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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. My family loves to watch World Cup- anyone else here who is a fan?
  2. Actually in all the areas I have ever lived in, including overseas in Belgium, there were noise ordinances and noise is not allowed before 7am, for example, here nor after 11 pm. I consider that a reasonable rule. I would check my area's rules and then I would let it go if it only happened one time. If it was against the rules, like I suspect it may very well be if you live in a city or suburb, then I would only talk to the neighbor if it happened again. If he persisted after the warning, I would then be putting in complaints to whoever does noise enforcement.
  3. I agree about just supervising your children for these seven weeks and maybe talking to the little girl's parents. I have seen a big change in how people supervise children in the time I have had children which is 22 years. The supervision is less and less. At my church, we have a coffee hour with snacks. Can you just guess how many people let their very young children run around unsupervised? I am talking about 2-4 year olds wandering around a large church fellowship hall with hundreds of adults, two congregations mingling, and a large church complex to escape to including easy ways to escape to the outdoors and into traffic. At one event, I found a little girl no more than 2.5 yo who was lost and wanted her Mom. I found her MOm and Mom didn't hold on and she got lost again. This isn't a little church and not only do the kids do things they shouldn't (like take a bite of a cookie and try to put it back on the tray or grab so many cookies they can't manage to hold them) but the safety risk here is high. Even if no one wants to do these children any harm, the amount of older or less steady people (like myself with arthritis in my feet) is such that crowds of big adults and little tiny kids is just not safe.
  4. Subjects are dropping and I think the last day of this year will be sometime before the end of the month. THen we will start in June with 12th and ninth grades but at least my older will still be finishing two subjects- ALg. 2 and Biology. The younger will still be finishing Algebra. But they will get to drop some and not start some other until after our SUmmer vacation in August. So the plan is right now for summer- finish maths, sciences, continue with SPanish, and start and finish a short literature course.
  5. I am reading Inspector Maigret detective books and the last book by Robert Parker (that one is a very quick read). Just read the latest Botswana mystery books by Alexander McCall Smith last night. I don't normally read aloud since my youngest is 13 but I am making an exception starting today. I will skim and read aloud BJU Life Sciences to her so we can actually get through this. I need to reread Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man to discuss with oldest dd.
  6. I have one more going into high school. For the first, who both he and I thought was going into history, we did WTM way with Great Books and Teaching Company tapes. We added in Geography (Cross country travels and then travelling in Europe for two years plus map work) and Government (both Great Books and practical side by helping on campaigns and also Boy Scout work). DD1 wanted to do a combined history and literature class but it didn't work out well since her ninth grade was her sickness year. SO we ended up with two years of American history (books and Teaching Company), geography (tapes and travel), government (book and class), economics (book and class), and finally next year Western Civ (book and TC tapes). FOr lit, we mostl read Great Books and next year she will be doing 20th cent. lit in a class but I will supplement it with some ancients and a Russian writer or two this summer. Number three is my science/Engineering child. She doesn't like the Great conversation- except if it is about how things work. I am going to supplement her history (textbooks) with lots of things about history of science and technology. If she turns out to be a lot like my dh, which I think she will, she will develop the interest in literature and ideas later. She will definitely do standard classes since she likes everything orderly like that.
  7. My only really big eater now is my 13dd. SHe is worried about that she is hungry. I thinks she just needs to eat. SHe has grown 2.5 inches in less than a year and she is still growing. SHe had a very long time with almost no growth (over two years) and now she is making up, I think. My problem is that she is extremely picky- guess I need another talk to her about what she actually wants to eat now.
  8. Oh I now realize how come DD's APril reading test score fell from 34 to 28. In the April testing session, the proctor got the time wrong and called a five minute warning 15 minutes into the test. DD got nervous and started marking answers. THen when the five minutes had passed, she went back to change things. I think the whole messup is a big reason her reading score fell so much. All her other scores rose or stayed the same since there weren't any time problems with those.
  9. WE have one cat, one dog, two hermit crabs, one hamster, one 50 gallon aquarium, and just for a few weeks, 12 eggs that we are incubating. The only definitely permanent members of the household are the dog and the cat since we will most likely give away all the others when we are PCSed again.
  10. WHen we were stationed in Europe, the Stars and Stripes had articles about this scam. IT involves saying they will pay you more since they really want it but will be sending you a money order, cashier check. something like that. You get it, put it in the back, send the item to them (or in your case, give it to them) and ten days or later, the amount of the cashiers check or money order is charged back to you since it was a high quality fake. Like others said, meet somewhere like a police station and only take cash.
  11. Is it legal where you live to own a wolf without a permit? I would check on this since in many areas, owning a wild animal without a very special permit is not permitted. It may even be covered by federal regulations since I think the wolf is an endangered animal.
  12. I think that is an unfounded rumor about Calvert. They are not a religious homeschooling provider and they never asked me about my husband.
  13. One of ours had the color rule too. The director mentioned red hair and then immediately apologised as she noticed my dd looking astonished.
  14. Well it would be great for a single person but our family needs the room so we don't drive ourselves crazy.
  15. I have two I am homeschooling. Next year, they will be taking physics together. I expect that dd2 will find it easier than dd1. DD1 doesn't care. She knows her sister is better in mechanical things and often asks her to help her with a problem like fixing her bike. She is aware enough that she is a better writer and reader. It is good enough for her. DD1 wants to be a prosecutor and DD2 an engineer.
  16. I disagree with the article. Elementary ed in many places, or at least a teaching cert with another degree, is not a bad job. Many places do still hire. Now a bad degree is journalism. I don't care what the average starting salary is if only 3 people get it and everyone else is unemployed.
  17. THose are the strickest rules I have seen in a co-op. Not the cohabitation, though I have no idea how that would be handled. But the length of the sleeves and no low risers. I do like to wear higher pants but am finding them hard to find. We just have no underwear showing and shirts tucked in rule here. We even allow shorts, though not short shorts. No tank tops though.
  18. Sorry, can't help. My girls and my boy weren't or aren't like this. So, no, not all girls are drama queens.
  19. Here in the US, Lemonade is a non-fizzy drink and I really like it. I grew up in Northern VA and most kids called it coke. Other words used were soft drink and sometimes soda. SOmewhere I have lived, either Chicago or Ohio, people called it pop.
  20. Oh no, the students who my daughter saw sleeping at the tests did not do the tests or only did a tiny portion of the test. She never thought that people resting after they finished a portion was strange and she often finishes first anyway.
  21. Sorry, then I really have no idea why anyone would complain about a 4-6 page (2-3 SS) assignment every three weeks. That seems totally reasonable.
  22. Yes, I was telling Dd that although the school district here proudly proclaims how many students take AP classes, what the hidden secret is how few pass the test. I saw the stats last year since they were in the Washington Post and I was astonished.
  23. FIrst of all, I would not be one of the parents to complain. I expect teachers to say what they expect and then do this. I either praise or I don't say anything. I don't complain and have a hard time understanding why someone would complain if you did what you said you would do. On the other hand, two - three pages single space every week seems a lot to me. How easy it is to write that much and how quickly a child will do it completely depends on a child. I have one who will write a well written scene of a page and a half double spaced _ the norm around here- in about five minutes. But she was in an honors college class that required a paper a week and that paper was supposed to be no more than two and half pages (double spaced) which was doable for her. She may very well have been able to double that (what you seem to require) but it wouldn't take an hour. For my oldest and my youngest, that assignment would be quite a long one. As a pp suggested, you may wnat to change page length to paragraphs or certain topics covered. As a grader, I prefer shorter papers that cover the material to longer papers that cover the same material but wander around doing it.
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