany's rep, haven't listened to her music- not my type, but if you listen, you can definitely hear what she wants you to. It is catchy though, because I have listened once, and it s still going through my head. So be careful.
  17. UGHH!! That is not what I wanted to hear. I have a basket full waiting on funds and I was relying on their little ticker at the top to be true- that I still had those 8 days for Christmas delivery. Where is the stomp your foot mad smiley??
  18. Yes, but to make things easier in feed stores they sell the glue that vets use instead of stitching. I can't recall the exact name of it. However, I wouldn't hesitate to use it on my animals or even one of my children if need be. When My dad had 2 of his fingers cut off midway by an ax (or I guess actually by his brother) his mom pulled cobwebs out of the corners of the house to help stop the bleeding, then used a needle and thread to sew him up. They were poor and she was a widow, but she did what she needed to do. I do like having doctors for things that I can't handle, but simple stitches? Now if it were on the face or if there were going to be cosmetic issues than I would go ahead and go in.
  19. Well, looking at your signature you have an awful lot on your plate. Please read this article https://www.triviumpursuit.com/articles/ten_to_do_before_ten.php and if you want to discuss it you can PM me. ;) I would suggest something a little more relaxed.
  20. Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman Anything on No Greater Joy website http://www.nogreaterjoy.org Anything by Voddie Bauchaum. edited to add Raising Godly tomatoes- that is a great site as well.
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