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MotivatedMoms 12/28-1/3

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I thought I would start the first weekly MotivatedMoms thread since there was talk of a support/accountability/discussion thread for Motivated Moms users. I just printed my sheet for this week.


If you're wondering what I'm talking about, their website is www.motivatedmoms.com It's a weekly checklist/planner for housekeeping and organization.


So, who all is starting this week with it?

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How it compares to FlyLady?


I don't know. All those emails drove me nuts and I didn't last even a day as a FlyBaby.


What do I like about Motivated Moms?


It has manageable chunks. It is a short list and then I am done. And I do get to the whole house eventually.


Does it work well for someone who is fairly neat, but, um, extremely absent-minded and highly distractable?


I would think so. The lists help keep me on track and redirect when I get off track.

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Yay! I just printed mine out this morning.


Unfortunately, I'm starting with a fairly thrashed house. A couple of weeks of everyone (including dh) being stuck here due to snow, plus recent holiday travels and subsequent dumpings of stuff in the living room really did this place in. (Not that it was overly neat to begin with. :tongue_smilie:)


I'm kind of dreading cleaning the middle shelves of my refrigerator (what will I find???) but it sooo needs to be done. On the plus side, I did an extra job today: changing the furnace filter. It was way overdue. So that feels good. :D

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We printed ours out this morning and got to work so we can actually DO some of the dailies... like I've been clearing off the counters this afternoon so I can actually wipe them down this evening.


So far, I've inventoried the fridge - easy, since I should clean it out on Mondays for trash day on Tuesdays - and checked off the toilet paper restocking (did that last night). My 7 y.o. cleaned the toilets (her favorite chore) and changed the hand towels in the bathrooms. My husband is clearing the floors in the living room and foyer so we can vacuum.


Dinner is planned and cooking...


Yeah, so far, the checklist is going well. We're really feeling good about it. A lot is getting done, especially since we started school again today, and I scheduled the car maintenance for this morning, so there were a few hours of hardcore multitasking. I may actually pick off a couple of other things from tomorrow, since we'll be out in the morning.


So for the Day 1 assessment, I would say this is MUCH better than being spammed with crap I don't care about or cryptic subject lines... "Do you know where your laundry is?" "Why yes, I do. It's hard to NOT know, when you climb over it in every room."


Woohoo! :cheers2:

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So for the Day 1 assessment, I would say this is MUCH better than being spammed with crap I don't care about or cryptic subject lines... "Do you know where your laundry is?" "Why yes, I do. It's hard to NOT know, when you climb over it in every room."


Woohoo! :cheers2:


:D I, too, am not missing the emails. I checked the email account I started just for F.L. and there were 1900 emails!!!!!!!! (Haven't checked it in a few months. :tongue_smilie:) I am starting this right along with you, ladies!

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Yep, starting today...I printed out this morning through New Years Day. I don't frankly expect to get through everything every day, but It will be something to focus on. I don't do well making lists myself....I'm much better at box checking if it's all done for me, so hopefully I'll improve in this area this year :o).


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I don't do well making lists myself....I'm much better at box checking if it's all done for me, so hopefully I'll improve in this area this year :o).



This is me, too. It's sad. I think actually making the list somehow gives me permission to be "done". :glare:

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Thanks for the thread. I had seen this months ago and promised myself I would make my own.


Yeah, well, like that happened. :tongue_smilie:


So, I just purchased it tonight and printed it off.


I'm excited.


I actually stuck with flylady once--before homeschooling--for about three months. I loved how clutter free the house got--I did not like how uptight I got about keeping it that way!


So, I let things slide--I hope this can keep us on track without getting overwhelmed--and this time, I'll be working with the kids right beside me too.


Here's to a happy new year, everyone!


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I'm just starting this as well. We've been doing Flylady ......sans email.... I liked Flylady because I created the notebook and could pull out a sheet , hand it to an older child, and they knew exactly what to do in a room. :tongue_smilie: I will keep my Flylady journal for that very purpose. My older kids are totally responsible for keeping their area of the house clean. 2 bedrooms, bathroom and a living area upstairs.


