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How do you shop for a house in today's market.

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My dh and I decided we needed a bigger house. We are very specific on what we want and will not compromise on certain things. With realtors not having much income I DO NOT want to be hounded every single day. So, how do I go about looking at a house that looks like it meets our criteria without the listing realtor wanting to be "my realtor". Does that make sense. We decided that when we see a property of interest we will call the listing realtor only for that property. I do not want to work with a realtor for most want to show what we do not want it may take a year for us to find exactly what we are looking for. Any ideas or suggestions or do I just need to be upfront and tell them we don't want to work with anyone we will call the realtor listing properties we are interested in ourselves. We've bought and sold many homes and are familiar with the entire process...thank you very much.

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I personally would find a realtor that YOU can work with and that is willing to find what YOU want. I think it would be a hassle to keep calling the LA on a house and have to explain to them each time that you don't want a realtor, plus, what happens if you do find a house that you like? Some states don't allow you to use the same person for both the listing agent and buying agent, maybe it's different in your state, but that's how it is here.


We have friends that looked for five years for a house, realtors just have to be patient.



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So, how do I go about looking at a house that looks like it meets our criteria without the listing realtor wanting to be "my realtor". Does that make sense. We decided that when we see a property of interest we will call the listing realtor only for that property. I do not want to work with a realtor for most want to show what we do not want it may take a year for us to find exactly what we are looking for.


I would very firmly communicate that you are not in need of a realtor and that you are just looking at this point. Smile and nod when they try to bully you into something, then say at the end: "Thank you so much for taking the time to...fill in the blanks."


Be careful with whom you leave your name and phone number or choose a phone number that has a voicemail attached and you can check it at your leisure but it's not your main line you answer regularly.

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I would work with a realtor. Interview them and make sure he/she understands you and your family. In many cases the realtor can preview homes for you and rule out your big "NO WAYS". I worked with a realtor for six months and then we changed our minds and decided to put. (Our house looked pretty good in comparison.) The realtors have experience and it is worth it.


FYI - I am not a realtor nor is anyone in my family.

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We're looking and I made certain to find a realtor to work with as opposed to simply calling the listing realtor on houses I liked. There's no fee involved in working with a realtor who will help you find a house and it avoids the (to me) big conflict of interest of working with an agent who's first commitment is to the person who's house they've listed.

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I agree with others. It's very helpful to have a buyer's agent who understands what you want (and do *not* want). With a good realtor, they won't be "hounding" you, but it will definitely make things go smoother (and if any other realtors asking, you can honestly say, "we already have an agent").


There are bad realtors out there. But there are also some great ones who can make your search much easier.

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1. Go to www.remax.com and you can look at numerous homes in the area(s) you wish to move, sorted by price, size, etc. Many of these have lots of interior photos so you can see more of the house first -- as well as listing other details (room sizes, sq. footage, lot size, etc.)


2. Like so many others have stated, find YOURSELF a realtor, someone who works FOR you.


3. Make a list of what is non-negotiable to you (does your dining room need to be a certain size? Do you hate modern floor plans with floating staircases? Are you looking for a ranch, or a 2-story, etc.?)


4. If you have any new home developments going up in your area, take a look at the model homes. See if there are certain styles (exteriors/floor plans) in which you feel more "at home."


When you meet with your realtor, be prepared to go over #3 & #4, and hand them a list of potentials you found on-line. Let the realtor know you really don't want to spend tons of time looking at homes that don't meet your criteria, and see if the realtor will look at the homes before dragging you out.


Also, know if you are willing to do "some work" and what "some work" means to YOU. Does it mean only paint? Or, are you willing and able to tackle things like wall-paper, kitchen re-models, etc. Make sure you spell that out to the realtor as well.


Personally, I hate wasting time looking at homes that are so outside of what I'm looking for. (When dh and I were engaged, I did all of this, and the realtor we were working with just COMPLETELY ignored it. She dragged us from one house to another -- at one house I *KNEW* what it was going to be like inside and I told her I didn't want to waste my time, because I *KNEW* I wouldn't be interested (modern floorplan with the Masters BDRM up a staircase which floated in the middle of the family room, and the MBDRM having double doors which opened up to the family room below. PLUS a Galley Kitchen. YUCK.


In general, though, I do very much enjoy looking at homes :D Have fun.

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We are actually making an offer on a house this afternoon. I think that getting a BUYER'S AGENT would be a good move for you. They have inside dibs on houses coming on the market. Ours has done a lot of work with foreclosures which can be very good deals in today's market.


