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TV converter box poll...

What is your converter situation?  

  1. 1. What is your converter situation?

    • I have satellite/cable--don't need one
    • I have a digital TV
    • I am going to get a digital TV
    • I have the converter box
    • I am going to get a converter box
    • We don't watch TV/only videos
    • Other

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We don't have cable, but we do have TiVo. If the converter box didn't work with the Tivo, we would've just stuck with DVDs. I was almost looking forward to it. But apparently they've figured a workaround with the Tivo, so dh has gotten us two boxes - one for the TV and one for the Tivo.


We do get a bunch more channels on the digital (dh hooked up the TV box already), and our PBS station is now broadcasting 3 feeds per channel ... BUT... the NH PBS station is just gone! The digital signal must not be strong enough to make it (the analog was fuzzy, but came in fine). I'll miss that even though there's even more local PBS because the NH station broadcasts all the Annenberg stuff in the middle of the night, and I was saving it!

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We live in a weird little valley. People within 15 miles of us who don't live in valleys need 25 foot antenna towers and boosters to get two stations. I don't have the interest, time, or money or go to all that work to get two stations I probably won't watch. :)


I find it funny that one of the reasons for extending the deadline was because many rural people (esp. the poor) hadn't gotten boxes yet, and my first thought was, "But did anyone ask if they wanted one?" (or if it would even do them any good if they weren't close enough to a a transmitter tower) LOL

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You can watch the Annenberg stuff on their website!


I'm not sure what's going on. I think this is a whole big scam! Our TV does get digital channels, but they don't come in very well. I am afraid we will end up having to get a satellite and I really don't want to waste money on what I previously got free! We don't watch a lot of TV, but what we do watch, we would miss.

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We have basic cable on one TV, Sat service on one tv - that will move out with STBXH, i have 2 converter boxes that i haven't hooked up yet.


The basic cable makes the internet cheaper - but i need to cut costs so that might be going away at some point....


I haven't figured out what to do yet... i need to try those boxes. The charts i have found online don't show me getting anything!

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You can watch the Annenberg stuff on their website!


I'm not sure what's going on. I think this is a whole big scam! Our TV does get digital channels, but they don't come in very well. I am afraid we will end up having to get a satellite and I really don't want to waste money on what I previously got free! We don't watch a lot of TV, but what we do watch, we would miss.

I feel the same way. We get tv via antenna. Now that we have all digital television sets when the weather is crummy the digital stations pixalate like a dvd that is scratched. I like the analog better because when the weather was crummy we could still watch our shows, even if they were a bit fuzzy. The analog channels come in better than the digital....we'll get a blue screen on the digital channel and switch one over and view the program perfectly on analog.


This, I could believe is a government conspiracy. :D

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Living (and working) in TV-landia, it's strange (some might say perverse) that I (we) rely on terrestrial broadcast signals. But while I am tempted by a very few cable-offerings, the "downsides" of opening our home to an onslaught of crass programming (especially the "children's networks") dissuades me.


Who's your Mr Liberal now? :D


Anyway, in my hamlet (where over-the-air reception is good) I'm loving the transition to digital TV. We now get a multitude of PBS channels (from 3 separate stations) and the images are crystal clear.


I heartily recommend the Zenith converter box to anyone living in an area with good reception. It lacks a "smart antenna" input (for a fancy and expensive new type of powered antenna) but it was totally unnecessary for us (using plain old rabbit-ears). Nice remote (compared to others), easy set up, and works really well.



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You know...I didn't want one when it was $20 to get it, plus the gov't voucher. We don't watch tv except online. Important stuff like news & propaganda can be had via the internet or radio. Or generally lived w/out.


But before Christmas, Target had them on sale for $5 + the voucher. For that price, I thought it *might* be worth it. Then last week CVS put them on sale for FREE + the voucher. *That* I'd pay. Except...I didn't. I don't have a voucher, &...I guess I don't care enough?


Maybe if they *pay* me to go get one...:lol:

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I get the cheap cable ($10 a month) which doesn't really get us any extra channels (just 3), so we won't worry about the converter boxes.


It bothers me that they've talked about this for at least 3 years. There are public service announcements, screen crawlers, commercials, etc. about the changeover and what to do. The people who are not ready (assuming that those people are out there) are probably not going to be ready in June. (Or whenever the new date is.)


I wish they'd just left it at the 17th. It would not hurt anyone to be with a television for a few days.

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I voted other. Right now we do watch some TV but after Feb. whatever we will no longer be watching TV. We will only be watching videos, dvds and online. I love Hulu and watching all the old shows I watched as a kid.


My dh saw something in an article that said the only people who hadn't gotten a box yet were disabled, low income, elderly and non english speakers. We have decided that we are elderly :lol:



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I know they have delayed it but one of our stations say they are switching on the 17th still.