I was getting really lax cleaning my area of the house AND training the youngers with cleaning:glare: so we are going to give MM a try. My only complaint so far is that Monday- clean toilets, T- Clean showers/ mirrors. If I'm in the bathroom cleaning..... I just want to get the whole room done ....so that is what I did marked off T's list at the same time.

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Well, all I have to say is that for "poor" people we have a LOT of stuff!!! I just cleaned out my closet and our boys closet and dresser and now have 8 trash bags full of stuff for Goodwill and 5 bags of trash and just stuff that Goodwill wouldn't want!!:) We only have a 1400 square foot house!!! I am truly amazed at the stuff we can fit in here! But my Tuesday chores are done. Now just have to finish the daily chores. I really hope I can keep this up! Our little house is starting to feel big again.:D

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I loved how clutter free the house got--I did not like how uptight I got about keeping it that way!


This is a problem for me, too. With MM I get all of the little boxes checked off and then I just want the whole family to stand still for the rest of the day. Mine are little and can't help out much. Many days we go outside until dinner time to keep things clean.


In the past I have tweaked the schedule to get a little more done, but with a newborn I am going to just do the schedule and feel good about it.


Laurel T.

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I did Flylady & couldn't deal with all the emails, plus I like the mm format & just being able to print out the week & put it up. I've had this for a few weeks, and haven't done anything yet. Today dh put the sheet for this week on my desk. Subtle, huh?:D I am more than happy to join this thread!!

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I'm kind of dreading cleaning the middle shelves of my refrigerator (what will I find???) but it sooo needs to be done.


I realized last night that I was working from the wrong week. (I printed out two weeks back-to-back, and hung the sheet of paper on the fridge, backwards.) :blush:


So, now it's on the right side. I have a bit of catch-up work to do, but at least I don't have to tackle the middle shelves until next week. :D I did deal with containers of leftovers, so that's good.

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I've done the regular daily things that can be done at this point, including putting away two loads of laundry and moving along two more. The beds are made, sink cleared out, kitchen cloths changed. There are two loaves of oat bread rising on the counter, we've done school, and I have fed the children at least two meals.


I "cleaned out" my purse - a wristlet that barely holds my little card holder and a tube of lip gloss, lol. I went all medieval on that one receipt in there, though!


I'm on my way up to do the tub and mirror, and will change the hand towel up there when I'm doing that.


We were awakened by a small house fire across the street at 2:15 this morning. (Inconsequential. The guys were all walking around, unmasked, fire out, by the time the second engine arrived and my husband had dressed and gotten out the front door.) I am now debating whether to take a nap or just wait and go to bed early. On the one hand, I could keep plugging away, which I will not do after a nap. On the other, I sent the kids up for quiet time and I think they're napping, so they might not go to bed early... and I may be too tired to actually be able to make a decision.


Oh, nifty. The dryer is done. I'll take some clothes up to fold after I do the tub! :blink:

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Angela--my thinking is, if the thought of a nap crosses your mind--you need it!


I'm starting way behind most of you. Just changing out the dishcloth necessitated a trip to the basement laundry to find one...which led to the discovery that my son forgot to turn on the dryer for the laundry he voluntarily transferred yesterday.....and there are piles and piles of laundry waiting to be done.


To be fair to myself, I should explain the basement isn't finished and unheated--and it has been -20 C or Less (more?) going on three weeks now. I've been doing underwear and sock loads only on an "as needed" basis.:ohmy:


So, I'll do what I can. Cleaning the tub and shower is a job I absolutely loathe. I always get water dripping down my arms whenever I do the walls over the tub--so much so, I may as well just clean it while I take a shower (but then I can't see with my glasses off.) Yuck.

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Quick question for those more familiar with this program: I notice it says to vaccuum bedrooms or second floor.


Our second floor has 1 small hallway, 2 bedrooms and a powder room.


We do not have carpets--just hardwood floors. I just dry swiffer them--is that what I should do today? And what about the bathroom floor up there? Can I skip that and do it another time?


What about my daughter's room? She is supposed to do it--and I'd make her do it today, except our "usual" day is Saturday and she has a bad cold at the moment. What would you do? Wait? or do it for her?

