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Do books ever effect you this way?...

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I *know* Scarlett is a horribly selfish person. I know she doesn't deserve to have love and happiness and a happily-ever-after ending.




I didn't read the book this time (Gone With the Wind, if you didn't know - LOL!), just watched the movie - (knew my boys would only tolerate so much). We watched it *last week*, and I am still wishing I could re-write a few choice scenes! I just hate thinking of Rhett leaving - it really makes me so sad!!!


Between this, dh's business problems, and not waiting for the new WTM before buying next year's stuff. Well....I am in a funk. ;)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

It tugs at my heartstrings too. Why couldn't she have recognized love when she had it?


I tend to be a hopelessly old-fashioned romantic. Funny Girl is another one of those movies with an ending that makes you wish things could have turned out differently. But then it wouldn't be the same movie with the same memorable end.

Edited by Virginia Dawn
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My husband just finished reading GWTW! It is my favorite book of all times and I am an avid reader! It seemed like to me that Scarlett is not selfish; she is spiteful and immature in the beginning. She married Charles to make Ashley jealous, just like teenage girls would go on a date with someone else to make them jealous. She is one of the most complex characters that has been simplified by a movie (I love the movie too!) But read the book! Thanks for posting!

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I've never read the book, but I'm one of the weirdos that actually hated the movie :blushing: I need a character that I like, and Miss Scarlett just isn't it, I'm afraid.


I love classic movies though. Arsenic and Old Lace, Philidelpia Story (with Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn), Harvey...Just to name a few.


Just never got into GWTW *hangs head in shame*

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I never have cared much for GWTW, and I find Scarlett an extremely unsympathetic character.


However, in general, sure. Books and characters do stick with me. For example, there's a writer named Charles De Lint who writes "urban fantasy." I've been reading his books for years and feel like some of those characters are my friends. I hate it when something bad happens to any of them.

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I read the book in graduate school - not knowing how it ended - I cried and cried at the end. DH thought I was a loon! But to have invested so much time reading such a LONG book! I told my friend (the one who recommended the book to me in the first place) that I refused to read the sequels unless she assured me they had happy endings!




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I read the book in graduate school - not knowing how it ended - I cried and cried at the end. DH thought I was a loon! But to have invested so much time reading such a LONG book! I told my friend (the one who recommended the book to me in the first place) that I refused to read the sequels unless she assured me they had happy endings!




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Oh, I had many nights in college that were sleepless, spent reading and crying! Especially the Sword of Shannara books. Oh, man, when the elf-girl (nameless after ump-teen years - sorry) had to turn into the tree to save the world - *that* was the worst. But, it was therapeutic. A good hurt, that hurt and went away. This is different.


Yeah - I'm a hopeless romantic I guess.

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What makes you so sure that she deserves nothing?


Having read my grandmother's first year printing of GWTW, I must say that I love Scarlett. Her determination is amazing.


I channel her energy all the time.....

"I will think aboout it tomorrow" has helped me through many a dark night.


Imagine in your mind a possible ending of their finding each other again.


What did you buy that you don't want and what would you replace it with?

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Guest Katia

I always felt terribly sad for Scarlett. She is such a complex character; one that begins as an immature teen that is thrown into a hopelessly mature situation of war and deprivation and she sees everything she has ever known and loved taken from her. And it changes her forever.


Some of the characters (Melanie for example) accept these changes gracefully...the way you 'want' to see a heroine grow. But....all people are different and Scarlett just can't be what everyone thinks she should be or wants her to be, because her experiences effected her so deeply and differently than others....but she desperately hangs on to her carefree, unfeeling attitude as it is her salvation.


Well, I could write more but I must run. I'm just glad to see a character that doesn't follow the 'norm'. Scarlett is real. Unpredictable. Hurt. Life isn't always happy endings even when we want it to be.

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Oh, I had many nights in college that were sleepless, spent reading and crying! Especially the Sword of Shannara books. Oh, man, when the elf-girl (nameless after ump-teen years - sorry) had to turn into the tree to save the world - *that* was the worst. But, it was therapeutic. A good hurt, that hurt and went away. This is different.


