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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. It really depends on the school. Many schools have College Algebra be ALg. 2. The college I graduated from did not have College Algebra because everyone was supposed to do the equivalent in high school already. For freshman math they had a few levels of calculus and a remedial type math for people who weren[t up to calculus yet. The few I knew who were in that were all humanities majors. Any other majors had to have calculus, I believe.
  2. For me, its war movies and some science fiction K17 We Were Soldiers BlackHawk Down Hotel Rwanda Gallipolli Breaker Morant All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) Das Boot 2001
  3. I am ADHD and don't use medications. I do drink a lot of coffee. My middle uses medication and she is more severly ADHD then me.
  4. 1. Do we follow Denmark's homeschooling regs or our US state of residency? If we decide to enroll the kids in a school there, how does that work? You would have to follow their rules. Schooling would be available but whether they have schools that teach in English is a different question. 2. How is healthcare handled overseas? Do we use our insurance here (we pay for private ins.) or do we use their system? I don't know this. European medical costs are much lower than ours, though. 3. What do we do with all of our stuff? Much of it we would sell, but what about books and heirloom furniture? You put them in storage or you ship them there, I recommend storage., 4. What about money? Do we keep a US bank or do we open an overseas account? Both if you are still paying certain bills over here. You would pay your bills over there with the European bank and your bills here with the US. 5. How do taxes work? I am assuming we pay taxes to both countries. Normally you get a partial or full credit on your US taxes on what you earn overseas but since we were military, we didn't pay foreign taxes so I am not positive on that one. 6. Will our computers work over there or will we need new ones? I am assuming we will at least need plug adapters, but we will need to replace our laptops soon anyway, so we might as well replace them with new ones we can take with us if we can. They will work but you may need a transformer.
  5. I normally want 14. On the other hand, I take kids home from co-op to my house for a group which is less than 2 miles away and put an 12 yo in the front seat. If there are enough seats, no one under 14 goes up front. When my youngest is old enough to learn to drive, we will probably have to get a car with disconnectable air bags for the driver since she can't have them. (She is osteoporotic).
  6. I hope the Congressional hearing bring to light how this is a terrorist crime and how he should be tried in the Federal court system as a terrorist. He definitely should get the death penalty.
  7. Okay I am trying to figure out what to do with my middle. She isn't stupid at all but she does have memory difficulties. She does good work in debate and in writing papers. SHe has very good common sense and analytical skills. What she isn't strong with is some types of math. For whatever reason- absolute values are a stumbling block. Graphing is another one. SO she did a practice ACT the other day and she scored very respectably in reading and writing (28 in each) but poorly in math and science (18 and 19). I am trying to really work with her to improve those skills but it seems like she remembers one day and forgets a few days later. For whatever reason, she remembers some other types of things very well- songs and music, plot lines or story lines, and some other strange things. But her memory for things like science vocabulary, foreign languages, and some math skills is very shaky. What I think will basically happen after I prep her enough is that she will score about average in math and science (or just math on the SAT) but score well on the reading and English portions. WHat types of colleges do I look for? Her perseverance, work ethic, and genuine curiousity mean that colleges that might be actually like her SAT or ACT average may not be suitable if many students are just all around middling performers. Her performance in classes is always one of the best and her GPA is high (not so much my classes but she hasn't received anything other than an A in outside classes where A;s were earned, not handed out).
  8. While our doctor wanted us to give the medicine with food, we don't. My dd takes Vyvanse 70 mg, about an hour before she gets up. Than she gets up and eats a bit - something like a half a grapefruit, some nuts and a glass of milk. At that point she is alert and ready to work. The few times she had to do something right away after the medicine, it didn't work then. It takes about an hour for it to get to the bloodstream. SHe has been on many others and vyvanse it the smoothest for us. She also gets off of it slowly. By 7 or 8 at night, she is bouncing but we usually have her fram away from us.
  9. I have three kids. My first was accelerated and went off early. He did fine for two years and then got ill. He is back in another school and doing well with a very heavy load. He will graduate when he is 21 so still early even with the break. My second has an August birthday. She will graduate aat 17 and go to college at 18. SHe is scared of this but we have over a year and half to get her used to the idea. She has been able to do college work since she was 14 or 15 but we are keeping her with her normal year group so she can get more comfortable. She knows in her head that she needs to do this but she has anxieties and that makes it a bit hard. (We are Active duty military and there is absolutely no way she could live at home and attend college since we will most likely move twice while she is in college). My third has a December birthday. She asked in the car today if there is anyway she could be skipped. Now she is my great underachiver. A lot of that is her perfectionism and then there is also her reluctance to do anything she considers boring. I explained to her that while I am sure she could go into ninth grade next year if she tried, she would have to prove it to me. If I can get her to actually stop underachieving, I will do it. I have a long checklist of things a child has to be able to do before high school starts and if she can do it, I will let her skip eighth, at least on my private schedule. After coming home, she decided one thing she needed to do is finally learn typing. THis is something she was supposed to do last year but never got done. We'll see how long that will last.
  10. I am sure the info the others are giving you is right. We are military and move a lot. There are a few places where I am very reluctant to move and PA and NY are on the top of that list. NC and SC are not.
