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Did you ever just feel so alone?

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Okay, I'm having an icky day, largely because both of my kids are getting to me. We're having my son's birthday party tomorrow, and I'm trying really hard to be cheerful about it. But the truth is that I hate these events, and I have no interest in or energy for baking this stupid cake, which apparently won't be good enough for him, anyway.


Well, that's unfair, but he's trying to micromanage the whole thing and completely control how it looks and keeps pushing for it to be more elaborate than I'm comfortable attempting . . .


Meanwhile, my daughter called earlier and started whining about how she hates her life and doesn't want to be a school but doesn't want to come home, either. All she wants to do is perform, and she can't . . . I tried really hard for about an hour to talk her down, but she ended up yelling at me that she didn't care what I had to say, so I hung up. (Mature, I know.)


She's not normally like this, so I suspect it's some combination of being tired and knowing that she show she's in will close in a couple of days and the fact that the semester is winding down, and her grades may not be what she would like (because she's spent so much time on this show and the last one). So, I tried really hard to be patient and calm, but just couldn't hold out.


And part of what she's upset about is the fact that she feels out of place everywhere she goes, and in trying to comfort her I confessed that I do, too. There is not one group or community to which we belong in which I feel I "fit."


And most of the time, I just go along doing my thing and try not to notice how alone I am, but then every now and then it sneaks up and bites me.


I guess today's just one of those days.


Sorry. I'll get out of the way now.

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I don't know what the weather's like down in Florida now, but it's been so awfully icky and rainy lately. It poured this morning, and there's more rain in the forecast. It's been years (literally) since it rained so much here (we've been plagued with drought for years).


So all of us have been housebound, and one of our remodelling contractors has been standing us up, which means we've had to reschedule other contractors, in addition to rearranging our own plans. It's been hard to stay perky!


Hope you're feeling better soon! Take lots of pictures at the birthday party -- years from now you won't remember how you felt in your heart of hearts, but you'll be glad you made the extra effort to do something nice for your son.

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Oh, Jenny,


I'm sorry you're having such a rough day. I hope things improve. Some days I feel like things have to get better because they certainly couldn't get any worse!:grouphug:


Oh, I'm well aware they could get worse. They've been worse many times before, and most days I can just be glad I'm not there anymore.


Thanks for the kind thoughts.

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I don't know what the weather's like down in Florida now, but it's been so awfully icky and rainy lately. It poured this morning, and there's more rain in the forecast. It's been years (literally) since it rained so much here (we've been plagued with drought for years).


It's actually kind of funny. We were supposed to celebrate my son's birthday at his model rocket club's monthly launch tomorrow morning. They had to cancel, because there hasn't been enough rain and it's too dry to launch.


But we've had thunderstorms last night and this morning, with more predicted for Sunday. And I don't feel secure enough about the weather to plan anything outside for the party.


Ironic, huh?

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I almost always feel alone. I always feel SOOOOOO different. About everything...

I am SOOOO conservative politically and with my Theology.

I do believe that everyone should be able to own a gun (minus felons)

*BUT, I won't agree for my husband to have one.

I DO believe that everyone should be able to discipline their own children, but I don't want mine to have a memory of being spanked...thus, I really don't.

My children aren't like the good ones whose parents have them under control...

But *I* love them:-)

I don't vaccinate...Drink raw milk (haven't we died, yet??) Used cloth diapers...

Watch tv and movies...

Try to do LLC but still memorize according to a "kids have big buckets to scoop up memory work....(CC:) thinking"

Supported Bush...but wanted my brother and his friends home...

Want to be Suzy Homemaker, but have no follow through....

Love homeschooling, but would send my daughter to a Classical School if I could afford it. (At least in another year, in 7th)

Only birthed two...but wish I could have wanted to have..you know...that "typical" family of 8 kids...

Ok...so...when I stop to think how different I am....I wonder who feels normal....

I just need some Starbuck's and dark chocolate right now!


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This is all I can offer... :grouphug: And don't feel like you have to "get out of the way" - that's what online communities like this one are for. We all need some place to come and just let it all out. :grouphug:



FWIW, I feel alone a lot too. I can only imagine how much more intense your feelings are.

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The cake, give it to ds to let him do as he imagines he wants it to look at. Your dd, it sounds like you know exactly where she's at in her life and you understand her, she just needed to get it out and unfortunately it was on you. The alone thing I can relate. Most time it really does not bother me much. I like doing my own thing when I want to do it. I am involved in a few things that bring me with a group of women so I am not totally alone but I feel like I inconvenience people if I arrange play dates or whatever around my schedule which is completely opposite of most. Hang in there. I hope your day and weekend are better than expected.:D

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Okay, I'm having an icky day, largely because both of my kids are getting to me. We're having my son's birthday party tomorrow, and I'm trying really hard to be cheerful about it. But the truth is that I hate these events, and I have no interest in or energy for baking this stupid cake, which apparently won't be good enough for him, anyway.


Well, that's unfair, but he's trying to micromanage the whole thing and completely control how it looks and keeps pushing for it to be more elaborate than I'm comfortable attempting . . .


Meanwhile, my daughter called earlier and started whining about how she hates her life and doesn't want to be a school but doesn't want to come home, either. All she wants to do is perform, and she can't . . . I tried really hard for about an hour to talk her down, but she ended up yelling at me that she didn't care what I had to say, so I hung up. (Mature, I know.)


She's not normally like this, so I suspect it's some combination of being tired and knowing that she show she's in will close in a couple of days and the fact that the semester is winding down, and her grades may not be what she would like (because she's spent so much time on this show and the last one). So, I tried really hard to be patient and calm, but just couldn't hold out.


And part of what she's upset about is the fact that she feels out of place everywhere she goes, and in trying to comfort her I confessed that I do, too. There is not one group or community to which we belong in which I feel I "fit."


And most of the time, I just go along doing my thing and try not to notice how alone I am, but then every now and then it sneaks up and bites me.


I guess today's just one of those days.


Sorry. I'll get out of the way now.



Let son decorate his own cake.


As for the daughter...you only hurt the ones you love...aka Mom.


Have some chocolate and wine and :grouphug:.

Hang in there!:grouphug:

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Guest Katia

Jenny :grouphug:,


I can so relate to just keeping on and the loneliness just creeping up....then it hits you. Bam!


If it helps any....I'm stuck up here in Iowa and just as alone and just as not fitting in. Anywhere.at.all. Sometimes it helps to know that somewhere, there is someone else that feels the same and can commiserate with you.


So.....here's to commiseration.......:cheers2:

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Aw, hugs to you! Scoot over a bit 'cause I'm in the same boat. My little 6yo insisted this morning that it just wasn't storming outside and he could to go out and play (45 mph gusts!). My 9yo had that dazed and far away look throughout math and it seems I was the only one learning it. I was getting that "why do I even bother?" attitude. We've got 2 soccer games tomorrow and dh springs on me that he has to work, we have snacks for both and oh, yeah, so and so needs a ride to the game. I'm feeling like I'm in this all by myself and not doing a very good job at it.

Soooo....wanna know what I did? I packed the boys up and we went and saw Monsters vs. Aliens! I've never taken them to a movie by myself. We very rarely go. We had a really good time. But.....my little one mentioned that he really wished we'd gone to the Dinosaur Museum (Natural History) instead. Can't win for losing.

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