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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. Oh and I was transientChris then although I always was a form of Christina. I was Christina in NM, then Christina in Belgium, then Christina in Space Coast, and now transientChris which describes my life best.:)
  2. Happy Birthday Emily I think I started coming here right after she was born. I remember thinking that you were a superwoman with homeschooling, teaching, writing, having a board and being a mom of a newborn.
  3. Some medications like my dd's migraine meds, or her anti-depressant that's keeping both her migraines and her PMDD down. Also my other dd's osteoporosis medication since she takes it once a week and I hate to forget to refill it. The worse one that I had problems with it my dd's ADHD medication. That can't be refilled but I have to bring in a new prescription and I have to wait until a certain day to do that since it is on the prescription. But the pharmacy can run out. That is happened three times. One time I ended up going to another pharmacy quite a ways away and waiting a long time. One time, they gave me less and told me come back for more (military pharmacy). Once we ran out and that wasn't pleasant at all. Now I make sure I have some lower dose medication that she switched to higher dose so in case she runs out, we can give her one of the lower dosages.
  4. By the way, green is a primary color when you are talking lights versus paints. That is, in the lighting world, like stage lights, the three primary colors are red, green, and blue. I said pink but this was a very poor question. The problem isn't with us as thinkers but rather with the author who thinks there is one answer.
  5. Everyone in my family has liked it although I use it only rarely. We got it last year and while it wasn't used that much when we were in Florida and had lots of things to do, it was used a lot in the cold winter and wet spring we had here after we moved.
  6. I would definitely edit down especially if your daughter reads authors. So in our case, there would be no need to list everyone of the SUe Grafton mysteries (she has written up to T is for ... and I think my dd is up to the F mystery right now).
  7. We go to co-ops and have been doing that for as many years as possible. For the record, once my kids are high school, the co-op needs to be serious. RIght now, my oldest is having one class iin intensive writing, one in debate where she is learning great research skills, and a third in my US Govt/Econ class. All of these are for credit with two being for full credit and one being for half. My younger has a robotics class where she is learning programming, a cooking class where she is having more hands on experience than I had in my jr. high home ec class, and a class about Ancient Greece. These are all worthy subjects but even more importantly, my kids need some interaction with others. My older one because of her extreme shyness and my younger one because of her introversion. We work later on co-op days and still do some other subjects and we usually manage at least one subject before. We also do some extra work on weekends. IT is worth it to us.
  8. I suspect the children were very drowsy simply because one of these interviews was filmed at 4:45 am and the other at 5am after having interviews the previous evening.
  9. NCAA is the National Collegiate athletic association. They have eligibility rules for who can play sports in college.
  10. If we get aa request like this, we are only sending in selections. We will have moved at least once in her high school career and this is not so essential. I am not sure what they will get out of her recreational list anyway. It tends to be mysteries, horror, and sci fi. I guess I can also include her semi-voluntary summer reading too. Those would be books she read her first two years of high school in the summer reading program of the homeschool group we were with then where we had one selection having to be from a list of books. It is semi-voluntary because she didn't have to do the program but if she did, she had to read one of the books.
  11. WE survived the college fair but it was grueling. I am so surprised that we didn't see one other homeschool kid here. Not saying that none of them were there but both of us have actually met a lot of homeschoolers here since we are in a homeschool coop of over 500 people (and not an insignificant number of them are high schoolers) and we are also in a giant homeschooling soccer league where they play against other high schoolers. I do hope the homeschoolers are going to these. On the other hand, I teach two sections of a high school class and have three seniors in those two sections. Only one of the three is applying so far to competetive colleges. One other is just going community college and the third is not sure. I really hope that more homeschoolers who may not be classically oriented are looking at colleges for their kids. I haven't been impressed at all with the local community college and the tuition at the state universities here is not very high at all. We have some very good universities here and with instate tuition, grants they give to everyone now including homeschoolers, and other financial aid, it really should be something more people look into for their kids.
  12. I got a very warm fleece shirt/sweater/whatever last year from Lands End. I love it. It keeps me warm. Now I need to do something about my legs but not inside, when we go to soccer for two hours. Regular jeans didn't keep me warm enough in the 49 degree damp weather. I have abnormal temperature regulation and can't tolerate cold or hot.
  13. I will ask my husband when he calls who is a PhD physicist. He probably would enjoy doing the problem versus the horrendous airplane problems he has had today.
  14. Ok, I am frustrated at my dd. I did so much better with child 1 and I know child 3 who is seriously considered colleges even now at 12 will do fine too. Then there is child 2. Some of her main criteria is architecture. No, not as a degree, as a style of the college. Now I do need to say that both dh and I did like the architecture of our college (u of Chicago) but it wasn't the main attraction. It was a great extra. He went because of the great physics department and I went because of its wonderful reputation in economics. Then there is our daughter. Since she isn't decided on a major yet and her potential majors are very common: biology, poly sci, or psychology, she is tending to focus on idiotic things. Like two weeks after she told me she wants to be going to a school in or nearby a city where there are medical facilities for all her specialists (neurologist, cardiologist, orthopedist, and someone who sees and prescribes for ADHD people), she tells me that Sewanee looks wonderful and she wants to go visit. Talk about the opposite- 56 miles away from Chattanooga. Her complaints about places run from decent comments- college looks like it is for students who want to have a good time, not study; to this school is out because of its colors or its mascot (U. of Richmond since its team is named the spiders and she has arachnophobia). I mean I have no particular reason for her to choose U of Richmond or the schools she rejected because of colors but really. We are going to a college fair tonight and I hope she can stick to some important basic questions she has like are cars allowed for schools that are isolated (we will have to get her a car if she goes to a school that doesn't have medical facilities nearby or doesn't have transportation to them), are single rooms available, any additional requirements for homeschoolers, or do undergraduates get research opportunities (all of the previous colleges we visited kept emphasizing their opportunities for research and travel abroad which she is interested in). At least I can get her to show a bit of interest now but aaah. My youngest will be a joy after this. She is so methodical and systematic.