Our local Fox station stopped broadcasting analog a couple of months ago. It was right after the big ice storm - I'm wondering if their broadcast tower was damaged and they figured it wasn't worth replacing. We realized that is was just the analog when my dh plugged in the converter box - so we can watch Fox live on the TV, but can't Tivo it (we have a box for the Tivo but it isn't connected yet).

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We get our tv via antenna. No cable, no satellite. WE have a Tivo, with a lifetime subscription, but it is an old one, like series one. From what I understand, it won't work with a converter box, and it didn't when we tried. But, we were only using one converter box.


Can you tell me how to set it up with 2 converter boxes? Or point me to a link that shows me how? I'd appreciate it so much!


I really don't want to get satellite, just for local channels, that we get free right now. And don't get me started on how it does when the weather's bad. You can't watch it just a little scrambled, it's all or NOTHING!!! And, I live in a rural area, where my reception is bad more often than not. ARGH.


But, if I could get the Tivo to work, using two converter boxes, that would save us from having to get satellite at all. I. Just. Want. To. Keep. My. Tivo. Even with just my local channels, I love having Tivo.



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You know, the d*** thing gives me a major headache. Every time I turn around, it's something new someone tells me I need. If it were up to me, we would have DVD's and be happy. But dh is part of the picture, so he bought two converter boxes; he hasn't hooked them up yet, so we will see. He was talking to me about it, and my brain just tuned him out. I'll stick to my books and old movies, thank you very much.



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I bought a converter box and got worse reception than with our rabbit ears. I bought it planning on printing out a coupon that week and bringing it back to Best Buy to get a rebate, but the next day found out that the gov't was no longer issuing free coupons. So I took it back and we're planning on not watching TV until we get a digital TV someday. If DH has his way, we'll probably get one the day after Thanksgiving.


I did get on a waiting list for a coupon, if I get it I *might* try to get a different brand converter box and give it another try, but honestly we only got PBS and one other channel, so the only shows we've missed are some kids shows and Frasier reruns late at night. Not a big deal in my mind. :) We watch our favorites on Hulu.

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I find it funny that one of the reasons for extending the deadline was because many rural people (esp. the poor) hadn't gotten boxes yet, and my first thought was, "But did anyone ask if they wanted one?" (or if it would even do them any good if they weren't close enough to a a transmitter tower) LOL


We're not bothering with the box. We mostly watch DVDs, and just about never watch the three stations we get on our rabbit-eared TV, so it won't be much of a change for us, but I agree with the quote above: did anyone ask if those who didn't get the boxes ever even planned on getting them? It's not like TV is life-or-death stuff (not like heat or running water). Many of us have a radio, computer, neighbor, newspaper or telephone to find out weather conditions or current news one way or another. I wonder how they feel about those poor souls who have chosen to not have a TV in the house at all? Will they create a government grant to provide one? Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness...oh, and cable channels ad nauseum.



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I know this has been talked about before, but I wanted to put up a current poll to find out what everyone's situation is now. I heard on the radio where they are extending the conversion period so I can get my converter box. I don't want one, thank you.


*Please don't turn this into a political thread.*


I'm ticked they are waiting! I ordered the coupons because my mom has three tv's and my MIL let hers expire without using them! We're going up to see them the week it was suppose to change (neither is able to set the VCR clock, much less set this up). My mom doesn't want to buy another box until she knows which one of her two work better, and I was hoping to know that before going out and getting MIL one for her TV. My mom has no access to cable (out in Rural USA) and MIL is to cheap (which is fine). MIL will just get the cheapest box and my mom has read up on them and the boxes are not all equal. I really wanted to get MIL the converter box that picks up the most channels, she watches TV a lot and will enjoy it. I'm afraid she'll get the least expensive one and will get less channels than she gets now. You can not test them until after the conversion, and now my coupons will expire before the conversion so we won't know which box to get (plus, our family can't afford to fly up again). Oh well, that's the government for you, they don't consider that you might be waiting till after the conversion to get a box, they just assume you were too ignorant during the last two years and might get one now! Thanks for letting me vent, this issue has me steamed!


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I bought a converter box and got worse reception than with our rabbit ears. I bought it planning on printing out a coupon that week and bringing it back to Best Buy to get a rebate, but the next day found out that the gov't was no longer issuing free coupons. So I took it back and we're planning on not watching TV until we get a digital TV someday. If DH has his way, we'll probably get one the day after Thanksgiving.


I did get on a waiting list for a coupon, if I get it I *might* try to get a different brand converter box and give it another try, but honestly we only got PBS and one other channel, so the only shows we've missed are some kids shows and Frasier reruns late at night. Not a big deal in my mind. :) We watch our favorites on Hulu.


Rosy, your converter box got lousy reception because the TV channels are not broadcasting in Digital yet (some might be, but I know my mom's aren't) The stations at my mom's house have had a couple of trial runs, for about two minutes, so people can test them. My mom hasn't been able to really test hers in that amount of time, so she's waiting for the conversion. Of course now that there is a delay, she'll be out of the time limit to return them to the store if there is a problem! Gotta love our government at work!


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