Yeah - I'm a hopeless romantic I guess.

I would gladly be a tree as long as someone doesn't cut me down.

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I always felt terribly sad for Scarlett. She is such a complex character; one that begins as an immature teen that is thrown into a hopelessly mature situation of war and deprivation and she sees everything she has ever known and loved taken from her. And it changes her forever.


Some of the characters (Melanie for example) accept these changes gracefully...the way you 'want' to see a heroine grow. But....all people are different and Scarlett just can't be what everyone thinks she should be or wants her to be, because her experiences effected her so deeply and differently than others....but she desperately hangs on to her carefree, unfeeling attitude as it is her salvation.


Well, I could write more but I must run. I'm just glad to see a character that doesn't follow the 'norm'. Scarlett is real. Unpredictable. Hurt. Life isn't always happy endings even when we want it to be.


Come back later and write more!

I love this!

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I've never read the book, but I'm one of the weirdos that actually hated the movie :blushing: I need a character that I like, and Miss Scarlett just isn't it, I'm afraid.


I love classic movies though. Arsenic and Old Lace, Philidelpia Story (with Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn), Harvey...Just to name a few.


Just never got into GWTW *hangs head in shame*


Perhaps if you got into her head (by reading the book) you would like her.

She has personal strength, love for Tara, and the will it takes to survive when all the world around you is on fire and the yankeess are stealin' your grandmother's silver.


I love her.

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I always felt terribly sad for Scarlett. She is such a complex character; one that begins as an immature teen that is thrown into a hopelessly mature situation of war and deprivation and she sees everything she has ever known and loved taken from her. And it changes her forever.


Some of the characters (Melanie for example) accept these changes gracefully...the way you 'want' to see a heroine grow. But....all people are different and Scarlett just can't be what everyone thinks she should be or wants her to be, because her experiences effected her so deeply and differently than others....but she desperately hangs on to her carefree, unfeeling attitude as it is her salvation.


Well, I could write more but I must run. I'm just glad to see a character that doesn't follow the 'norm'. Scarlett is real. Unpredictable. Hurt. Life isn't always happy endings even when we want it to be.



It's been too many years since I read the book, but I am definitely a Melanie person. I have always envied the strong, shrewd, carefree, positive, out-goingness of the "Scarletts" of the world!


I realized yesterday that Scarlett is tied to the land, and Rhett is a *sea captain*. Again, it's been too long to remember very much from the book, but in the movie they are only happy in New Orleans - the closest one can get to a mixture of land and sea, I guess. And, it seems reasonable that M. Mitchell knew that Rhett and Scarlett together would always equal mud - not good. That just sort of threw cold water on all my fantasies!


But, I love Scarlett. I know she's not perfect, but she's real.


DH and I were discussing Rhett and Ashley with my younger ds - trying to get him open to the possibility that just because Rhett drinks and smokes and consorts with loose women, that he is at least honest, and not a completely contemptible character. And that if Ashley really were as honorable as he thinks himself to be, he would have broken Scarlett's heart at Twelve Oaks by being just as brutally honest with her as Rhett would have been.


Oh, this won't make reading The Iliad any easier this summer!

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What makes you so sure that she deserves nothing?


Having read my grandmother's first year printing of GWTW, I must say that I love Scarlett. Her determination is amazing.


I channel her energy all the time.....

"I will think aboout it tomorrow" has helped me through many a dark night.


Imagine in your mind a possible ending of their finding each other again.


What did you buy that you don't want and what would you replace it with?



Oh, I have always *personally* loved Scarlett since I read GWTW sometime around 8th grade. (Probably didn't quite get it all, but loved her. Growing up in the South probably helped - LOL!) I am, frankly, a Melanie. But, secretly I would love to have some of Scarlett's spunk and dash!


