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Free Indeed

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Everything posted by Free Indeed

  1. We love Fred here too. Glad you are enjoying him too!:001_smile:
  2. I am not sure about the sites online, but wanted to give you another option. In our Walmart they sell book kits. You buy the $20 kit, the child writes the story and does the illustrations. Then you mail it in to them and they send you a hardback bound copy that looks just like a real book. I am not sure how much the online options are, but this is just another option.
  3. Well, if ya want one at least shop here - this is where I got my Bosch- I still need a grinder, but the cost is less, and you have different options. http://www.joyfullivingforyou.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=28
  4. :iagree: I was that girl as well except my mother was all for it as long as I did not interfere with her lifestyle. You need to be strict, but also understand this is a whole new way of life for her and change is hard. Dy has already mentioned Aly, she obviously cares what she thinks. I think a "family" meeting is in order.
  5. Have you looked at maybe supplementing with Life of Fred fractions? My ds was hitting a wall, but LOVES LOF.
  6. We are done. However, if God decides we are not done, than I would welcome a new baby in our family. No adoption, no abortion. We were done at 2. ;) God had different plans than we did, and I am so glad He did. :D
  7. I combine SOTW with MOH for my kiddos- 6th,4th,2nd, and K (Well the K does FIAR). It works really well for us. I assign more reading or research to the older one- but that is also included in MOH. It would definitely be easier than combining 2 cores. We do use Sonlight as a reading list, but not as complete cores. I do not know if you could cover all of history in 2 years using this approach- you would really be moving fast.
  8. Simply numbers was designed to be very cm ish. You can find it here: http://www.shoelacebooks.ecrater.com/ :D
  9. Here is a link to get free owl pellets. http://faculty.jsd.claremont.edu/dguthrie/pvas/education/pellets.htm Just send an email with your name, address and how many you need. They are natural- nothing done to them and they come in a ziploc bag. We ordered a few of these a few months ago and they were great!
  10. We really like it here. I love the bite size chunks, and so does my reluctant writer. It seems to be very thorough as well which meant I did not have to go shopping for books dealing with all the different kinds of writing, it's all in 1 book for a great price. 2 thumbs up here!
  11. Have you looked at Jump In form Apologia? I am using it with my 6th grader this year. If that is not what you are looking for maybe this website will help: http://www.design-your-homeschool.com/teaching-writing-skills.html
  12. We are just starting the free Spanish course from http://www.livemocha.com I have never used Rosetta Stone, but several people have said it is similar. My children are doing really well with it and ask to do it. :D
  13. We like Jump in from Apologia. Inexpensive, very thorough, and broken down into little snippets that are not overwhelming. I have LOVED this program for my 11yods with no previous formal writing experience. :D
  14. I do not post often, I am hardly even on the general board. However, I popped over today, saw this, and just have to say....AMEN!! I so absolutely agree with this! :D
  15. http://www.miraclemusic.com This works around here, but I guess it would depend on the ages of your children.
  16. We have used Reading Made Easy for 3 of our children. LOVE it! I do not even curriculum browse on that one- the grass is greener here with that program! :001_smile: http://www.valeriebendt.com to see samples. It is scripted and everything you need is in that book with the exception of index cards.
  17. I really like the H.E. Rey books and the Glow in the dark night sky book. Here are some unit study stuff you may be interested in. http://www.homeschoolshare.com/connections__outer_space.php I love that site for free homeschooling and it is made by homeschooling moms! :D
  18. Hmm... not exactly sure but I think the planner at http://simplycharlottemason.com/ will do just that. :001_smile:
  19. No advice, it is pretty flexible and straight forward. We use it with a variety of ages here.
  20. I am using it as a stand alone program for my son. He is doing well with it. It is not overwhelming, it still challenges them, and he has to show mastery before he can cross the bridges. If I see that he needs more practice, than I will give it to him, but right now we are half way through the Fractions book and it is working very well. Best of all- he is enjoying math for the first time in a long time. He does math for about 20-30 minutes each day. I am thinking that unless something major happens we will do both fractions and decimals and percents in the same year. Of course that may change. After finishing those 2 books he will be ready to begin the LOF beginning Algebra book. HTH!
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