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school is out -- summer is here!

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How about a poll. We skipped spring break this year so we could be done early! I worked in the yard today.....planted flowers and shrubs. Of course I have some planning to do for next year and the dc will read and do some math this summer. We also have a couple of field trips planned that we didn't get in during the year, but SUMMER IS HERE!!! YEAH!

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We will finish up our official year this coming week, but we will continue with english and math a couple times a week through the summer. Our new year will start July 20th or 27th, I haven't decided yet.


This year won't have a full 36 weeks or 180 days but since I'm not required to log them I'm ok with that. We'll still end up doing about 150 days, but didn't have a "full" year because some days we doubled up lessons since they were so short and/or easy.

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Normally we would have finished this week or next, but ds is in a high school program this year so he won't be done until mid June. I will keep both kids on the same schedule so we still have a month to go :0(

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Usually I say we turn over the school year around June 30th, which is also when I send in my yearly evaluation.


This year one of my dd's is off to Germany for 6 weeks, so we crammed and finished the math book early, which honestly makes me feel done. :001_smile: I'm going to make her bring LOF (summer math book) with her, though, and do 3 chapters a week. Am I horribly cruel? But then I can get her twin sister to do the same at home. I can't imagine her sitting around here for 6 weeks with nothing to do.


And her younger sister isn't quite done (with math) but almost - probably another week or two. Much to my surprise she has formed a pact with a friend who's finishing up the same book and they've set a deadline and want a party when they're done (with cakes shaped like math books?! - not so sure about that idea of theirs). I also think I may take advantage of the older ones not really having much schooling for the next 6 weeks to spend some time focusing on the younger one, who tends to thrive on attention and rarely gets as much as she'd like.


I have a big "summer school" schedule laid out for July/August, though, so... We'll start up with full schooling again in September.

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For us, it is more than a month.


We loosely follow the Southern Hemisphere's school calendar , which means our year runs from Jan- Dec, with a few breaks in between.


We will finish our year early Dec and wont return to the books until Feb.

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I needed more than one answer!


My daughter has two more finals and she's done with this term, but she starts back up June 1st. My son is done 'til August. The 6yo is going year round, but it'll be 3R's for summer and *I* only have him 2-3 days per week after we survive this coming (full) week.

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Three more weeks for us! I cannot wait! I really need the break.


We'll take three weeks off (except for my 6 yo who'll keep up with reading/phonics work and skip counting and me doing a crash course in Latin!) Then we'll do a four week summer session, then take three weeks off again. I'll use the second break for detailed planning of next year. It gives the kids a break and it sets us up for much more efficient work when we start up again.



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I voted 2 more weeks, but we probably will not need the whole second week as we will just be finishing up a few things. Our schedule is similar to the local public schools here. There is just so much time that we are stuck inside during the winter here that we like to take full advantage of the summer months.:001_smile:

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Our virtual academy's school year go to June 30th. We can finish early if we banked hours throughout the school year. My son has enough hours to be done now if I wanted. My daughter has enough to finish about 2 weeks early.


Regardless, we still have history and science curriculum to finish. SOTW, with 42 lessons, takes longer than everything else we are using to finish. We also got behind on science so I'd like to do a quick finish of that. Everything else was done a long time ago; we started next year's curriculum a couple of months ago.


We've moved into end of the year pace, though. We have hourly requirements to meet (20 and 25 depending on the child) but we are taking it easy. Very light days for language arts and math with most of the house being met by read alouds and playing outside (PE).

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