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At the risk of embarassing myself...does anyone watch those Real Housewives shows?

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What praytell does it say about me that I simultaneously loathe and relish my time with the Real Housewives??? Too late for deep thought here.


Oh, I know. I was supposed to be working the night I posted. DH had the kids at his mom's so I could work. Instead I was glued to the stupid Real Housewives marathon. I always feel like I need to shower after I watch, ugh. The funny thing is, I HATE reality TV, with the exception of So You Think You Can Dance and the occasional Food Network reality-type show. This has to be the worst of the worst, and yet, there I sit :rolleyes:


I see your Housewives and I raise you Keeping up with the Kardashians.:lol: There I said it. I can't get enough of the Kardashians and Bruce Jenners botoxed face.:D




I have to catch up on my NY housewives - I was out of town and still have last week's episode on my recorder.


Oh, well! Clearly you have a much bigger problem than I do. I don't actually record it. (I just wait for the marathons!)


...and Bethenney. ("So...you come from a place of 'no'.")


:lol: I totally loved that. I hated her on the first season, because she was so horrid and whiny with that boyfriend of hers. I like her new, independent "underdog" personality much better, LOL!


OMG! The NYC Housewives positively mesmerize me! That creepy Simon with his creepy wife and kids! Yikes.


Simon is creepy, did you see the Bday surprise, how ridiculous and his wife looked like she was sick to her stomach and ready for a divorce.


YES! You know, just when one (or two) of them have started to grow on me and I start thinking maybe they might be kind of normal after all (I loved how Jill brought Simon to play tennis to piss Ramona and Maaaahhrio off, and he was a great sport about it), they go and show their true colors. Holy moly!


Well you know, with all the drama that can happen here and whatnot...


:lol: So true!


*gulp* Okay, I confess. I was sick a lot this winter, so while stuck on the couch, I got sucked into the whole Housewives drama.


Should be start a Housewives social group? :001_rolleyes:


(My all-time favorite episode so far was Kelly going crazy on Bethanny in the restaurant. Oh my goodness!)


I have to watch it when dh is not around. He *hates* it!! Thank goodness I can DVR it.


My girls think this whole thing is hilarious, as it is way out of character for me to even *watch* TV much, let alone shows like Housewives. LOL


ETA: I am really laughing over this whole thread, because I was going to post this very question, but I figured I'd get laughed off the board.


Yeah yeah, sure sure, you watched because you were sick, we believe you *snort* :D


I think Bethenny handled the restaurant thing beautifully. I thought Kelly's head was going to explode because she just wasn't getting any satisfaction from Bethenny. It was hilarious!


I know, DH hates the show too, which is so funny because he's a total reality TV junkie. He'll watch anything.


And I've almost posted about it a bunch of times, but thought I'd be laughed off the board too. I totally expected to hear crickets in this thread :lol: I'm so relieved to know I'm not alone in what is probably my guiltiest pleasure!

Edited by melissel
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7k for a feed sack corset. Is Simon mad???


It reminded me of that episode of I love Lucy, where Ricky bought them feed sacks for dresses.


I was rollin last night.


But it was kinda cute . . . you know in an eccentric hippie sort of way :lol:.


Did you see it last week when Jill spent 16K for a handbag??? It wasn't even that cute!

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But it was kinda cute . . . you know in an eccentric hippie sort of way :lol:.


Did you see it last week when Jill spent 16K for a handbag??? It wasn't even that cute!


I think the car was cuter, but she didnt like it because it wasnt compatible w/some electronic thingie. Pass it over here, stripped, I'll be happy.

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I have an illness. I simply cannot. look. away. from this awful Real Housewives of NYC show. I've never watched the others, but I guess because I can identify more with the NYC lifestyle, I got hooked on this one. These people are so incredibly awful, it takes my breath away. Yet I can't turn it off.


I'm sure I'm the only one here. So embarrassing!




*whistles innocently and then cautiously raises hand* Guilty!


But I mainly like the one about Orange County.

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I keep joking that I should star in The Real Housewives of King County (WA). Everyone would be mesmerized watching me drive my beat up minivan around town, taking kids from baseball to homeschool co-op, debating where to get the best organic produce, all while glamorously attired with no make up, fleece, jeans, wool socks, and waterproof boots.



