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Free Indeed

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Everything posted by Free Indeed

  1. I know SWB says R&S, but it seems so BORING!! Abeka has some color and is in workbook form which would be easier. Is R&S really that much better than ABEKA?
  2. What are your favorite choices for read alouds here? I am trying to decide which ones to buy. I have a 7th grader, 5th grader, 3rd grader and 1st grader. Edited to say, they do not necessarily have to be listed in Biblioplan if you have one you really liked during this times period.
  3. Not sure if this would be helpful... http://www.fiarhq.com/~gbprnhrz/forum/showthread.php?t=57705
  4. Here is one that we love that has not been mentioned yet: http://www.triviumpursuit.com :)
  5. I have noticed that we spend the most money on books for history. I usually spend most of our money on real books instead of curriculum. Now, I have been wondering where other homeschoolers put their money- besides MCT. :lol: Do you spend the most money on the 3r's or do you spend it on other subjects? What do you pay the most for that you think is worth every penny (IEW, MCT, TT)? Thanks for playing along. :D
  6. :iagree: I started again today. I also ordered 2 other Jillian Michael's videos.
  7. Has anyone here used this long enough to see results? I used it for level 1 for a few weeks, but although I made it to level 2, there was not much weight loss. I did fit into some smaller jeans though. I was sticking to 1000-1500 calories a day as well. So just wondering if anyone had actually seen results.
  8. The need is huge, but there are too many hoops to jump through. Also with my youngest being 6, not sure how much help we would be only taking in preschoolers. Edited to add that dh and I are willing, even tried to jump through the hoops, but didn't make it, just in case it sounded like I was saying the kids are not worth our time. Not my intention at all.
  9. We have 4, but if God chooses to bless us with more we would love to have them.
  10. Active life outdoor challenge. It comes with a mat, and we all have fun with it.
  11. Yes, we have about 3 inches of snow, and more falling and yesterday it was in the mid 70's. I don't believe I have ever had a white Christmas.
  12. Has anyone combined the 2? I may not be able to use MFW because of cost issues, so I am looking for alternatives, and ways to use what I already have, or is inexpensive to get.
  13. Thank you ladies! She lives down the road so I can help her when she needs help. I really appreciate all the options, and advice. Until this thread I had no idea what k12 was exactly. I had heard of it, but never investigated it. I will sit down with her this week with the TWTM, and help her chose what she wants to use, and try not to overwhelm them. Hopefully the Book Samaritan will be able to help, and I have a few things she may be able to use. Thank you again for all your help. :grouphug:
  14. HI! We use FIAR too. Really, I do not think it can be beat for the early grades. It inspired such a love of reading in all my children. However, at some point they really need more. TWTM, provides the "outline" for that more. I am thankful at how it lays it all out for you, and yet gives you flexibility in the way it is done. For your other questions: Your child does not need to be reading Dickens, but read alouds that are above their level and hold their interest are great. You can always find an abridged version of a classic book for them to read. For our shift we just added in a little more to their day over a 6 week time period so it wasn't all at once. Classical education, or even rigorous education does not mean dry, dull, boring. We have fun too. Our kids are happy, joyful and learning. I participated in the FIAR/WTM thread, and I still also recommend you also read the articles on http://www.triviumpursuit.com
  15. I know this is old, but I was just wondering, if I signed us up,a nd then decided it would not work for our family, is is easy to drop out?
  16. There is a lady at our church who is just beginning to try to homeschool her granddaughter. The little girl is almost 10, but behind in everything and on a 3rd grade level. The mother has been on drugs, the girls tossed around (there is more than 1, but this one is the one I am trying to figure out for now), and neglected. Grandma is on a very limited income, and has very little cash to get started. She does not want to put her in school where she will most likely be labeled ADHD, and put in special classes, she knows she can learn, just needs the opportunity. Grandma is willing to help the child, but she will need curriculum to hold her hand as she has never undertaken such a task, and has no idea where to begin. She has no computer, or knowledge of how to use one. Any ideas for an inexpensive, hand holding curriculum she can use? On one hand I would like to stay away from textbooks, but on the other hand what else could she use that fits these requirements? Help me to help her please.
  17. I add nuts, and sometimes raisins too. For the icing, I put it in a plastic bag so they can cut off the tip and use it as a "pastry" bag. Works well!
  18. Sounds like a good plan. I too would wait on writing to 100,and read tons of books. Slow and Steady is a good resource, and another one we have enjoyed is Five in a Row. Or look here and get tons of free activities to go with the books you read. http://www.homeschoolshare.com Hope this helps, I remember when I had 1 and was just starting out, it was exciting to see all they could learn. Oh, I do not know when you plan to teach reading, but check out Reading Made Easy by Valerie Bendt. I have used it for years and really like it.
  19. Yes, we are there too. If it were not for a blessing from a friend of ours (sowing seed she calls it) there would be cookies for Christmas here too. ;) Praying blessings for your family this season.
  20. I do not remember one here, but I know that there was one on the Five in a Row boards if you are a member of both.
  21. WOW! that is inspiring! I was on my way, but only had 2 weeks down before I had to stop because of family issues (my MIL died, she lives 6 hours away and we had to travel) I plan on starting this again after Christmas though. Thanks for the encouragement, sometimes it just helps to know it can be done, others have done it before you.
  22. If I knew- I would let you know, I have some ideas, but with my MIL dying, and all that entails, I have done no shopping. Hopefully soon, I don't want to be out on Christmas eve. :tongue_smilie:
  23. We wrap up books equal to the number of days left till Christmas. Then we unwrap 1 book a day and read it. The books left in the basket are days left till Christmas. Sometimes we have an activity to go along with the book as well.
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