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Something positive about YOU

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Okay, we get burnt out... we work hard... we are depressed... we are struggling with finances... our families criticize... or any number of other things that we come here and talk about.


But, there are great things in our lives, also. Take a moment and look at your good points. YOU, not anyone else. What are you proud of in yourself? Take a moment and pat yourself on the back... Are you glad that you "made it through" a rough spot? Are you struggling in a difficult place, but you are maintaining? Hey, sometimes just keeping our head above water is where we are at. Can you smile at yourself right now and not be hard on yourself?


Yes, this is a pep talk. I just felt like we all have something beautiful about us and we get so bogged down in life, we let that slip away.


So, what is something positive about you? (or a few things, if you want to share)


For me:


I am generally a happy person.


I have a big heart for my children.


I am a hard worker.


I never give up... I keep trying... I keep turning to my Maker, over and over again to be a better person.


**And don't sit there thinking, "I am not patient... " or what you are not**


Who's with me??

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Dh just told me the other day that I'm a good mom (why does it mean more coming from someone else? Oh yeah - they noticed!)


I am a good teacher.


Even though my weight hasn't changed, I've done strength training 6x a week for five weeks in a row! I'm really proud of myself on this one. "Exercise" had always been a bad word to me in the past and I'm turning that around.

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My dh calls me "resourceful". He's constantly amazed how I can make do or find a way to do something I've never done before. He likes that I don't waste.


I have a generally positive attitude without being too "Pollyanna-ish"! In other words, I can call a spade a spade with a really big smile!:D


I love to laugh out loud.


I LOVE my job of being a wife and mom. It's absolutely the best thing I've ever done.


I'm a faithful friend. It takes a lot for me to write off a friendship. I've only ever done it once in all my life (not drifted apart, but, just intentionally left a friendship).


I'm quick to forgive and slow to get angry at others (not necessarily at myself, though, need to work on that!).

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Oh, this is tough. I'm my harshest critic, so let's shove that aside...


I never really give up, hope springs eternal in my spirit.


I'm falling in love with my dh again for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, I don't know how many times.


I love learning, I'm learning how to use a punching bag for exercise, I'm conquering grammar this year, and I'm excited about doing school with my son.


I can see a story in my head. I love to write and work to capture what I see and put it on paper. At 41 I don't think I'm too old to start.


(Even as I write this I have several things I'm not good at spring to mind. Go away, you bad thoughts)


I am unique. I have a weird sense of humor and march to my own beat. I embrace that. I know not everyone is going to get that and I'm okay with it.


(Even still those bad things are trying to rise up. One more good thing and then I'm done)


I'm a good driver. I've been in one accident in all my years and it wasn't my fault. I can drive in snow and ice (don't want to) and rain and fog. I love to drive.

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I tend to be hard on myself, so this is a good exercise for me.


Here are some positive things about me:



  • I really, really love my family.
  • I have done an excellent job educating my children.
  • I often pray for others.
  • I watch football on tv with dh & I really do understand it. ;)


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This is fun - I really need this today.


My strengths:


I can be very compassionate and generous esp. when I'm not feeling overwhelmed


I'm strong enough to not always (or even usually) follow the traditional route of things despite pressure/ridicule from friends/extended family


I deal with things most people I know say "they could never do" - and perservere through problems with only a moderate amount of kicking and screaming, LOL


I am quick to forgive (forgetting is another story)


I write a mean haiku (or so I've been told)

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I am EXTREMELY loyal to my family (including extended family..."you mess with me, you mess with my WHOLE family" kind of girl).


I am very generous and would give my last dime to pretty much anyone who wanted it.


I am usually a better friend to others than they are to me. :confused:


I am hyper-organized (but this might also be a fault).


I am very smart and I have a dry wit that makes most people laugh.


I actually like my faults...I think they make me more interesting. What would life be like if we were all perfect and had no faults? :D

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I realized recently as I was looking at some old pictures that my daughter probably weighs all of about 10 pounds less than I did at her age. She is also slightly taller, but still very close in body type. Nonetheless, while I was convinced that I was the ugliest, fattest thing on the planet, she feels good about herself and has great self confidence and self esteem.


I was musing aloud about this and wondering what the difference is between us, and she turned to me and said without any hesitation: It's you, Mom.


That may be just about the best thing anyone has ever said to me. So, I'll claim that as my "something positive."

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His first thoughts were that I feed him and his siblings alot and take them places and get them stuff.


After some prodding, he came up with that I am sometimes fun to be with but not during schoolwork. :tongue_smilie:


What I came up with is that I am not a nagging wife and have an off-color sense of humor. I am a straight shooter with my kids.


If I asked my husband, he would probably respond that I wear short skirts.

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This thread is coming at a great time. My dh is at sea for the next few weeks and it's always a bit harder even though when he's in port he's usually working late hours anyway.


Just before he left he said "I'm glad I found a woman like you" I asked what he meant and he said "You know, someone that can take care of business and keep this family chugging along on her own" That meant a lot to me.


I know this is about what I think of me, but I had to put that because he helped me realize that...


1. I'm a Strong person, I can handle whatever is thrown at me, although I may do it in my own quirky, weird way. :tongue_smilie:


2. I'm a good Mom


3. I'm a good Wife

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1. I am good at making other people feel good about themselves.

2. I am a great listener.

3. I am not judgmental.

4. I am forgiving.

5. I love to laugh.

6. I love to learn about myself.

7. I enjoy growth, even when it is painful.

8. I can pull myself up when I am down.

9. I know when to ask for help.

10. I know what my priorities are.

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I am flexible, patient, loyal, forgiving, not easily frazzled, phased, offended, or undone. I enjoy being the place that people drop their kids off. I like a house full of screaming children, who leave huge messes and occasionally break things. If I'm helping a friend by taking those kids, that's great. If I get to visit with a friend by hosting, that's even better. Thankfully, my friends are such that this part of me is never abused and often reciprocated.

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I am flexible, patient, loyal, forgiving, not easily frazzled, phased, offended, or undone. I enjoy being the place that people drop their kids off. I like a house full of screaming children, who leave huge messes and occasionally break things. If I'm helping a friend by taking those kids, that's great. If I get to visit with a friend by hosting, that's even better. Thankfully, my friends are such that this part of me is never abused and often reciprocated.


Please come back to Florida....I need you! :D


The best God-given gift I have is my passion for the modern day orphan. I am truly committed to doing everything I can to end the foster care crisis here in Broward county, FL for starters and then hopefully branching out nationally. God has given me a servant's heart....that is my greatest gift. :001_smile:

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I am open-minded and like exploring new things, especially those that take me outside my comfort zone or challenge my assumptions

I'm kind to animals

I am more calm in a crisis than I am not in a crisis

I think methodically

I am a kick-arse cook

I can knit anything, including a boob.



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