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Is there an illness with high fever going around?

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Ds (7) was totally fine last night but woke up this morning with a bad headache. He had to get up early for a basketball game and we had a babysitter last night, so he went to bed (or sleep at least) rather late. We assumed he was just tired this morning.


So they got back from the game and ds went right to bed. I mean, he said "Hi", said that his head still hurt and wanted to lay down. He has *never* voluntarily gotten into bed before. He fell asleep immediately. Slept for about an hour, just woke up and he has a fever of 103.8 (though I think it's higher but he was too lethargic to keep the themometer in his mouth). He said he was having a hard time taking deep breaths, that he was so very tired and his head was pounding. No other symptoms. He doesn't want to get out of bed. We gave him some Motrin and we're waiting.


Is something like this going around? Is there something going around that *starts* like this, but becomes something all together different?

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My kids did this when they were coming down with chicken pox (before they broke out). Alternate tylenol with that motrin and keep the fluids pouring into him. Poor little guy.

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What kind of flu? Stomach? Please don't let it be stomach flu...


We just all had a nasty cold - bad cough, stuffy noses, chest congestion. Started with this ds and went to everyone incl. the baby. Apparently that was just a cold then?


If it's the flu, what are the other symptoms and how long did it last you?

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We had it. It was horrible! It was fever, body aches, headache and nausea. It never developed into a respiratory thing. My 3yo is the only one who actually threw up. And that was only twice--24hrs apart.


Frankly, I went from feeling totally healthy to wishing I would die in a matter of 1 hr! The worst of it only lasted 24hrs but it hung around for 4-5 days.

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This sounds like how the 'flu started with my family. Lots of fluids and alternating Motrin and Tylenol for the fever helped. If it's the same thing, a cough will follow soon. Poor guy - I hope he feels better soon!



That's exactly what we had go around here. High fevers, aches, fatigue and then coughing, coughing, coughing. It's nasty stuff.

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I had something like this last week--bad headache and exhaustion, nausea, aches. I don't know if I actually had a fever. I ended up turning on the tv and crashing on the couch with my boys all around me, and the oldest snuggled up to me to get warm because he said I felt hot even through my clothes. (Oh, and they were so sweet--brought me a blanket and a pillow, made their own lunches, played quietly until I was functional again. My six y.o. even made me toast.)


My dd had the same symptoms, and now has a horrible cough and sore throat but she's on the mend after three days in bed.


Tylenol, fluids, rest. :grouphug:



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What kind of flu? Stomach? Please don't let it be stomach flu...


We just all had a nasty cold - bad cough, stuffy noses, chest congestion. Started with this ds and went to everyone incl. the baby. Apparently that was just a cold then?


If it's the flu, what are the other symptoms and how long did it last you?


Nope, the real flu. There is usually no vomiting with the real flu (influenza A or B), but you do wish you could die because the pain is AWFUL. I had less pain during the birth of my 3 kids. It hits like a ton of bricks.


If he is having trouble breathing keep a VERY close eye on him, because the flu can be dangerous even in otherwise healthy people. If you have a pulse/ox machine ($65 online for one for the finger) use it, and watch for any signs of distress. We have had several friends hospitalized with the flu in the last couple of years.


Hopefully he feels better soon and no one else get it. It can last for a couple of weeks and take a couple of more weeks to be a full capacity again. Yuck!

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Just to check - he can turn his head w/o any trouble, right? (Had a teenage niece who had the high fever, headache...only the Grandma asked about the neck and lo and behold she could NOT turn her head - it was meningitis.)


Sounds like the flu - am surprised he made it to a game! Tough kidlet!

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Our doctor said that about half of the people who get the flu end up with a secondary infection. The newspaper said yesterday that about 40% of the flu cases around here were not responding to the antiviral Tamiflu; we're grateful that it worked wonders for my dh and for a friend of ours. You do need to start the antiviral within 48 hours of the first symptoms if it's to be effective. Effective, in this case, means only a couple of days down and out, rather than about 10 days flat on your back in bed.

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My 7 dd had a 105 fever for 3 full days, when she finally had a chest x-ray and they found she had bronchitis and pneumonitis. She was started on Zithromax and she still had 103 to 104 temp for the next 3 days, and then another full week of still feeling weak. So it was definitely respiratory for her... but what a high fever (and that was with constant Ibuprofen alternating with Tylenol every 2 to 3 hours both day and night for 6 or 7 straight days!!!). This one goes down in the memory books for our family, that's for sure!



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What kind of flu? Stomach? Please don't let it be stomach flu...


We just all had a nasty cold - bad cough, stuffy noses, chest congestion. Started with this ds and went to everyone incl. the baby. Apparently that was just a cold then?


If it's the flu, what are the other symptoms and how long did it last you?


My family came back from vacation in FL with a cold. Dd developed a fever that lasted about 5 days and a cough that lasted another 5 days or so. She was lethargic and slept 14 hours in one day. Dw had the cold but never developed the fever or cough.


I got the same thing about a day behind dd, and a family in my area had it as well. One of their kids ended up with walking pneumonia that was treated with antibiotics. Barring complications like that, it seems like it lasts about 10-14 days.


Hopefully your ds has something else and it will pass quickly!

