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Free Indeed

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Everything posted by Free Indeed

  1. I am west of Fort Worth in Parker County. I am originally from Montgomery, and have lived briefly in Houston. We have a group out here called EMACHE, and another I do not belong to - Parker County Christian Home Educators.
  2. We start a new year in May. Here is what I have planned: 6th grade ds : Math- Saxon 7/6 LA- Writing tales 2 with Sonlight Grammar Ace History- MOH & SOTW 1 Literature- various books- some from Core 6 Science- Apologia Zoology flying creatures and nature study Sign Language Guitar and Violin Bible- Old Testament study Logic- ? I had planned on doing Building thinking Skills book 3- but Rainbow resource has it listed as OOP. English from the roots up 4th grade dd Math - Saxon 5/4 Same as above adjusted to her level- adding in Miller books. 2nd grade dd- Same as above Exploring Mathematics grade 2 FIAR k dd Reading Made Easy FIAR/Homeschool share Miller stories Various reading Funtastic frogs I think that is it, but I am sure I am forgetting something. ;)
  3. I agree with you. My kids do what I tell them as well. However, with this I can put on the cd and then they will have everything done to start school or walk out the door with no input or "did you remember to brush your teeth?" from me. Now if all your children are older and do not need help to remember than that is great and this will probably not work great for you. It is invaluable help for my 4yodd and my scatterbrain dd who forgets what she was doing. :D I like it because it tells them what they need to be dong instead of ME having to do it. I can get other things done and they will stay on task. :)
  4. We have been using this for several months now. I really like it and it does work. Dh does not like to hear the music everyday, but really likes the results! :D
  5. I think you are making the right decision. That game would be gone around here too. :eek: That said- I would try to explain WHY, and use scripture to back up my reasons. I want my children to KNOW what the Word says about that kind of thing. We are in the trenches with you! :D
  6. I haven't read all the replies, but sometimes our husbands have God given instincts that they can't explain- but they just KNOW. ;) I would trust your husband in this. I don't think he would make them stay home just because he would miss him, but he may not be able to put an exact finger on what he does not like about it. :)
  7. I really do not have any great advice, except I agree that if things have been in turmoil they may need a bit more reassurance/security that calling you provides. Maybe tell them that YOU will call them to check in periodically and to only call you in case of emergency? I was wondering if you could tell me more about your contract thing because that sounds very interesting. ;)
  8. I am not familiar with any of these. What are her options? Thanks for your help?
  9. Yep! My then 2 yo memorized 1 John 1:9 with the rest of the family and everyone thought that was quite an accomplishment. Then when she was 3 she named the Presidents in order and quite a few of the states and capitals and :eek:. lol! My son's Cub scout leader (when he was 6) could not get over the fact that he wanted to know where in Egypt the food pyramid was.
  10. She walked out and left them all. He was served with divorce papers 1 year to the day of his accident in Iraq. :mad:
  11. Did anyone watch this last night? The father on there - Daniel Gilyeat- was a friend of my husbands when they served together. They had their picture taken together at the Marine Corp birthday party. They had lost touch as the years went by so imagine our surprise when we saw him last night. We are very sad :( angry :mad: at what had happened to him, but also very happy at how it turned out. Thats all just wanted to share that! :D
  12. Yep! While not requiring them to buy there own hygiene items ;) I let my kids earn their "extras". I very much agree with this article. :D
  13. I very much agree with this post. I teach my children that we are to love others- all people- but that does not mean we agree with all their choices just as they do not believe in all of ours. That said there was a very interesting article written by Michael Pearl that if you have time to read and comment on as unbelievers (or believers :D )I would love to hear your thoughts- on this article not on their child rearing beliefs which I know is a hot topic (said with a big smile). It is here: http://www.nogreaterjoy.org/topics/bible-teaching/article-display/archive////learning-from-the-atheists/?tx_ttnews%5BbackPID%5D=3
  14. Have you ever read Teaching the Trivium? I would HIGHLY recommend it. Here is a link to an online article about 10 thing to do before age 10. This book and approach has really helped me. :D http://www.triviumpursuit.com/articles/ten_to_do_before_ten.php
  15. :D I hate to admit it, but YES :eek: Glad I am not the only one! No advice though! ;)
  16. I have used Reading Made Easy with my 2 girls and am using it now with my 3rd dd who is 4. I LOVE it! It is scripted, but the stories (a sentence at first, then adding more) are illustrated - you are supposed to cover the picture while they read, then show it to them and discuss it. It has copy work included (the story you just read) if you are ready for that and you write the words from the story (or 1 sentence from the story) on index cards for the child to arrange in the proper order. There are visual clues (bold a says long a- gray a is short vowel sound- sight words are underlined, silent letters are dotted) She has bingo games too for the sight words. We have really enjoyed this program and the kids love reading. http://www.valeriebendt.com/ReadingMadeEasy.aspx This link has sample pages- and it is about $45 on her site- I think it is less at Rainbow resource. HTH! :D
  17. Everyone else has already said it all- I just wanted to say we use it too! :D
  18. We use FIAR here and love it! I use it for Pre-k- about 2nd and then they are more interested in what the other siblings are doing. Some people really get into planning this and that to go with each book, doing lapbooks, etc. We just use it as a pick up and go manual with the occasional lapbook. I really like the program and have used it with all my children. My children learn tons from it, and it can be used as a main program. I love the snuggliness (is that a word?) :) of it all. Here is a website where some of the users of it have written similar types of unit studies and they are free and quite a few of them have lapbook printables already made to go with it. http://www.homeschoolshare.com I have written several and we even use the chapter book ones for older children. Hope this helps!
  19. I spend on average $500 a year on curriculum for my 4 children. Then add $45 a year for PE.I don't count the $70 a month for violin($30 for 2 children) and guitar lessons (for 1 child)- which we are almost done with, and we would do anyways even if they were in school. Also, I go to library book sales to build our library and use for school so that is another $40 every 3 months, but again I am a book lover so I would probably do that even if not homeschooling. So anyways- less than $600 a year. WAY less than that this year! Maybe $200-$300.
  20. I think it is Latin Centered Curriculum from other post I have seen.
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