What I don't like is that this incredible strength is reduced to nothing where Ashley is involved. I guess there is some of this in Little Women - the reality of the time that women's roles were so narrowly defined. That a woman's worth is determined solely by who her husband is (or, who it is that is feeding her ego). Again, maybe this is a current distortion from the movie that isn't in the book, IDK. It just seems so sad that such a strong woman could be so rattled by one man!


And, really and truly, I did use Scarlett as my counter-example as a teenager whose heart was broken (I mean really, really broken!). I knew I certainly didn't want to end up like her, so I chose to force myself to move on - and now I have the most wonderful DH who really truly loves me. (wish he had Rhett's money and charm...) I think it is such a true-to-life book, even down to Scarlett and Melanie being so close. Unfortunately, IRL that happens all the time!


But, really, the only way I can imagine Rhett ever being attracted to Scarlett again is if she is attracted to someone else, and doesn't want him anymore. Unfortunately, that also seems to happen too often IRL - LOL!


As for what I bought, All the history recs for high school. I even bought 3 different Spielvogel's trying to figure out which one to use - ugh! (And, yes, I have History of the Ancient World here, too!) I just couldn't stand the thought of not knowing for sure that I could handle doing high school at home. I needed to go ahead and make that decision - and couldn't without having it here to look at and ponder.


But, since History of the Ancient World is the new rec for 9th grade, I'm thinking maybe the others won't be needed at all. But, I knew dh's business was about to hit the skids, so I bought them up before it was too late money-wise, iykwim.


Glad I'm not the only Scarlett fan! Thanks for posting!

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I think slavery and racism are an abomination. It makes me sick to think about what the slaves suffered, but that being said, I can tell you that I really enjoyed Gone with the Wind, both the book and the movie. I just look at is as what it is. The author's point of view. I don't have to agree with it in order to appreciate her writing skills. Scarlett is a wonderfully written character and the chemistry between Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable in the movie was brilliant. I too wish she and Rhett could finally find happiness in the end. I was hoping when 'Scarlett' came out that they would, but honestly, I don't think the story would be as endearing to me or have the same impact if she had reconciled with Rhett. The fact that they don't make it IMHO is what makes the book/movie stay with you the way that it does. :)

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I've loved Scarlett since I was 14 or 15 years old and read the book for the first time. I re-read it at least once a year, and every single time I find myself chanting "SEE Rhett! SEE him! SEE what Ashley IS! Just this once!!"


Argh. I'm aggravated by the end of the book every single time. I think Rhett is ... amazing. *I* see it, so why doesn't she? lol


I love book-Scarlett more than movie-Scarlett, but Vivien Leigh is THE perfect Scarlett, so I always "see" her in my head as I read.


The book that has me MOST aggravated and always wanting to re-write the ending is Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I can only read/watch the movie when dh is out of town, because I pretty much hate all men for a few days after finishing the book. When watching the movie, I restrain myself from throwing things at the TV when Angel comes onto the screen. It's awful.


DH told me I really should write my own happy ending for Tess, so I can stop reading Hardy's book at a certain point, and finish her story MY way. Then, maybe I won't be so grouchy.


(and I read Tess at least once a year too... roflol Why do I do this to myself?)

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Argh. I'm aggravated by the end of the book every single time. I think Rhett is ... amazing. *I* see it, so why doesn't she? lol


Oh,yes! And Clark Gable's not too bad, either - LOL! Actually, I've tried thinking of *anybody* current that could compete with him, and can't think of anyone.


I love book-Scarlett more than movie-Scarlett, but Vivien Leigh is THE perfect Scarlett, so I always "see" her in my head as I read.


The best thing about seeing a movie trailer (not necessarily the whole movie) before reading the book, IMO. I can't imagine reading the Harry Potter books without the movie characters in mind.


The book that has me MOST aggravated and always wanting to re-write the ending is Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I can only read/watch the movie when dh is out of town, because I pretty much hate all men for a few days after finishing the book. When watching the movie, I restrain myself from throwing things at the TV when Angel comes onto the screen. It's awful.


