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If you saw a used curriculum sale at a yard sale...


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would you expect yard sale prices?


our neighborhood is having their big yard sale this weekend and I am considering contacting our local group to advertise that I will have a table at my yard sale with used curriculum/books...but I'm concerned that people will be expecting books for a quarter or a something like that instead of normal used curriculum prices.


what do you think? good idea or I should I list them on ebay?

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I put my books out at yard sales and I charge whatever I would normally charge. If they don't want to buy it and they don't know what it is and that it is "worth" what I am asking, they don't have to purchase it!


Granted I tend to sit out my "less than perfect" items -- those that I wouldn't ask as much for anyway. I am having a sale at the end of May and plan to put out all of my curriculum and books that I have left to sell. Not hoping for much, but you never know. I will be advertising on Craigslist that I have homeschool materials, so maybe some homeschoolers will actually see it and come.

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I have done this before - listed my curriculum at used curriculum prices (as opposed to "yard sale prices"). Most of it did not sell, but a few homeschooling moms happened across our yard sale and understood the pricing (and purchased). I was happy to sell what I could, and move on to Plan B for whatever didn't sell.

It can't hurt to put it out and see if you get any nibbles. You can always ebay later if it doesn't sell.

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IME, people at yard sales expect to may next to nothing and won't touch used curriculum at used curriculum prices. I've had some nasty comments thrown my way from women who had NO clue what I was actually selling, but felt compelled to believe it was priced too high. It's happened enough that I keep used curriculum at used curriculum sales and garage sale stuff at garage sales. Keeps me sane and saves lives.

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would you expect yard sale prices?


our neighborhood is having their big yard sale this weekend and I am considering contacting our local group to advertise that I will have a table at my yard sale with used curriculum/books...but I'm concerned that people will be expecting books for a quarter or a something like that instead of normal used curriculum prices.


what do you think? good idea or I should I list them on ebay?


I probably would expect yard sale prices, but if you are planning to list them on Ebay if they don't sell, there's no harm in pricing them at the price you want, and then if they do sell, you don't have to hassle with listing them. I did that with my Kitchenaid grain mill - and it did not sell at the yard sale, so I put it on Ebay, where it did sell.

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I've had much success selling/buying on this site and other used curriculum sites and fabulous results selling on Ebay.


We've no other homeschoolers in a 35 mile radius, so I guess that would be my deciding factor.


Finding a yard sale with used curriculum would make me absolutely giddy. :D



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I would pay curriculum prices at a garage sale. Are you kidding. I live no where near a homeschool store, you have to pay to even get into the curriculum sale here, which isn't until late July, too late for most of my planning anyway.


To see something and not have to pay shipping would be great. Now I would probably set it aside at a special table marked homeschool material, well away from the .25 book box.


I would also make sure I had it advertised correctly. I look in our garage sale ads for homeschool material but rarely find anything.

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I would buy used curric prices, and you have just inspired me to check craigslist for yard sales advertising HS stuffs.:D


If people don't buy -no biggie. If it were me, I would rather donate to something like Book Samaratan than to let good curric go to someone who doesn't understand why it's not.25 jmho

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I thought I had hit a real bargain! The woman was selling some clothes and she was just my size. (They were various capri's - denim and khaki - and a couple of sweaters/vests). When I asked how much, she said $10 - - PER ITEM! I was very surprised. I understand they are named brands, but I don't want to spend $50 at a yard sale - I want to spend $10 or $20. If I want to spend money to get exactly what I want, albeit used, I'd search on ebay and be willing to pay more. So I didn't buy....


Anyway, just food for thought. Maybe if you want what you know know you can get for the materials, you should post on some sales boards, or even ebay?


Good luck! Let us know how it goes....


- Stacey in MA

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I thought I had hit a real bargain! The woman was selling some clothes and she was just my size. (They were various capri's - denim and khaki - and a couple of sweaters/vests). When I asked how much, she said $10 - - PER ITEM! I was very surprised. I understand they are named brands, but I don't want to spend $50 at a yard sale - I want to spend $10 or $20. If I want to spend money to get exactly what I want, albeit used, I'd search on ebay and be willing to pay more. So I didn't buy....


Anyway, just food for thought. Maybe if you want what you know know you can get for the materials, you should post on some sales boards, or even ebay?


Good luck! Let us know how it goes....


- Stacey in MA


True, true, but you never know if someone came behind you and bought them. :lol:

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I price things at slightly less than what I would price them online--I take the cost of shipping & insurance out, and then mark it down a bit more, just because it's so much more convenient to sell locally than to sell online, deal with buyers & questions, box it up, ship it etc... I take my time into consideration in my local pricing. But I don't charge yard-sale prices either--I'd rather sell most things online than do that. Unless it's something that isn't very popular and likely won't sell online--then I'd try yardsale prices.


Hope your sale goes well! And whatever doesn't sell, list online. Merry :-)

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I put some things out at a yard sale that was advertised as given by homeschoolers. Even the homeschoolers that came by wanted yard sale prices on my books. One woman carried some around so long and gave me such a hard time, that I gave in and took a huge hit on an unused set of books. I will definitely not put out brand new, unused homeschool books at a yard sale again. I may put out things I got a lot of use out of. Even local homeschoolers around me want yard sale prices on the local swap boards. Like someone else said, if someone is looking to spend pennies on new books just to turn around and make a profit selling it again on ebay I would rather send them to the Book Samaritan.


Allison in TX

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FWIW I live in a university town and people sell their used textbooks on Craigslist all the time. The prices are definitely not "yard sale level," they are quite comparable to ebay prices. People might expect to pay $1 for a 20 year old chemistry text at a yard sale, but surely no one thinks they'd get a $120 current edition for $1!


Maybe you could include the retail price on your price tags? If the tag said something like "New $85, my price $40" (or whatever) maybe you wouldn't get so much haggling. And if you advertise to the local homeschool groups, then they should (theoretically) know what the stuff is worth.


As someone else said, I'd be absolutely thrilled to find good used curriculum at a yard sale!



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