I can't believe no one else has copped to the worst of reality tv, Rock of Love Bus. Gosh, I love/hate that show. He should have picked Mindy!

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I keep joking that I should star in The Real Housewives of King County (WA). Everyone would be mesmerized watching me drive my beat up minivan around town, taking kids from baseball to homeschool co-op, debating where to get the best organic produce, all while glamorously attired with no make up, fleece, jeans, wool socks, and waterproof boots.



That made me laugh. :)

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For me, it's like that episode of Seinfeld when someone paints that portrait of Kramer that hangs in a snooty gallery, and they overhear an art lover say, "He is a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can’t look away!" It's kind of the same thing for me. I just can't look away! I know it is ridiculous, ludicrious, time wasting and perhaps bordering on immoral. But boy, do I feel better about myself after I watch. And I KNOW I will HAVE to watch the New Jersey version. Good gravy they are unreal!


HUGE laughs about the fictional Real Housewives of King County. You made my day. I grew up on Mercer Island -- now THAT would be a good place to film. My parents bought from a tomato farmer way back in the early '60s...believe me, we weren't a typical "Poverty Rock" family. :lol:

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I keep joking that I should star in The Real Housewives of King County (WA). Everyone would be mesmerized watching me drive my beat up minivan around town, taking kids from baseball to homeschool co-op, debating where to get the best organic produce, all while glamorously attired with no make up, fleece, jeans, wool socks, and waterproof boots.



I can't believe no one else has copped to the worst of reality tv, Rock of Love Bus. Gosh, I love/hate that show. He should have picked Mindy!


I'd watch! :lurk5:


It kinda sounds like that HSing book, Patchwork of Days.

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  • 2 weeks later...


(My all-time favorite episode so far was Kelly going crazy on Bethanny in the restaurant. Oh my goodness!)





:D LOL... yes!! And did you see the follow up spat at Jill's house where she tried to get Bethenny and Kelly to play nice? I think Kelly has some issues... she did not react normally to Bethenny's questions. Eeeek.

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  • 1 year later...

Just for fun, I'm wondering if anyone else saw the latest RHONYC episode??? (Yes, I confess I watched it :blush:)

Kelly's behavior was so strange! Wow!!! Kabuki, gummy bears, satchels of gold. By the end of the dinner on the island, things were happening so fast I simply couldn't keep up and my jaw was on the floor.

So, anyone else catch it? Or rather, will anybody admit to watching? :D And was that really as bizarre as it seemed?

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Just for fun, I'm wondering if anyone else saw the latest RHONYC episode??? (Yes, I confess I watched it :blush:)

Kelly's behavior was so strange! Wow!!! Kabuki, gummy bears, satchels of gold. By the end of the dinner on the island, things were happening so fast I simply couldn't keep up and my jaw was on the floor.

So, anyone else catch it? Or rather, will anybody admit to watching? :D And was that really as bizarre as it seemed?


I did not see this.


I watched a marathon of RHWoNJ and have since taken to calling anyone who annoys me in traffic a "prost1tution wh0re." :lol:

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Just for fun, I'm wondering if anyone else saw the latest RHONYC episode??? (Yes, I confess I watched it :blush:)

Kelly's behavior was so strange! Wow!!! Kabuki, gummy bears, satchels of gold. By the end of the dinner on the island, things were happening so fast I simply couldn't keep up and my jaw was on the floor.

So, anyone else catch it? Or rather, will anybody admit to watching? :D And was that really as bizarre as it seemed?


YES!!! I saw it and she has officially gone off the deep end. I love that Bethany said it was "the best dinner party ever" because now everyone can she what she's been dealing with :lol:.


That new girl, Sonja, needs to slow down her alcohol consumption. She's not very attractive when she's drunk, :glare:.

Edited by TejasMamacita
Spelling errors, naturally ;-)
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YES!!! I saw it and she has officially gone off the deep end. I love that Bethany said it was "the best dinner party every" because now everyone can she what she's been dealing with :lol:.



Yeah, great moment. And poor pregnant Bethenny trying to cook dinner for all of them. With Sonja begging not to be left alone with a gibbering madwoman. No wonder Sonja and Ramona needed a continuous IV of martinis and Pinot Grigio. Ramona was three sheets to the wind earlier on the boat.

