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Free Indeed

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Everything posted by Free Indeed

  1. All of the above. Well, it actually might not be less expensive, but if it is not, it is not much more expensive. I was very leary, and never thought much of it either because I am a picky eater (long story, my parents never made me eat anything I didn't want to), but it was really good. It is so much healthier, and it is so easy.
  2. Thank you. We are already pretty "real" at our church. I have been to some that you can spot the fake smiles a mile away, but we are a pretty genuine church. I love it! :D
  3. I need some help. We are planning a ladies conference at our church and need some ideas for topics that could be offered. I am drawing a blank and really need some inspiration. Do you have any ideas? What topics would you be interested in?
  4. I have not read any of the other replies, but I would have a hard time signing that. I do not drink very often at all. However, I do not believe it is a sin to drink. I do believe it is a sin to be an alcoholic - the same as other addictions. I do believe that Jesus turned the water to wine, not grape juice.
  5. Several of my friends have the Nutri Mill and love it, I have the Wondermill and love it. I have never had an issue with clogging. I think either machine is great. I prefer mine because while the Nutrimill is 1 big unit, with the Wondermill when not in use I store the canister on top and it does not take up counter space.
  6. :lol: Love it! We listened to this song a few weeks ago (from my past) and my kids were like :001_huh: School is fun! We read lots of books- what is not to like?? ;)
  7. Some of my family went, others of us were cleaning our church for Wednesday night service. I really regret not all of us going, and my hubby does too. Next time we will all be there :D - the right wing Republican extremist that we are! ;)
  8. Yes we do! We are Acorns to Oaks Academy after a summer musical our church did one year. There was a song that says "He is changing this acorn into a mighty Oak, He's making me holy, He's teaching me to grow- learning to trust and obey, I'm getting stronger each day" of course it goes on, but that is just a glimpse of it. :001_smile:
  9. Love being in Texas- can't imagine ever leaving! This is a recent quote from Texas Governor Perry.... "Every child is entitled to a public education, but public education is not entitled to every child." He is on a roll! :D
  10. They may have fixed a few typos, but the covers and the binding are the only big things they have changed. The content is the same.
  11. Are you going to be afterschooling him? I thought he was going to be going to school in Malaysia when you move. :001_huh:
  12. :iagree: It is also the one John Hagee has promoted on his sermons. We are big Hagee fans. :D
  13. You have received very good advice here. I was in the same situation, but with my mom, and she died a few years ago. Anyways- I agree with all the other posters, and do not think I could add anything. I just wanted to agree. :iagree:
  14. I do not think it would be too much review.
  15. Thank you for sharing that! It was very touching to me.
  16. http://www.raisinggodlytomatoes.com :D BTW, I have used and love the approach.
  17. We do! I have since my oldest was just 2 or 3. We read aloud more if you count history, science, etc... On average 3-4 hours a day.
  18. We just finished our "school year". We take breaks in the spring and fall since it is too hot in the summer to do much anything else besides school unless you are fortunate enough to have a pool.
  19. We use and really like the Teaching the Trivium method. The book itself is Christian, but I think you could adapt it to be secular if you wanted. You can go to their website at http://www.triviumpursuit.com and read a few of the articles. I think some of the basic differences is that the Bluedorns divide up the Trivium a little differently. Early knowledge is before age 10, knowledge level is 10-12, understanding level 13-15, and Wisdom level 16-18- I believe. It does tell you things to do for each level, but no specific curricula. It does give you an idea of suggested schedule, and a question and answer area. It is my most used book. WTM divides learning into 3 levels (grammar (6-9), logic (10-13), rhetoric(14-18)) and gives you curricula suggestions as well. It has a suggested daily routine, but it overwhelmed so many people and I am not sure if they took it out or not, but there was some talk on it. It is a secular work and talks mostly on education, not really life itself. I hope that helps point out some of the differences.
  20. Phonics pathways is a good solid choice, but we needed more, but still complete. I have chosen Reading made Easy by Valerie Bendt. I have used it through several children now and we absolutely love it.
  21. :D Texas is most definitely my answer. However, if I truly had to leave this land that love- I am not sure where we would go. Probably on a house boat, and if that didn't work- maybe Belize.
  22. Loved the movie. I even bought it on dvd- but then again I own all 3 of their movies now. :D
  23. We have really liked most of Sonlights book choices, but we prefer to use My Father's World and plug in the Sonlight books because we wanted something with God's word more throughout the curriculum, not just in the Bible part. Also, some of the books your child needs to be more mature to read content wise, but for pre-k I think you'll be fine. ;)
  24. Yes I could. All the way until highschool I know- maybe even in highschool with some legwork and modification.
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