  11. You cannot use the Home Companion alone. You could use the book alone but the Home Companion is a help.
  12. It was 15 years ago and I have no idea. I think that is because we went on our first cruise the year before and on our tenth, dh was busy completing his PhD. I suppose we went to dinner somewhere? I do know we had a grand vacation for our 2Oth. We drove down to Venice, took a Mediterranean Cruise, then drove to Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and through Germany back to Belgium where we were living. It was a fantastic vacation that we shared with our two youngest children. We are starting to think about what we will do for the 25th which is next year.
  13. Mine has been like this since she turned 12. SHe will be 13 in a month but I don't think it will turn worse. She just was advanced in bad moodiness and behavior.:tongue_smilie:
  14. Sorry to hear about your sinus problems. Prayers that you get over it quickly.
  15. A lot of times we go to bed separately and usually he doesn't mind. LIke last night, he had to go to sleep earlier since he had a 7:03 flight at an AF base at least 30 minutes away. BUt I agree with others. Going to bed means dishwasher loaded and on, meds taken, pets taken care of, lights off,etc, etc. Occasionally I need to go to bed earlier. I never ask him to come to bed earlier although he does tell me to go to bed sometimes. I also get up after a bit if I am not sleepy.
  16. I haven't seen this and I do watch both Fox and Fox news. Maybe it is a local buy even though it is a national site. I am disturbed enough about ED commercials all the time.
  17. I have two I am homeschooling and both are teens. My older dd has enough social outlets for her. She did dive tem in the summer and went to social things with those kids (pancake breakfast, movie nights, etc). SHe is both in adult choir and children's choir and goes to things like kick-off dinner and rehearsal breakfast with the adults. SHe plays soccer (almost over). She does debate, 4h and the honor society. She has gone to a hoedown dance with the speech and debate people. She also goes to co-op. FOr her, this is enough social activities. Her younger sister does some of the same things, but substitute debate for Odyssey of the Mind, take away the honor society and add band. SHe is only in the youth choir and she likes to talk to kids in church, at co-op, at soccer, etc. SHe is my social butterfly but fortunately for her, a homeschooling friend lives a few blocks away and they see each other often. She is the one I need to make sure has friends and this area has been great for her. If we move to an isolated area with much fewer homeschoolers, I would have to reconsider what we are doing.
  18. Why is she doing LOF Decimals? Because she is a very perfectionistic type of child and wanted to do the books in order. As it is, she had a lot of fun today doing the Goldbach Conjecture. SHe does two lessons a day and will be in Algebra by December. I do think that all she really dislikes is arithmetic which she finds boring. Part of that ones perfectionistic tendencies spill over to everything else- not only should she be perfect but so should everything else. She also is my laziest one. But once she starts doing something, she works well to get it finished.
  19. Yes, four of us have had it. The girls had it at the Naval Hospital, hubby at the Pentagon and I got it at the Army Base. While I also got my seasonal flu at an AF Base, the others got their seasonal flu shots at the same place as H1N1.
  20. SInce she likes people I think that para-medical professions might be suitable. Which ones depend on her specific disabilities. But there are many medical careers that do not require college- aides, practical nurses, assistants for medically fragile children or elderly, etc. Of course, she could also continue in the retail area. That doesn't require college and if she actually has people skills and some interest in what she is selling, she could move into better paying sales positions once the economy gets better.
  21. I am currently teaching two with different curriculums. I actually am frustrated with the solution manual of the Algebra 2 book that Chalkdust uses. Why? Because it doesn't have a clear indication of the answer. It instead has a lot of problem solving but without the original book, I can't tell what is the answer and what is the explanation. With LOF, you get an answer. Is this enough? For some of us, yes. For others, no. What would be the best possible way? Having an answer sheet and then having a separate solution area if you need more information. Oh and LOF is enough for some kids without supplementation and not enought for others. Is it a perfect curriculum for all? No, but neither is anything else. I truly believe that different curriculums and methods are best for different children. That doesn't come just from my 15 years of homeschooling but also from my observations while I was a student. Someone who can't wrap their head around simple concepts like decimals cannot be expected to learn the same way as a child who gets the concept very quickly. The same material isn't right for both. The same way you don't need to belabor phonics instruction for a child who is reading and has no spelling problems. Its more like Your Mile Will Vary rather than YMMV.:)
  22. I think so. We were in the waiting room for community college guidance counselors. THe two students we could hear in that room shouldn't have been in college, at least not at this point. One could hardly read and the other had absolutely no idea what college was about or how to get into any occupation. She was throwing out occupations of which some didn't need college at all and others needed doctorates. It is much the same problem with the AP classes at schools. At first, I thought that maybe my kids were somehow behind because they hadn't done AP classes, but rather classes I design often using college texts. Well they aren't since apparantely the kids around here often take lots of AP classes but can't pass the test at all. We are talking about getting 1's. I don't think it should be limited to only the top 10 to 15% but trying everybody to go is stupid too.
  23. Thanks Audrey for starting this thread. I want people to keep posting what kinds of jobs you need. I live in an area with hiring still occuring and low unemployment. This is not a industrial area so those kinds of jobs, along with real estate, and construction aren't in high demand here. However, many other job sites are still hiring. Ask away.
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