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Found out about lay-off....

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Hubby came home. He has good news and bad news. I told him I didn't want either.


Good news: they found out about lay-offs today.


Bad news: they've decided to close the plant so EVERYONE is losing their jobs in June.


Financially: The package we're getting basically works out to about 3 months of pay. And we can get COBRA for 6 months for just the cost of our regular insurance. And of course, he'll get unemployment.


Hubby can go back to doing what he used to do, but we wouldn't have regular health insurance which is a big problem considering my health issues. Also, we would be separated most of the time (or the kids and I could travel with him but that is pretty bad for me also).


So hubby is going to look for other employment. He doesn't want to move us because he doesn't want us to have to leave this absolutely awesome congregation. I told him I don't want to leave either but our welfare has to come first and there will be another wonderful congregation wherever we are.


This is just such a blow. We really had talked ourselves into believing that since hubby was one of 8 QC, the safety rep, had these certifications, was reliable, worked harder than anyone, was the one they called on to go out of town, etc that it was very unlikely he would be part of the 1/3 who were to lose their jobs in March.


We're pretty stressed tonight. The family game didn't work to get our minds off of it. Thankfully, the kids had fun.

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I remember the night that my DH got laid off. We were both awake all night. We did not really talk. We just lay there, and every once in a while DH would say, "Are you still awake?" or I would say, "Are you still awake?" and we would answer yes, and keep laying there, not talking, but not sleeping either.


It was really important for me to help DH plan all the little decisions around the lay off. I would give him a question to get answered, and he would do that, and the next day I would give him one more, etc. Since he was eligable for retirement, (but not much retirement), there were a lot of things to decide that would be significant for the rest of our lives. It was pretty hard, but it gave us something to do.


It's good that you DH has gotten so much notice.


I sure hope you can resolve the medical insurance issue. I wonder whether you can access a reasonably priced state pool there? Sometimes that is the best thing for families with health problems. Also, can your DH get guaranteed issue coverage from a trade group or industry group in his field? If so, sometimes that is a really good dea.

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Oh, Pam, I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope things will all work out OK for you. I can sympathize about the wrench of leaving a great congregation - we've done that before and although the new one is nice (of course!) I still miss our old one terribly.


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I remember the night that my DH got laid off. We were both awake all night. We did not really talk. We just lay there, and every once in a while DH would say, "Are you still awake?" or I would say, "Are you still awake?" and we would answer yes, and keep laying there, not talking, but not sleeping either.


<ignore waterworks>


Last night, we were lying there. Then I said, "it's been six years since we worried about anything like this."


"yes. we thought this was a permanent job."


"six years of not having the constant fear and insecurity. it was so comfortable."


You know how you do something for years and it's second nature and not wonderful but you cope and go on? For the first 9 years of marriage, hubby worked as a journeyman pipefitter and constantly had lay-offs. Jobs lasted several weeks to several months, rarely a little longer. Hubby was always looking for a job even when he had one.


But you know how when you don't have to deal with that anymore that you don't feel CAPABLE of handling it again? That is how I feel right now. I did it before, but I really don't think I can do it again. Even ONE change (if he got another "forever" job) seems like too much at this point, but what if he needs to, at least temporarily, go back to pipefitting in order to take care of us?

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:grouphug: Pamela, what you are going through is very difficult. I too have felt that "can't do this anymore" feeling. My dh has worked for the past 9 yrs on contract, and it always ends. I find that I spend most of my life waiting to hear that he has been laid off, because it always comes. I feel your sadness and despair....it is difficult, because when dh is struggling with his own feelings(self-esteem which is tied into lack of job), I have discovered it is not wise to unload all my own feelings of despair on him. I'm glad you are sharing your fears with us here, so that we can encourage and support you. :bigear:

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I want to also say (can't believe I was so rude as not to put it in my last post) thanks to all of y'all for your support.


Okay, I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself. I applied back at LiveOps Sunday (so waiting) and I applied at West on Monday (got hired immediately). One thing I can do is work a little to help out even if I am incapable of working full time.


Next, we need an action plan. I'm thinking:


Plan A) He finds something in DFW, we stay where we are, all is fine :)

Plan B) We move to wherever he can find a job

Plan C) We get a travel trailer for the family and he works as a pipefitter

Plan D) He travels for work temporarily while kids and I stay home; in time, he gets a plan A or B job.

Plan E) He travels for work and we're home.


Not sure about the last 3's order. It's more like Plan CDE in whatever order in my head though E is the worst.


It's gonna work out, right?

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Have you considered any alternatives to COBRA? In my experience, it was a very expensive option when dh was out of work. Since we knew it was temporary--this was 10 years ago and he was receiving offers, just trying to hold out two or three months for the best one--we decided to temporarily have the adults go without insurance and to use the CHIP (Childhood Insurance program) offered by our state to keep dd covered.


I would not advise you going without insurance for adults very long, but you might want to check to see if you qualify for a CHIP-like program for the kids and then perhaps the COBRA to cover the adults would be more manageable financially.


Good luck with this.

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The COBRA, for 6 mo, is the same that we pay for insurance now though I doubt as GOOD as the insurance we have now. There is no way *I* can be without insurance or I won't be insurable later.


First I want to say I am VERY SORRY this is happening. I know lay offs stink! I will pray he will find something better. Also, when I was notified of my layoff, I began stockpiling dh's meds. I was on mail order at the time and could order a month early. I did this to get a good amount of meds for the copay price. Good luck and know that we are praying for you.

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