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A virus with high fevers was going around here about a month ago. In our family, only dd caught it. It was sort of scary because she never has fevers -- it was the first time I had to take her temp orally, since I do the other way until they hit age 2.... so I realized I hadn't noticed her being more than a tad warm in 3 years.... She was ok after about 30 hours, but I know a few other kids who ended up in the ER because of temps climbing over 103 during the same period. On the plus side, I've heard fewer reports of kids with illnesses lasting over a week than I did last year, which was just a super rough year for a lot of the families we know.

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My dd came down with a fever exactly 2 weeks ago. It lasted nearly a week. It spiked at 103.? but was mostly low grade for the rest of the week. Her other symptoms were congestion, post nasal drip, aches, sore throat, upset stomach, fatigue and loss of appetite. She lost several pounds. The symptoms mostly were gone after a week, but the fatigue has not gone away. She is sleeping about 12 hours a night and still taking naps during the day and feels tired and a bit dizzy when she's awake. Is this normal after the flu? It just seems to be going on too long.

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One of their kids ended up with walking pneumonia that was treated with antibiotics.


This is my fear. He has had pneumonia before - when he was a baby, and this is how it presented. High, high fever and lethargy.


He has been on Motrin/Tylenol alternated all day and the fever, while lower, is still there (probably drops to around 101), but his headache will not go away. He is on his third nap right now. He is just so tired.


In a way, I'm glad these things happen on the weekend because it forces me to not panic but the wait it out a bit. On the other hand, I hate it when this happens on the weekends because...I'm forced to be patient and wait it out a bit.;)


I'll be calling first thing Monday (or maybe even tomorrow) if his fever stays like this overnight and tomorrow.


Glad you all are on the mend and hope your vacation was great!

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My 7 dd had a 105 fever for 3 full days, when she finally had a chest x-ray and they found she had bronchitis and pneumonitis. She was started on Zithromax and she still had 103 to 104 temp for the next 3 days, and then another full week of still feeling weak. So it was definitely respiratory for her... but what a high fever (and that was with constant Ibuprofen alternating with Tylenol every 2 to 3 hours both day and night for 6 or 7 straight days!!!). This one goes down in the memory books for our family, that's for sure!




Oh, Brenda! What an ordeal!


It reminds me of when this same ds had pneumonia when he was a baby. Very high fever and extremely lethargic. So I must admit that my first thought when seeing the thermometer at 104 (and it's the old fashioned mercury kind) was "pneumonia". Even when my dd got pneumonia when she was 3 (I was pregnant with ds at the time), her fever was over 104, but not quite 105. Those times are the only time fevers have been above 103. So it is a real possibility that I'm wondering about....

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but the fatigue has not gone away. She is sleeping about 12 hours a night and still taking naps during the day and feels tired and a bit dizzy when she's awake. Is this normal after the flu? It just seems to be going on too long.


I wonder if she is dehydrated? Is she eating and drinking better?

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Last weekend my baby was sick for about two days with a high fever. It got up to almost 105 once, which is the highest I've ever seen with any of my kids. She was fussy, but didn't have any cold symptoms or respiratory trouble. The doctor tested her for the flu, but it came back negative. We just had to wait it out. I hope your son feels better soon.

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That's what we have here too! I didn't make the flu connection, though (doh!). We usually get the stomach-variety flu - the regular flu seems to pass us by. My kids are playing "tag" passing it around. Started with a headache, then the sore throat, and they're all very tired. The 2nd dd is the only one who's had the cough with it (so far, knock wood). I have it too - but it's not as horrible as I remember the flu being from a few years ago...

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Strep throat....


OP description of her son describes my son. He got the strep first then the rest of us got it.


I didn't read anybody's post. I recommend a quick trip to the dr.


btw we thought this was the flu but it wasn't it was strep. Strep will make you very very tired.



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Fortunately, he has already had the chicken pox (when he was 2yo).


Don't rule it out. I had it when I was 5 and again when I was 10 (both times diagnosed by pediatrician, whose own son had it three times)--first case fairly light, second not so. Not usual, but not impossible.

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Our doctor said that about half of the people who get the flu end up with a secondary infection. The newspaper said yesterday that about 40% of the flu cases around here were not responding to the antiviral Tamiflu; we're grateful that it worked wonders for my dh and for a friend of ours. You do need to start the antiviral within 48 hours of the first symptoms if it's to be effective. Effective, in this case, means only a couple of days down and out, rather than about 10 days flat on your back in bed.



Do you have a Patient First or some sort of Clinic that stays open most of the day. I would second getting the antiviral Tamiflu. My daughter had the real flu a couple of years ago and she ran that high fever for a week and a half and lost weight. We got Tamiflu for other members of the house and it shortened the duration.

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I never took her temp, but she was HOT. In a couple of days though she was back to normal. She never even got a runny nose. I did have to make her drink and she said her throat hurt. I considered the ER (which takes a lot for me. In my experience, when you go there with a child who is not bleeding, all they do is tell you to give them some tylenol anyway...).


I still have no idea exactly what it was all about, but her little brother (5) did the same thing that evening. I gave him some Motrin and put him to bed. He was fine the very next morning. It was weird. The oldest two do have a nasty cold now though. Not a coincidence I bet...


I hope this is the worst of it and that it's over soon for you too!



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Do not hesitate to call and definitely trust your mommy instinct. I don't mess with a fever/headache combo because of the possibility it could be meningitis. My kids have NEVER had a headache AND a high fever at the same time. If they ever do, we are off to the hospital to rule it out. You just can't be too sure.


I hope your little guy feels better soon!

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