Whew! What an astounding episode. I haven't been watching the other housewives shows. Hooked on one trash TV show is plenty! Or maybe I'll have to check Jersey out if it's as addictively wacky as this one...:D


But what on earth did "Satchels of gold" mean anyway???

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LOL -- In our neck of the woods, Target sells a frozen spinach/artichoke hors d' ovure called Satchels of Gold. D'ya think she meant that? ;)


I agree with you that Kelly has gone off the deep end. I think that Jill and LuAnn knew what mental illness she was dealing with a long time ago. I heard the gals had their doors locked after that dinner confrontation. Kelly needs help in a big way. She needs to get off the show. :confused:

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Kelly needs help in a big way. She needs to get off the show. :confused:


:iagree::iagree::iagree:I mean it was funny. Very funny. But after a while it was just sad. I have a close family member who suffers from mental illness and these kinds of outbursts are EXACTLY why we have to watch her so closely.


A real medical intervention is in order.


Don't get me started on the housewife franchise . . . I watch all of them. They are truly my guilty pleasures, LOL. Atlanta is especially delicious :D.

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Aw, man, you guys!!! I haven't watched this season. I saw a few minutes of one episode where Jill was reaming Bethenny over not calling her husband directly to see how he was doing when he was in the hospital and basically ending their friendship, and that was all I could take. But now you're making want to watch it! I'll have to see if there's a marathon on soon so I can catch up. Darn it all!!! :lol:

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I'm right there with ya. What is it about these women that make me want to watch everything they do and then go online and find out all the dirt behind the scenes?


Hello. My name is Dayle and I'm a Real Housewives addict.


ROTF I feel your pain. Guilty pleasure describes it perfectly. And it's nice to have a group to enable your addiction! As they say, they're trying to control and epidemic and we're driving the monkey to the airport. (So didja hear about Jill posting the fake book review of her own book on Amazon? Nauseating, isn't she? Sonja's a bit too...ummm... loose. Love Bethenny tho. And I'm liking Alex more all the time. :tongue_smilie: )


As for Kelly, yeah the cheese has slid off her cracker, but how much is illness and how much is just jealousy, attention seeking and Bravo TV setting things up? I'll bet Bethenny and Alex locked their bedroom doors. Or maybe Bravo posted an armed guard outside Kelly's door to keep her in?

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I enjoy these shows because they serve to emotionally remind me of what I logically know is true. Money cannot buy class. It doesn't buy kindness, intelligence, or decency either. It doesn't give the bearer a decent sense of fashion, color, or design.


Mostly, it seems to give the bearer the opportunity to make their mistakes on a very large and embarrassing scale. And often has the result of encouraging people who are making very poor decisions to force those decisions upon others.


IOW, in a lot of ways this has demystified wealth for me. I can see through these shows how very superficial it is and how it certainly hasn't helped (and maybe even hurt) these women. I just can't believe they are not ashamed to hold their heads up in public based on these shows!

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I just can't believe they are not ashamed to hold their heads up in public based on these shows!


I always wonder the same thing! How do they not know how the public sees them? Do they not read their own press, or do they just imagine that it's all sour grapes?

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I always wonder the same thing! How do they not know how the public sees them? Do they not read their own press, or do they just imagine that it's all sour grapes?


With the latest Kelly incident... she claims it is all acting... but honestly, I think they are so narcissistic that they do not realize how terrible they come across. (I love Bethenny tho'!) Watch it on HULU for the episodes. I also watch RHONJ... oooh, let's not talk about Danielle. ;)

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They're not "real" housewives.


I want to see them show a real housewife's life. The mess, endless chores, limited budget, errands, commitments, and so forth. I guess that's not entertaining though. :tongue_smilie:


Scrolling back through the posts, this made me chuckle. While the RHONJ may be *slightly* exaggerated, they come pretty danged close to representing the Franklin Lakes/Wayne area!


I still have family there- some with the money, but not the attitude, and some with the attitude, but not the money.


I don't watch the other RH shows, but RHONJ usually fails to shock me!

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With the latest Kelly incident... she claims it is all acting... but honestly, I think they are so narcissistic that they do not realize how terrible they come across. (I love Bethenny tho'!) Watch it on HULU for the episodes. I also watch RHONJ... oooh, let's not talk about Danielle. ;)


You mean the prost1tution wh0re?




OMGosh, that phrase just! kills! me!