Thanks for the heads-up. Haven't read that one, yet. Sounds like a good one to squeeze in between the Iliad and the Odyssey this summer!


DH told me I really should write my own happy ending for Tess, so I can stop reading Hardy's book at a certain point, and finish her story MY way. Then, maybe I won't be so grouchy.


(and I read Tess at least once a year too... roflol Why do I do this to myself?)


Eh ~ there are worse things in life! And, books are free (or, can be, anyway!).




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I always felt terribly sad for Scarlett. She is such a complex character; one that begins as an immature teen that is thrown into a hopelessly mature situation of war and deprivation and she sees everything she has ever known and loved taken from her. And it changes her forever.


Some of the characters (Melanie for example) accept these changes gracefully...the way you 'want' to see a heroine grow. But....all people are different and Scarlett just can't be what everyone thinks she should be or wants her to be, because her experiences effected her so deeply and differently than others....but she desperately hangs on to her carefree, unfeeling attitude as it is her salvation.


Well, I could write more but I must run. I'm just glad to see a character that doesn't follow the 'norm'. Scarlett is real. Unpredictable. Hurt. Life isn't always happy endings even when we want it to be.


I feel sad for her, too. I think about her relationship with her mother. Ellen was on a pedastal. Ellen never really communicated with Scarlett about what life after her youthful debutante days would be like. Add the devastation of the war...Scarlett wasn't prepared at all for her adulthood.



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Oh. The sequel is so horribly, terribly bad, yet I have to read it just to get the happy ending. I've thought on more than one occasion that I should never read Gone With the Wind again, just so I can avoid the sequel. And while we're talking about awful sequels. Don't *ever* read the sequel to Les Miserables. Not even for curiosity. It'll take five years to forget the dreadfulness of it.



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I've loved Scarlett since I was 14 or 15 years old and read the book for the first time. I re-read it at least once a year, and every single time I find myself chanting "SEE Rhett! SEE him! SEE what Ashley IS! Just this once!!"


Argh. I'm aggravated by the end of the book every single time. I think Rhett is ... amazing. *I* see it, so why doesn't she? lol


I love book-Scarlett more than movie-Scarlett, but Vivien Leigh is THE perfect Scarlett, so I always "see" her in my head as I read.


The book that has me MOST aggravated and always wanting to re-write the ending is Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I can only read/watch the movie when dh is out of town, because I pretty much hate all men for a few days after finishing the book. When watching the movie, I restrain myself from throwing things at the TV when Angel comes onto the screen. It's awful.


DH told me I really should write my own happy ending for Tess, so I can stop reading Hardy's book at a certain point, and finish her story MY way. Then, maybe I won't be so grouchy.


(and I read Tess at least once a year too... roflol Why do I do this to myself?)

bold is my reference. I SO agree! I love, love, love that book, but hate the ending with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. I torture myself by rereading it. When I was in college the first time for English Lit, I actually rewrote the ending. Of course, not as well written as Thomas Hardy's, but much more satisfying to me. It remains one of my favorite books, even with Hardy's ending.

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OK, from another post I surmised that Rhett & Scarlett *don't* get together in the sequel (which I really just don't have time to read!), is this true? How can there be a happy ending without them getting together?!??!?!?!?


Of course, if you tell me they *do* get back together, you know I'm gonna read it, right? (And, if you *Don't* tell me whether or not....well, I'll probably have to read it...some day.)

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Oh. The sequel is so horribly, terribly bad, yet I have to read it just to get the happy ending. I've thought on more than one occasion that I should never read Gone With the Wind again, just so I can avoid the sequel. And while we're talking about awful sequels. Don't *ever* read the sequel to Les Miserables. Not even for curiosity. It'll take five years to forget the dreadfulness of it.