  15. Yes, we are doing things differently for my third who is a math/science kid and likes textbooks for history. 7th grade- LOF Fractions, Decimals and Percents. Start of Alg. 1 8th grade- LOF finish ALg. 1 if not done, Alg. 2 9th grade- LOF Geometry 10th grade- LOF Trigonometry 11th grade- LOF Calculus 12 grade- LOF Statistics (we may very well add to this or move faster. SHe will be done with the Decimal book right before Christmas or earlier) Science plan so far, 7th grade BJU Life Science/ old physical science text 8th grade Earth Science with Physical Geography text, and various Metereology, Astronomy and Oceanagraphy texts 9th grade- DIVE Chemistry, maybe also DIVE Bio 10th grade- AP Chem, maybe something else too lije second half of Bio 11th grade- Physics, 12 grade- AP Physics THis is not firmed up. She is very strong in math and science and is potentially wanting to do engineering.
  16. We also haven't had any problems in the four public schools our kids have taken PSATs. (We are military and always seem to move either between 10th and 11th grade or like last year, in 10th grade). The test redults will come in early December, before the 10th when we had mail stopped last year.
  17. No, and I am immunosuppressed and high risk in two other ways. I don't stay home unless I am sick or I want to or I can't get out.
  18. Actually ADHDers who were medicated throughout childhood and adolescent normally have a much better time as teenagers then as children. They normally don't go through the bad teenage years anywhere as badly as normal children. NOw as a previous poster suggested, that is not the case with bipolar which normally continues to get worse for as long as it is not treated.
  19. Get someone else to do the yardwork of picking up the leaves so my kids had more time. Plan some vacations to be more stressfree. We are probably going on some more weekend vacations this year but with more money, we would do it easier (like fly instead of drive).
  20. The Washington Post had an article today about how so many of the people who are getting seriously ill aren't typical high-risk people. Some of the things they said may make it more serious is any type of asthma, even intermittent and very mild, and obesity. They are also debating whether being a female makes you at higher risk. They already know that pregnant women are at much higher risk. But they are starting to think that females in general are at higher risk for complications. We are still waiting to get the seasonal vaccine and now also the H1N1. They aren't giving any of the second kind out here yet but the availibility is very spotty. The county next to us has it as does DC. The city next to us will have it even later than our county.
  21. :iagree:with the pp about trying to make certain aggravations less aggravating. With my two oldest, who have ADHD, when they were at this age, the time when they wore off their medications was not a good time to get into confrontation. So I would arrange things so they would not be in contact with others then. It would be their time for exercise alone or maybe their alone tv watching time or computer play time or something else. But it wouldn't be the time for them to interact with a sibling or be asked to do a chore. A hour or two later everything would be back to normal and the chores could be done then. With my youngest who is this age and is not ADHD, I generally stay out of the way and have others stay out of the way when she is having a meltdown. It is happening less as she is doing more athletic activities. That has helped a lot. Being tired is a good antidote to hormonal issues.
  22. Joanne, I am so sorry. I will pray for your family again this week. Hope it turns out something not too serious.
  23. Boy do I hate bras. They hurt my back.Sometimes they also hurt my neck and shoulders. I am already wearing a 38 and I know that I do not have a 40" chest. The measurement is probably not wrong but between my arthritis, my asthma, and my muscle spasms, I really probably shouldn't be wearing bras. But then what? I am not a 12yo and I do wear a 38C right now. It fits for a while but it hurts my back after a few hours. It isn't riding up or going anywhere but it just hurts. Any advice?
  24. I haven't from them. I have never lived in Kentucky. But I have gotten dogs from a few rescue groups and tried one from what turned out to be a phony, bad rescuer. What are your concerns so maybe some of us who have dealt with rescue groups can reassure you or warn you of potential problems. I have worked with two different rescue groups doing fostering and they were both great groups. I have also adopted two dogs (one a lab and the current one which is a poodle) from or with the help of legitimate and trustworthy rescue groups. I also had a bad experience with a home rescuer who turned out to be trying to adopt out unsuitable dogs and when I returned the dog, I saw her property and saw that she had no control over her dogs. She also had the dogs wandering through her property and the dog we tried had gotten giardia. He turned out to be totally unsuitable as he snapped and tried to bite my then 4 yo dd. She didn't think that was a big deal but I thought that a 60 lb dog could get no second chances with my 4 yo.
  25. It is being reported that charges against the father will be filed on Monday. They were looking into federal charges since the local charges for a hoax would be only a misdemeanor. The federal charges would probably be something like sending aloft unauthorized aircraft and interference with air traffic (since they had to divert planes going to the Denver airport). I also read an article from a person Richard Heene hired to prepare a script for a show he wanted to have made. His description of Richard Heene and his dealings with him seem like he may very well have mental health issues, possibly bipolar.
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