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Cora will NEVER be potty trained. I mean the kid gets her hair cut at the salon and can carry on a conversation with any adult, but she doesn't give a rat's butt about going to the potty. If I take her, she will pee in there. But she hardly every goes on her own. As far as pooping, :lol: NO WAY! She would rather go hide in her closet and poo her pants. I am about to go crazy. I have tried ignoring it, bribing her, pleading, and anything else I have thought of. I am tired of the mess.


Ok, vent over. Please tell me that I am not the only mother of a not-potty trained 3 year old daughter.

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My son is three and a half right now and not anywhere near potty training. Ugg. I feel your frustration.


I asked him tonight when he was going to go in the potty like a big boy and he said...in the evenings. :001_huh: Candy does not even work, he just says "No Thanks". Hopefully you will get other more helpful replies. Just know your not alone. My two olders do not wear diapers...;).

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For a while I felt like I was the mom of the only 5 daughter who refused to use the potty. Yes, she finally trained at 5 but it was a fight to get that done.


Now we're trying to train my 3 year old and he's just as stubborn. Ugh!!\


My now 6 year old was finished at 2 and we did the exact same thing with the other ones except she was less stubborn.


This time shall pass.

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Yup. She will not walk down the aisle with a pull-up on under her wedding dress.


I promise.


My now 4yo was JUST LIKE THAT. Seriously.


She's fine now. I can barely remember it.


Hang in there, find something she likes as a reward (I was always, vehemently against rewards, but with this kid, it works! She'll do almost anything for a frosty from Wendy's), and you will get past this.


Sorry. :grouphug:

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Do you want ideas of what worked for other moms? Cause I know you aren't the only one who ever had a 3yo not using the potty.....


BTW, we used the $75 method. We stuck our child in underway, nothing else on his legs. When he peed, it all ran down his legs. He only did that twice before he decided the potty was a better place to run to. Name the son--we used the same method on each boy. Oh, the $75 is the cost of having to clean the carpet from the pee -- LOL!! Night time dryness was a totally different issue though...



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Ok, Don't know if you want only hugs...or what worked for me... My 3 year old could converse well, and knew he was going to poop because he'd run and hide. One time as he needed changed, I looked at him and said, "When boys are 3, their moms stop buying wipes for them and wash them off with cold water." Ok, it was tepid...and took all of maybe 3 times. He stopped going in his pants.... Night time was different...He'll be wetting for a while... But, I was tired of 3 year old poop.

He got sick the week after and said, "Sorry...I didn't mean to." I explained that being sick was different..and no problem... But..when you just don't want to take the time... it just doesn't work for me...




PS. I wasn't angry...just matter of fact. Just a .."This is what we do..."

Edited by NayfiesMama
Didn't want anyone to think I was yelling and such at him.....
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My oldest 2 were 4 before they gave up diapers. Basically, I told them 4 yos weren't allowed to use diapers or pullups and they wet their pants a couple times and used the potty, although my oldest continued to poop in his pants (yuck) for a few weeks until he caught a friend of his using the potty and decided to copy (yay). My 3rd decided to potty train himself in the middle of finals week when dh and oldest were away for a funeral. He was almost 4, about 2 mons. short. Ds3 will use the potty if he is in the bathroom and naked when the urge strikes i.e. getting in the tub. I haven't taken the time to go any further than that. I need to though.

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You are not alone. My 3 year old had never "went" on the potty. Ever.

We put her there, read books, promise rewards - nothing. Then, put her diaper on and she does her thing. It's beyond frustrating.


I'm waiting for the summer to let her go without pants and maybe get the point.

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Dear Nakia, Dd drove me INSANE for years . She read at 3 , Madeline , Little Bear you get the picture...Would not use the toddler toilet and wore the seat on her head as a crown. For tow years this went on. Lovely. Fast forward to one week before kindergarten she is still having "accidents," refusing to sit on the toilet long enough to actually have a bm etc. I had enough and gently explained that she must use the toilet in order to read her favorite book that is , she was only permitted to read it on the potty. She raged, gnashed her teeth and roared a' la Where the Wild Things Are. I simply removed the book from her room ,placed it on the floor in front of the toilet and repeated my terms. Apparently she is made of stubborn stuff as she continued to try to wheedle me out of my terms. There was no negotiating she loved that book and by gosh she used the toilet. All this one week before kindergarten ,which was a bust since she could read well and do math...so we homeschool. Perfectly able ? Why yes indeedy she could read, write and do calculations up to 100. She just had better things to do than use the potty . Good luck and one other thing . If she cannot resist using the toilet due to eating a lot of fresh fruit that helps as well. My mother reminded me often that stubborness has led to great things being accomplished against all odds . Let's hope this is the case for our young people.

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I am embarrassed to tell you that my kids were 4 years old when they were potty-trained. I tried every method and nothing worked.


Finally, I told them they could wear pull-ups, but they would have to change them themselves.


By the end of the day, a miracle had happened: they were potty-trained!

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DS was potty trained in one day a couple of weeks before he turned three. We picked out underwear. He was thrilled until he realized that he had to take OFF the diapers and wear only the undies. So he started screaming at the top of his lungs and peed on the floor on purpose. I told him no, pee goes in theh potty now. He peed on the floor again, just to "get" me. I told him that he'd be spanked if he did it again. He did it again. I spanked him. After that, he never had an accident while awake.


Daipers need to go away, and if she poops in the closet, SHE should clean it up. Getting wrist-deep in poo a few times would put an end to that nonsense.

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Cora will NEVER be potty trained. I mean the kid gets her hair cut at the salon and can carry on a conversation with any adult, but she doesn't give a rat's butt about going to the potty. If I take her, she will pee in there. But she hardly every goes on her own. As far as pooping, :lol: NO WAY! She would rather go hide in her closet and poo her pants. I am about to go crazy. I have tried ignoring it, bribing her, pleading, and anything else I have thought of. I am tired of the mess.


Ok, vent over. Please tell me that I am not the only mother of a not-potty trained 3 year old daughter.


For one of mine, I put the potty chair in the closet. The child happily pooed in there. Just needed some privacy. Transitioned to the big potty pretty easily after that.

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I've never experienced a fully-trained 3yo. My first was a late 4, second was an early 4, third was a mid-4-but-still-has-accidents-at-5, and I have no idea what will happen with my almost-2yo.


We've tried every. single. method. and nothing "worked". They got it when they got it.:glare:

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Around the time we were potty training our dd( just before she turned 3), dh read an article that said something about taking away night time diapers first. We gave it a try and although she did have a wet bed once or twice it pretty much completed the potty training process. It is scarey and risky that you will be doing laundry every morning but it is something you can plan for. I do not know the philosophy behind it because I did not read the entire article but it worked for us. I hope she catches on quickly.

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Thanks for the encouragement. As far as the ideas, we've tried most of them. I am not ready to make her clean her poop. I just don't need that mess right now.


Thanks again. I feel a little better after a good sleep.

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Oh, Nakia....thankfully college applications don't have a space for "what age potty trained." It sounds like your dd is learning all sorts of new things and growing into a beautiful creature. If it were me, I'd wait until summer, pick out some princess panties and let her wear dresses with panties outside. As with most things, this too shall pass, and the next struggle will come along and dull the memory of potty training woes.

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