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Free Indeed

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Everything posted by Free Indeed

  1. I have to agree with some of the others- we love that Biblical and world history are combined, but we really don't find it near as engaging as SOTW. We are using VOl. 1, and will use Vol. 2 for the worldview alone, but we will continue using SOTW also.
  2. That would be my now 12yos. He was like this even from the beginning also. Jesus is Lord- period. No grey area at all. :D
  3. I have an 8yo girl. We are conservative, but not legalistic. She is pretty set in her beliefs. She KNOWS that Jesus is her Savior, and that everyone needs Him, although not everyone realizes that yet. Yes, she would stand up for her faith if someone asked her to do something that is against what the Bible teaches. We listen to a variety of music, but nothing that explicitly goes against what we believe. Her favorites are Alison Krauss (not sure if I am spelling that right), Casting Crowns, Chris Ledoux, Johnny Cash, etc... My kids dress like everyone else except we do not allow suggestive words (like Hottie, or Cutie) or nothing really short or really tight- belly must be covered- shorts with a one piece bathing suit or Tankini. Yes, I believe my girls would choose to stay with the way I taught them to dress, because they are more biblical standards than Mommy's standards. If the relative sought to change her beliefs instead of respecting them, she is still only 8 and she may be swayed in time. Praise God that my children have a wonderful family at our church that are my children's God Parents- or else they could face this situation as my extended family are non believers.
  4. Yes, you do still have to watch prices because not all sales are really sales. That said, I like having all the sales that are going on in one place. I check to make sure they are a good deal. Tonight I managed to get oranges 10 for $1- regular size too, pineapple 2 for $5, Cantaloupe $.99, pears and peaches were $.69lb. So yes, compared to the price these things normally are I made good deals and saved a ton of money. Not everything on there is a good deal, just like sales papers are not always a good deal. No, I do not think Wal mart sponsors the site, just someone who compiled all the ad's into one place. :001_smile:
  5. I just wanted to make sure everyone knows about the site http://www.mygrocerydeals.com . You register on the site then add the stores in your area you want deals for. They pull up all the deals in categories (ie cookies, crackers, meat, produce, etc...) you click on what you want to add to your list, it makes a neat little list for you to know how much everything is. Then you take your list with all the competitors prices on it to Wal- Mart and they match the prices. I have been doing this for a while, but it just came to me that maybe not everyone knows about this. I saved about $30 on produce alone tonight. Hope this helps someone stretch their grocery budget.:001_smile::001_smile:
  6. Wow! It looks like Costco wins! I guess I will have to just go and look around. I am mostly buying staples- honey, yeast, flour, etc... that I can get better deals on so it would not be hard to just go to the store and price a few key items. Thanks for participating! :D
  7. Which has better prices and quality? I am about to get a membership for one of these and am trying to decide between the two.
  8. I am not an expert, but I will try to answer your questions. ;) Yes there will be some overlapping in skills- both contain copywork, dictation, and narration. However, while FLL covers parts of speech and other grammar concepts WWE (at last the book) does not cover this. I have not seen the workbooks as I just use whatever we are reading. WWE provides more copywork, narration and dictation than FLL. I do not think they are planning on doing away with FLL, as they are still adding levels to the program.
  9. See- I knew you ladies could help me out with some great ideas to get my creative juices flowing!! :D
  10. My children and I need your creative ideas to come up with some sort of art project that has to do with Texas. I googled, and had a hard time finding anything. Do yall have some ideas? My kids are 5, 7,9, and 12. Thank you! :001_smile:
  11. We liked the format of Times tables the fun way better, but Times tales covers more material and is working very well too. We are using both. ;)
  12. Do you have a bread machine? I can give you a quick recipe that you can set on the dough cycle and roll out into a sandwich loaf.
  13. Opps sorry! I misunderstood. Here is my recipe. 2 1/2 cups of water 2tbls yeast 3tbls sugar 1tbls salt 1/3 c oil 6c flour Mix water and yeast allow to sit for a few minutes. Add remaining ingredients and let your mixer knead the dough until it is a soft dough. Let it rise in mixer (if you have one or in a greased bowl if you don't) Punch down every 10 minutes for 2-3 times. Divide into 3 equal parts. Roll it out like a cinnamon roll. At this point you can either roll it up plain and let rise for 30 minutes for sub sandwich bread or fill with your goodies then roll. With a sharp knife cut slight slits in the top of the bread. Bake as directed above. this will come out looking like a loaf of french bread. When it comes out of the oven brush the top with butter. YUMMY!
  14. Here is one we use. Make your dough with your regular recipe. Roll out like cinnamon rolls. Spread with butter, and garlic powder- just enough to taste. Put on pepperoni and light amount of Mozzerella cheese- not too much or it will leak. Roll up and bake on a cookie sheet for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. You can also do this with ham and sheese or whatever else you want. :D
  15. One thing about Jump in- it is out out by Apologia, so it is from a Christian POV. I am not sure if that would be an issue for you, but I did want to go ahead and mention it. I really like how they take baby steps through the writing process. We need a lot of hand holding here. Then, I did just get a copy of WWE, and found out that at this age he should not be coming up with his own ideas yet, still just using non fiction and modeling others. That explains so much.
  16. Jump in! We are using it with my just turned 12 yo- and it is working well with no formal writing experience.
  17. http://www.beeyoutiful.com is where I order mine. My dd was n an antibiotic to prevent kidney infections (she had kidney reflux) and while she was on ANTIbiotics, we also put her on PRObiotics. We still use it regularly.
  18. I probably will not be much help, but I am just pulling passages from our read aloud.
  19. We love LOF here and use it as our only curriculum for the time being. Until I see it is not enough- it is enough. ;)
  20. This was just what I was expecting. I agree with the others on some of the wording was just not right to fit my beliefs. 1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
  21. http://www.homeschoolshare.com is my favorite free resource. I could homeschool this next year without buying any resources. It wouldn't be near as much fun though! :lol: The day the big box arrives is a favorite (even if I really buy used, and then put it all in 1 big box for the kids to get excited about). ;)
  22. We love her website. While I love WTM, my approach is more Teaching the Trivium. http://www.triviumpursuit.com If you like Elizabeth Foss's site have you looked at http://www.homeschoolshare.com ? You might find some fun unit studies there that would be fun.
  23. No dressing up here. It is just not practical around here to get in good clothes everyday. I have to dig through my closet to find anything to wear at weddings or funerals- not that my wardrobe is all that vast as I hate to shop for clothes as well. I think I am missing a gene as well. :001_huh:
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