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Free Indeed

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Everything posted by Free Indeed

  1. I made one yesterday- inspired by this thread. Living Stone Christian Academy had shared their planner that at had at the top "Subjects we do together", then had a list for each child on that same page that has the independent subjects. Then I made each child a weekly assignment sheet for their independent work, but made them on 1 piece of paper so There was less paper and ink money.
  2. I am looking for a Sonlight type schedule. Has anyone already made one to share that I can use? I can make my own, but I would to save time if I could.
  3. http://www.homeschoolshare.com has tons of unit studies all free. There is Konos, Five in a Row (Well, she would probably use Beyond) There are unit studies on Narnia books, and the Little house on the Prairie series. She has tons of options!
  4. I have not taught writing in a co-op setting. However, there is a program called Hands on Essays http://www.handsonessays.com that I know several people ahve used and loved in a co-op setting. Not sure if this is what you are looking for because it is not really a classical program.
  5. Stan, the author of the Fred books, is a Christian. He wrote the books that can be used by either viewpoint, but when you read them you know he is a Christian. Specifically in the biology book he does not go into anything in Fred's musings that says "God is the creator", yet he does tell his readers where to look for truth. He is not preachy.
  6. There is Hands On Essays, they have a dvd. http://www.handsonessays.com
  7. For tips and recipes on eating whole foods, or just healthier on a budget try this website http://heavenlyhomemakers.com/ She shares lots of tips and recipes for how she feeds her family non processed foods on a budget. It is full of useful information. I know not everyone here is Christian, so be forewarned that this site is from a Christian perspective- although I am sure you could tell by the title. ;)
  8. I emailed PHP and they said the correct recommendation should be start with the fifth grade book, Following the Plan. Just thought this may help someone else.
  9. In the new addition of the WTM Susan says that if your 7th or 8th grader is just beginning formal grammar that they should use grade 5 "Progressing with Courage". However, my books say grade 5 is Following the plan and grade 6 is Progressing with Courage. So which does a newbie begin with level 5 or 6?
  10. DO you get The Old Schoolhouse magazine? There was an article in their in the winter edition that was so very helpful to me. I almost cried when I read it. :D It is called Three Keys to Teaching Writing by Danielle Olander. I would see if you can get a copy of that article, also I believe IEW has a book called a source text for Middle ages for under $10. Not sure this is what you are looking for, but thought I would throw it out there.
  11. Biblioplan is great. You have a choice of several spines,that it schedules out for you over a 3 day week. Then it has a family read aloud and a reader for the different levels scheduled out for you. You can use the library, substitute books, or buy them all. They also have suggested writng assignments, and timeline dates for each week. Now they have Cool history packets, and map packs you can get for each year. I will be using 1600- 1850 this year. The company has great customer service, and I have never had an issue with them. HTH!
  12. I never saw the original post asking about this product, but we really like it here. If you search on the Five in a row boards you will see several people discussing it. HTH!
  13. If you look on the FIAR boards you will see many posts on how it is done in different homes. Kendall has her dd do most of Beyond on her own. I really like how she has it set up. No, it is not impossible. FIAR is a great flexible program that is designed to fit a lot of learning in a homey, non schoolish way. It's more the Hebrew method rather than the Greek.
  14. Thanks, I did figure it out. I was just needing a few m&m's first. :lol:
  15. Ugh, never mind. I just needed chocolate. :tongue_smilie:
  16. On page 82 (the bridge) problem 3, we are having problems with this. I know it probably something simple I am missing, but would you please work it out for me if you have time? Thank you! I see how he did in the answers, but not sure how he is getting 5 pages in 3 hours if she reads 1 2/3 pages per minute.
  17. he will be able to..... I want to know life skills and academic skills that you want your child to know before he enters "highschool".
  18. I was wondering this too. I could not find it, but I see they have also done quite a bit of changing on their website.
  19. Just wondering if you do the 3r's first thing, or if you do content subjects first. We usually start in the living room for our family subjects, then move to the kitchen table for individual subjects. However, I was thinking of changing this up. Just wondering- what do you do?
  20. Just agreeing with Biblioplan. You can see it at http://www.biblioplan.net The people there are great, you won't find better customer service, and it is very affordable. It is also easy to exchange a book if your library does not have the exact one it recommends.
  21. Yep what they said! FIAR and KONOS are tops. Also there are the Time Travelers by Homeschool in the Woods that I hear are really good.
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