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With the latest Kelly incident... she claims it is all acting... but honestly, I think they are so narcissistic that they do not realize how terrible they come across. (I love Bethenny tho'!) Watch it on HULU for the episodes. I also watch RHONJ... oooh, let's not talk about Danielle. ;)


Ooohhh, I was going to check Hulu and then thought maybe I should let it slide. Now I'll HAVE TO go there and watch!


Scrolling back through the posts, this made me chuckle. While the RHONJ may be *slightly* exaggerated, they come pretty danged close to representing the Franklin Lakes/Wayne area!


I still have family there- some with the money, but not the attitude, and some with the attitude, but not the money.


I don't watch the other RH shows, but RHONJ usually fails to shock me!


See, I can't watch the RHONJ. It hits too close to home for me. Those women are what people really think most New Jerseyans are like, and that hurts me! Also, they really annoy me. I avoid people like that in real life. I don't know anyone like the RHONYC in real life, so I have an easier time pretending they don't truly exist!

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You mean the prost1tution wh0re?




OMGosh, that phrase just! kills! me!


It really was a great moment in TV history. However, I am hooked on RHONYC because my husband absolutely loves it too. I actually think Kelly is on some pep pills or similar stimulants , she is so out of control. I find her profoundly unattractive physically and it is grotesque to hear someone allegedly a college graduate speak as if she is a 12 year old girl from the valley. HIIIII!!!LIKE, YOU KNOW... makes me insane. I love Betheny and plan on watching her new show. Trust me on this ,in Omaha Ne I can find carbon copies of each of these ladies. It is not acting . It is unrestrained indulgence, a lifetime of being emotionally and financially spoiled, a complete abscence of common sense and a sense of entitlement from the day they were born. Unfortunately I know way too many women just like that and thus refuse any social invites through dh. I hang with a totally different crowd that can speak beautifully, read in several languages and wear predominantly second hand chic with little grooming effort and they are a wonderful group of people. It is interesting to watch but has affirmed my resolve to maintain totally separate social activities from dh. He is a gem of a man but his interests and profession put him squarely in the mileu of that which I cannot tolerate. It is not because I consider myself salt of earth, far from it, I am just an old school snob in many ways and cannot stand boorish behaviour especially from those who were born to fortunate circumstances. TMI but it is an interesting genre of entertainment.

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Ooohhh, I was going to check Hulu and then thought maybe I should let it slide. Now I'll HAVE TO go there and watch!

See, I can't watch the RHONJ. It hits too close to home for me. Those women are what people really think most New Jerseyans are like, and that hurts me! Also, they really annoy me. I avoid people like that in real life. I don't know anyone like the RHONYC in real life, so I have an easier time pretending they don't truly exist!

Watching these shows you'd believe every shore in NJ is like Belmawr and Seaside and everyone is Italian.

But don't you think it's funny how all of the NJ ladies go to the same strip mall hair salon. ;) Jersey has some gorgeous salons...that's not one of them. It has to be fake....:001_smile: (As an example, this was mine back in South Jersey, North Jersey salons are usually nicer and pricier than South Jersey)

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Watching these shows you'd believe every shore in NJ is like Belmawr and Seaside and everyone is Italian.

But don't you think it's funny how all of the NJ ladies go to the same strip mall hair salon. ;) Jersey has some gorgeous salons...that's not one of them. It has to be fake....:001_smile: (As an example, this was mine back in South Jersey, North Jersey salons are usually nicer and pricier than South Jersey)


Hey, wait, are you FROM Cherry Hill? My BFF is from there! Did you go to school there? She would have graduated in '91, I think.


And you're right about Belmar and Seaside etc. However, my salon is a total dump. It doesn't even have a Web site! :lol: But my stylist cuts my hair exactly the way I want, every time--I think it's the first time in my life I've had one that does!

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Hey, wait, are you FROM Cherry Hill? My BFF is from there! Did you go to school there? She would have graduated in '91, I think.


And you're right about Belmar and Seaside etc. However, my salon is a total dump. It doesn't even have a Web site! :lol: But my stylist cuts my hair exactly the way I want, every time--I think it's the first time in my life I've had one that does!


I'm a big haired Jersey girl suffering in FL humidity. ;)

Actually I was born across the Betsy Ross Bridge in Philly. :001_smile: Lived all over South Jersey (Burlington and Camden Counties) from 92-'03.

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