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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. MOst of the books are definetely high school books. I don't know whether the discussion material is at a lower level since we haven't used it. I think it is completely doable as a high school program.
  2. It isn't a matter of grading on a curve. I don't curve my students but I did throw out a question that everyone except one got wrong and then not even fully right. Obviously that question was confusing. Teaching for mastery is great. I do that with my students. However, making insanely hard quizzes is not great. Why have ten answer per multiple choice question? I have never seen such a thing and I went all the way through all the classwork for a doctorate. I think she was used to teach biology majors and did not realize how little the non science major students she had knew coming in and set up the class on the wrong level.
  3. Why don't you go to a regular doctor and get help for your pain? I get bad neck and shoulder spasms and I use skelatin (Sp?). It doesn't put me to sleep like the old muscle relaxants but it does work after a while. I am also on pain medication roudn the clock to lessen problems and now have another medication that I can put on as a creme. I find that I can't be productive with bad pain. All these measures keep the pain from being too bad. Hope you get some help.
  4. SO I am contemplating what to do for literature with my upcoming ninth grade girl. She does read long books but is not the reader that her older brother and sister were and are. We are finishing LL7 and she doesn't particularly like it. SHe has already turned down doing Omnibus I with her friend and friend's mother. I was looking at Intro to Literature from Excellence in Literature and that seems too hard for her. I just can't see her reading things like Jane Eyre or Gulliver's Travels next year. I just really don't know what to use. Her older brother did Ancients in ninth grade and her older sister did a movies and lit class that was quite advanced too but I don't know if that was because my dd was the only ninth grader in the class and it was mostly jrs, and snrs. Any ideas?
  5. Absolutely not. I have been in co-ops in five states and one other country and have had no such problems. Was there anyone there who annoyed me? Yes, but I just didn't let it bother me. I just didn't get into arguments with such a person. I don't know if it is the co-ops I have been in or that I am just much more easygoing (hard to see how I could be) but whatever, that has not been my experience.
  6. My older dd has many quirks but her quirkiness disappears with ADHD medicine. She is severely ADHD. THe medicine takes care of it from morning toaround 4 or 5 or later if she takes her ritalin for the evening. But so many of the things you all describe about your Aspie kids are the same things she does. The repetitive speech, the jumping up and down and waving her arms around when she is excited, the tone of voice, etc. NOw I know that some thinking is that ADHD is a milder or different manifestation of some of the same issues like autism spectrum disorders. Her quirks not only are modulated by her ADHD medicine but also by where she is in her cycle. Any thoughts?
  7. So I just looked at this. It says that registration happens in May. So if your child will be a freshman in the 2010-2011 year, should I be planning to have her apply in May 2010?
  8. My master's thesis was on erotomania and criminality. Erotomania is a delusional state of mind where the person believes that someone else is "the one" for them. I took lots of cases and the findinges I had were that the same things that are correlated with criminality in normal cases are also correlated with criminality in these cases. Changing dormitories is a good thing to do and I am glad she could get this done. AS others said, she needs to go no where alone. This is a seriously delusionally man and he, by his previous actions, has shown he is dangerous. Impress this on her.
  9. My girls shared a room from the time the oldest was 4 until she was 11, I think. It was such a blessing to separate them. It cut way down on the arguing. Having a larger house cut down even further.
  10. We started our oldest in soccer when he was four because he liked it and we liked it. All the kids have done soccer. We never did softball since none of us was that interested in it nor particularly good at it. My kids are not tall nor good jumpers so no basketball or volleyball. The girls did karate and would like to do it again but I haven't foudn a good place or time. This last summer, the youngest started swim team and dive team and the older daughter started dive. Why? Because it was a very convenient (six doors down) activity and cost very little (90 per girl). They ended up really liking it and will do it again this summer.
  11. Both of my girls have been in 4h for years. They will be doing hatching chicken eggs next month. Fortunately for us, we will only keep them for 2 days after hatching since in our county, you have to have 2 acres to keep poultry.
  12. I would look at acceptance rates. Their are some very good LACs for premed out there. Now how easy is it to transfer there and complete in two years I don't know. But since dd for a short while was considering pre-med, I looked into this and found that acceptance rates were often better at select smaller colleges.
  13. I put as relaxed but that is because we don't have specific times to do work nor specific places to do work. I also don't write down lesson plans or keep a log book. THey had work they do and they do it. SOme days, not everything gets done because we are concentrating on a specific subject or doing something else like Co-op or testing. But compared to many people I think I am fairly relaxed. Nobody would look at us and think we were doing school at home.
  14. I didn't like the book either. I read it as part of a book club. Otherwise I would not have finished it.
  15. I think the original poster said she has had this problem since she has been on Wellbutrin. That medication along with most of the other SSRI and SSNRI have well known side effects for that problem. TO the poster, along with the suggestions others have, I would look on boards specific to anti-depressant use. Some of the suggestions for curing that problem may be more specific to the class of medications.
  16. I guess I don't get it why she is grounded. My introverted kids come in to the car and don't talk unless I start the conversation. If I hadn't, I wouldn't expect my child to respond. I think that you are resentful how much effort and time you are devoting to the activity and that is not something your girl would necessarily know. I think not saying thanks is a bit rude but not rude enough to ground let alone ground for two weeks. Not talking and listening to music while you don't comment that you want to talk is nothing rude at all. JMHO>
  17. Two kids diagnosed. I have it too. I do think that both my dh and my other kid have ADD without the H and mildly.
  18. I haven't but then I don't have any conditions that would improve with anything I do by myself. On the other hand, I recommended that my dh not start his bp medication without a clear understanding of why he is taking it. He followed my advice and I hope to get him to see another doctor next month when he is finally home. (He was telling me that his bp was in a range that is not supposed to be treated with medication. I told him that he needs to get this cleared up since unless he actually has high bp, he shouldn't be on medication).
  19. Oh and with the above, I wouldn't have forbidden it except that it will cause them more medical problems than it is worth. I saw my sister who had eczema suffer with problems with her ear piercings for years.
  20. DD's will never have pierced ears. Why- because dd1 is a keloid former and dd2 has bad eczema. Both conditions preclude piercings.
  21. This year she just reads and discusses since she is having an additional writing course. Next year, if she is with me, she will read and write essays. Actually she will do the same if she is with another teacher too.
  22. I didn't use anything. My oldest daughter is simply a natural writer. I so no need to give her formulas to use when she came up with great ideas and wonderful flow in her writing without my help. Does that mean she doesn't need editing? No, but not a specific writing program. Then I was thinking about one for my second daughter but I turned to a writing tutor instead. Turns out she can write well without a program either.
  23. I looked at that website and saw nothing wrong with Fantastic. The only thing that is wrong is mixing chemicals. But using Fantastic by itself is fine including that all you need is normal ventilation.
  24. My diplomas are framed and hanging up. My dh organized the framing and does the hanging up wherever we move. He has even more things he hangs up like his going away framed posters from everywhere.
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