I thoroughly enjoy GWTH and am always sad, too, at the end - wanting Scarlett all the way through to realize Rhett's THE ONE! I agree that the sequel is horribly, terribly bad - and I have regretted more than once the time I wasted reading the Reader's Digest condensed version. I don't remember a happy ending - DID Rhett and Scarlett get together in the sequel?:confused: I guess my total lack of enjoyment, disgust at times, and being upset with myself for reading it have overridden any memory of the ending.:glare:


A friend of mine and fan of GWTW, as well as the sequels, recommended that I read the story of Rhett Butler that came out a couple years ago (can't remember title or male author's name - sorry . . .) - I didn't make it through twenty pages and took it back to the library. I will stick with GWTW - and speaking of which, I really should re-read it again soon!:001_smile:

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OK, from another post I surmised that Rhett & Scarlett *don't* get together in the sequel (which I really just don't have time to read!), is this true? How can there be a happy ending without them getting together?!??!?!?!?


Of course, if you tell me they *do* get back together, you know I'm gonna read it, right? (And, if you *Don't* tell me whether or not....well, I'll probably have to read it...some day.)

Please, please don't waste any time or money on the sequel. Nothing about it stays true to the original. It is poorly written and reads like a Harlequin Romance.

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A friend of mine and fan of GWTW, as well as the sequels, recommended that I read the story of Rhett Butler that came out a couple years ago (can't remember title or male author's name - sorry . . .) - I didn't make it through twenty pages and took it back to the library. I will stick with GWTW - and speaking of which, I really should re-read it again soon!:001_smile:


Could it be Rhett Butler's People? I have it sitting on my shelf. I made it to chapter 5- I'm picky about fiction and this one didn't grab me. I really should sit down and make myself finish it.

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Oh. The sequel is so horribly, terribly bad, yet I have to read it just to get the happy ending. I've thought on more than one occasion that I should never read Gone With the Wind again, just so I can avoid the sequel. And while we're talking about awful sequels. Don't *ever* read the sequel to Les Miserables. Not even for curiosity. It'll take five years to forget the dreadfulness of it.




My take on the GWTW sequel is that the characters in it are movieRhett and movieScarlett. It's a sequel to the movie ... not to the book. The characters lose their depth, and are just not true to their book-selves.



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If it's any consolation to any of you...


Margaret Mitchell was asked if Scarlett and Rhett ever reconciled. She said that Scarlett always got what she wanted.


There you go.


Oh, I've never heard that...but then I've never done much research.

It makes me happy, but then if I keep thinking of it I realize Scarlett never got Ashley....so....hmmmmmmm....


I love Scarlett. I don't always like her, but I always admire her grit. When times are tough in my life, I want to be as strong as she is...tempered with some of Melanie's sweet grace and kindness, of course. :D


I read GWTW in my early teens...a long time ago. What an impact it had on me. Like someone else posted, I never let myself dwell too much on any one guy. Move on. Pay attention. And I ended up with a terrific husband for the last thirty plus years. ;)


A few years ago, I came to the conclusion that Scarlett and Rhett never make it back together. In fact, based on all the hard things that have happened to Scarlett by the end of the book, I surmise she goes quietly bonkers. Rhett returns and cares for her for the rest of her life....a man who couldn't ever move on from the woman he loved.




Does it help to know I never finish the movie these days? I always stop it after Rhett and Scarlett are married, but before Bonnie dies and all goes to h%ll. In my little mind, they do live happily ever after.

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Oh, I love this thread. I so enjoy discussing books with adults and hearing others impressions and opinions. I do wonder how I would view Scarlett now that I am older, not a young teenager with romantic ideals. I made such a connection with her; she simply wanted to be good and to ultimately to make her mother her proud, but golly it is so hard! Oh how hard it is to be good and gracious and to do the right thing, like Melanie tended to do. I always wanted to be Melanie, to be content and lady-like, but I have too much fight and restlessness in me. For the person who said that they have not read the book and judged Scarlett by the movie, please read the book.

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A few years ago, I came to the conclusion that Scarlett and Rhett never make it back together. In fact, based on all the hard things that have happened to Scarlett by the end of the book, I surmise she goes quietly bonkers. Rhett returns and cares for her for the rest of her life....a man who couldn't ever move on from the woman he loved.