The home we are looking at is a foreclosure, now bank owned. We are offering 1/2 of what the home structure was valued at in 2004. That doesn't include the pole barn, garage with 2 bedroom apartment or 6.7 acres of land. Likely we will have to go up some on the price but we should steal snag a good deal.


Just make clear what you are looking for and the area you want to live in. Then they can contact you when a listing comes up that matches what you need.

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Thanks for the info. I forgot that some realtors can simply be buyers agents adn help us when we are ready to buy. I am just tired of dealing with realtor that want to show 3 houses one day and expect us to make an offer on one then get irritated like we wasted time when we tell them that the houses we were shown will not work. I think they waste my time by not listening or showing me their listings that they know will not work for us.


Here is our criteria. Are we to picky. Keep in mind we have owned 7 houses over the years so we know what we like.


1. no facing garages

2. 2 + garages or garage and detached etc.

3. 4 bedroom plus bonus room

4. no neighbors behind with dogs

5. split master

6. big kitchen no galley kitchens with a large pantry.

7. no corner lots

8. has to have this is it feel, no more settling for "this will do".

9. location and flow of traffic to dh work and airport

also we will live out further for the right house or in the city for the right location as above mentioned.

10. School district must not be those of certain high schools

11. would like acerage

12. no lights shining into the master bedroom at night

13. not backed up to any major roads.

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I had to look for flats repeatedly in Hong Kong, and very often people started to show me things I didn't want. I took to asking very specific questions about every house, before even making an appointment. You can have a realtor working for you, but every time they call, ask your questions (keep them by the phone). The realtor will soon learn that you mean business.



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Interview for your own BUYERS realtor - make sure he or she knows your criteria. They may, at an open house for realtors, find you the perfect home before every other buyer sees it (our realtor took me to a realtor-only open house...while we did not by THAT house we did end up with on only a couple blocks away.) Realtors can get you access to MAPS, too.


PS - you do know that as soon as you do find that perfect home and move in the folks in back WILL get two large dogs!!!!!

Edited by JFSinIL
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is how much time and money you have! :D We compromised on our wants to get into the neighborhood we wanted at a price we could afford, and it has been a great home for us with terrific neighbors.


Have you thought about building? The builders in our area are offering great discounts right now . . .


Oh, about the realtor. Long, long ago, when we were newlyweds, we saw houses with tons of realtors. Ugh. And then we found THE ONE. She was amazing. Low key. Motherly, even. Wanted to put us in the right house for our new family. Printed out pages and pages of possibilities and told us to let her know any we'd be interested in seeing. We worked with her for months. She NEVER showed us anything we couldn't afford or that didn't meet our criteria. When we finally bought a house through her, she had showed it to us the night it was listed, before the sign was in the front yard. We JUMPED on it because it was exactly what we wanted.


Finding the right realtor can make all the difference.

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We're more or less in the same situation. Here's a neat link:http://www.realtor.com/


This shows all the MLS listing by city/zip code/state.


Happy hunting!

I second http://www.realtor.com It's the most comprehensive website available. Even though we're not in the market I keep abreast of the housing market just in case we need to relo or our dream home becomes available.

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A buyer Agent is good. Also ask for the specs on the house before setting up an appointment based on your list. Explain that you will not set up appointments to view homes that don't meet your criteria and change Realtors if need be.


Your numbers 4 & 12 are ones that could change eaisly with owners or home improvements. (ie...The house behind you had no big dogs, but they get a new dog or add lights.) Since both are important to you, I'd make acreage a big factor in my choice.


Good luck, this is definately a buyers market.


Thanks for the info. I forgot that some realtors can simply be buyers agents adn help us when we are ready to buy. I am just tired of dealing with realtor that want to show 3 houses one day and expect us to make an offer on one then get irritated like we wasted time when we tell them that the houses we were shown will not work. I think they waste my time by not listening or showing me their listings that they know will not work for us.


Here is our criteria. Are we to picky. Keep in mind we have owned 7 houses over the years so we know what we like.


1. no facing garages

2. 2 + garages or garage and detached etc.

3. 4 bedroom plus bonus room

4. no neighbors behind with dogs

5. split master

6. big kitchen no galley kitchens with a large pantry.

7. no corner lots

8. has to have this is it feel, no more settling for "this will do".

9. location and flow of traffic to dh work and airport

also we will live out further for the right house or in the city for the right location as above mentioned.

10. School district must not be those of certain high schools

11. would like acerage

12. no lights shining into the master bedroom at night

13. not backed up to any major roads.

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