Oh, that's beautiful! And, I would guess, true to the characters as well. Thank you! Now I feel like I can move on. (Isn't that sad?!?!?!)


Does it help to know I never finish the movie these days? I always stop it after Rhett and Scarlett are married, but before Bonnie dies and all goes to h%ll. In my little mind, they do live happily ever after.


Sounds like the best option to me!




Thanks for posting!

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OK, from another post I surmised that Rhett & Scarlett *don't* get together in the sequel (which I really just don't have time to read!), is this true? How can there be a happy ending without them getting together?!??!?!?!?


Of course, if you tell me they *do* get back together, you know I'm gonna read it, right? (And, if you *Don't* tell me whether or not....well, I'll probably have to read it...some day.)


Strangely enough, there are two "Margaret Mitchell Estate Approved" sequels and those books actually cancel each other out. Seriously - they actually contradict one another all over the place. :confused: I am still trying to figure out how the committee who owns the rights to GWTW could/would approve of two books that contradict one another! (major issues - as in certain characters dying or not. Sort of a big deal, you'd think!)


There's the bad "Scarlett" and the horribly bad "Rhett Butler's People."


While Scarlett the book was bad enough... the movie version of Scarlett was The Worst Movie Adaptation of a Bad Book I've ever seen. Trust me. If you're looking for a total trainwreck - read the book first, then watch the movie. The movie makes the book look like The Great American Novel in comparison. :lol:

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Strangely enough, there are two "Margaret Mitchell Estate Approved" sequels and those books actually cancel each other out. Seriously - they actually contradict one another all over the place. :confused: I am still trying to figure out how the committee who owns the rights to GWTW could/would approve of two books that contradict one another!


There's the bad "Scarlett" and the horribly bad "Rhett Butler's People."


While Scarlett the book was bad enough... the movie version of Scarlett was The Worst Movie Adaptation of a Bad Book I've ever seen. Trust me. If you're looking for a total trainwreck - read the book first, then watch the movie. The movie makes the book look like The Great American Novel in comparison. :lol:


:lol::lol: LOL I'm glad I never took the time to read it or see the movie now. I had wanted to read it when I heard it was coming out years ago, but my mom read it first. I asked her, "Do Rhett and Scarlett get back together." Mom said "no" and I guess I just lost my interest in ever reading it. What's the point if they don't get back together. hehehe :tongue_smilie:

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bold is my reference. I SO agree! I love, love, love that book, but hate the ending with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. I torture myself by rereading it. When I was in college the first time for English Lit, I actually rewrote the ending. Of course, not as well written as Thomas Hardy's, but much more satisfying to me. It remains one of my favorite books, even with Hardy's ending.


YES YES!!!! ...the white hot intensity of a thousand suns!! Exactly how I feel! I can't think of another book that does exactly this to me, but maaaaan. Angel Clare... grrrrr... :cursing:


Tess of the d'Urbervilles fanfic . . . I'm sure it's out there somewhere!


:rofl: It probably is, somewhere! :lol: I'm afraid to look! lol Some good ol' (bad) fanfic might make me better appreciate Hardy's ending, though...

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I asked her, "Do Rhett and Scarlett get back together." Mom said "no" and I guess I just lost my interest in ever reading it. What's the point if they don't get back together. hehehe :tongue_smilie:


but... :001_huh: ... I'm not sure if someone wants a spoiler for the horribly bad sequel (that I actually own, lol) or not! But... :001_unsure: I guess PM me if you want some general information. :001_smile:

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but... :001_huh: ... I'm not sure if someone wants a spoiler for the horribly bad sequel (that I actually own, lol) or not! But... :001_unsure: I guess PM me if you want some general information. :001_smile:



Oh nooo!!!! :eek: I did spoil it didn't I??? Ooops! Looks like another "open mouth insert foot" moment for me. Sorryyyy. :)

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but... :001_huh: ... I'm not sure if someone wants a spoiler for the horribly bad sequel (that I actually own, lol) or not! But... :001_unsure: I guess PM me if you want some general information. :001_smile:


Oh, Wikipedia had glowing reviews for the horribly bad sequel. I was thinking about reading it - just to "see" Scarlett from Rhett's perspective would be cool. (And, I want to know if Belle's baby was Rhett's - which, that might be in GWTW, but it's been too long since I read the book.)


So, ok - spill the beans - I have to know this much - yes, they reunite, or no! That's all.


Well....And, is the horribly bad sequel better than what someone supposed above -that Scarlett's life was so stressful she goes wack-o and Rhett returns to take care of her until she dies? (Oh, that gives me chills just thinking about it!!)

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Oh nooo!!!! :eek: I did spoil it didn't I??? Ooops! Looks like another "open mouth insert foot" moment for me. Sorryyyy. :)


nooooo! :001_smile: I meant that I wasn't sure if *I* should post a spoiler about it, lol.


It's just that - well - the information you were given about Rhett & Scarlett in the sequel is not exactly correct (assuming the said sequel is Scarlett). It does take a while for Rhett and Scarlett to actually be in the same country (:001_huh:) by a certain point in the book - but - well... let's just say you might want to read it after all. :lol:


(said in my most super-secret, non-spoilerish way, lol)

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nooooo! :001_smile: I meant that I wasn't sure if *I* should post a spoiler about it, lol.


It's just that - well - the information you were given about Rhett & Scarlett in the sequel is not exactly correct (assuming the said sequel is Scarlett). It does take a while for Rhett and Scarlett to actually be in the same country (:001_huh:) by a certain point in the book - but - well... let's just say you might want to read it after all. :lol:


(said in my most super-secret, non-spoilerish way, lol)



Oh man!! Mom didn't tell me that!! Just that Scarlett goes to Ireland and that they don't get back together. Oh you HAVE to spill the beans now! I know I'm not going to have time to read it anytime soon. :) :)

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Does anyone like Ashley? He annoys me in the same way Mansfield Park annoys me. I think I'm supposed to like him, but I feel like pulling rude faces at him instead. I'm not interested in lacing myself to a 12" waist, but otherwise I think I'd look fantastic in Scarlett's green dress.



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Does anyone like Ashley? He annoys me in the same way Mansfield Park annoys me. I think I'm supposed to like him, but I feel like pulling rude faces at him instead. I'm not interested in lacing myself to a 12" waist, but otherwise I think I'd look fantastic in Scarlett's green dress.





LOL I cannot think of the character of Ashley without seeing the face of Leslie Howard. I've always thought he was too old and too wishy washy to be the kind of man that would incite Scarlett to chase after him. You'd think she wouldn't give him the time of day. I think that Leslie Howard's portrayal of him makes him look like a spinelss milksop, but that's just me. :tongue_smilie:

Clark Gable's character is much more exciting (and cute). :)


I saw "the making of Gone with the Wind" years ago and they said that Clark Gable was actually a horrible dancer and that they had to install a moving floor into the set that went around in circles in order to make it look like he could dance on camera. :) hehe

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LOL I cannot think of the character of Ashley without seeing the face of Leslie Howard. I've always thought he was too old and too wishy washy to be the kind of man that would incite Scarlett to chase after him. You'd think she wouldn't give him the time of day. I think that Leslie Howard's portrayal of him makes him look like a spinelss milksop, but that's just me. :tongue_smilie:

Clark Gable's character is much more exciting (and cute). :)


I saw "the making of Gone with the Wind" years ago and they said that Clark Gable was actually a horrible dancer and that they had to install a moving floor into the set that went around in circles in order to make it look like he could dance on camera. :) hehe



You know who I would have "gone after?" Any one of those Tarleton boys! I love redheads!


Two of dh's biggest faults are that he was Air Force, not Navy and that he is not a redhead. :lol: Kinda kidding. But not really. Sorta.

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