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Angela--my thinking is, if the thought of a nap crosses your mind--you need it!
Unfortunately, napping comes to mind every day after lunch. And, yes, I probably do need one, but at this point (it's ten after 4 here) I'll just stick it out. When my bread comes out of the oven, I'll wake the boys and head out to post a cd someone ordered from my Amazon Marketplace listing today, get catfood and, possibly, a new trashcan lid. (Honestly. Who has to buy a trash can lid??)


I am taking the "bedrooms or second floor" to mean do the non-public rooms if you live on one story, or the second floor, if you live on multiple. (I have hardwood, too, but vacuum them. We have too much dust and other funk around to swiffer - I'd go through a box of cloths a day. ) Whether you wait until your regular day or go ahead and do your daughter's room is up to you... You can always just do the upstairs floors again next week on the chore list. I'm sure this is not supposed to cause anxiety. :D


Meanwhile, my bathroom chores are done... so now I just have laundry folding (which can be done in my room before bed) and vacuuming. Not too shabby on Day 2.


Checklists are my very favorite thing, next to spreadsheets.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I'm sure this is not supposed to cause anxiety. :D



When it comes to cleaning--all I am is a mess of anxiety! Thanks for talking me down. :001_smile:


I have the tub sides and surround emptied of bottles and toys and it is all sprayed with cleaner. I don't quite know what I'm waiting for before I finish it.


We took all the decorations off the tree and the mantle. I'm looking after my one year old nephew tomorrow morning and I wanted the breakable stuff packed up!


It's only 2:45 here.

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I am taking the "bedrooms or second floor" to mean do the non-public rooms if you live on one story, or the second floor, if you live on multiple. (I have hardwood, too, but vacuum them. We have too much dust and other funk around to swiffer - I'd go through a box of cloths a day. ) Whether you wait until your regular day or go ahead and do your daughter's room is up to you... You can always just do the upstairs floors again next week on the chore list. I'm sure this is not supposed to cause anxiety. :D



:iagree: The list is there to serve you. Manipulate it to make it work for you! Here's a post where I detailed how I make it work for us.

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Thanks Oak Knoll!


I tend tostress and need lots of support when I first start something new. Once I'm more familiar with things I calm down and can tweak it.


However, it took 20 minutes to clean out my purse, the bathroom still isn't finished and the upstairs awaits. And it'll soon be time to start dinner.


I really don't think this checklist is going to help me like housecleaning!

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And next week when your purse comes up again it will take you five minutes top!

So true! Thanks for reminding me--it will get better!


I cannot describe how wonderful it felt to leave my kitchen counters clear and wiped and get into a made bed last night!


It put me in such a great mood, I'm up two hours earlier than I'd planned--and about four hours earlier than "usual."! (When I realised my error, I was already dressed and my bed made. So, I stayed up.)


Any plans today on the last day of the year, anyone?

Edited by Alana in Canada
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I started yesterday and since I had a little time on my hands I did s few items from Sunday and Monday. The house looked a million times better. Then DH called at 4 and wanted to let me know we were having company for dinner. Rocking! I had a clean house and groceries. I am loving MM (and a few leftovers from FlyLady - like the clean sink and following through on laundry). I hope I can stick with this one!! :)

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(When I realised my error, I was already dressed and my bed made. So, I stayed up.)


Any plans today on the last day of the year, anyone?



:lol: That is brilliant.


My plan is to knit a bit, sample my almost-ready mead and hit the bed early.


I added "set up coffee" to my daily list, so I awoke this morning (at the proper time... I checked and everything before getting out of bed) to a full, hot pot. It was excellent.


Happy New Year, everyone!:biggrinjester:

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Those who say you've used this before, how do you think it compares to doing Fly Lady or any other system? What is it you like about Motivated Moms? Does it work well for someone who is fairly neat, but, um, extremely absent-minded and highly distractable?


Much simpler than Flylady. I think it is excellent for keeping me on track. I print a page out weekly and stick it on the fridge to mark off as I go. I don't necessarily get everything marked off, but it keeps me in the right direction and every box I mark off is a step better than without, so I don't beat myself up for not finishing. This is an excellent step for an OCD like me....unchecked boxes! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

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I agree, it seems much simpler for me than FlyLady. It's a chore checklist. It's static. I can leave it on the counter and come back to it several times a day, instead of waiting for the next email.

I can cross off items that don't apply before the day begins (like couponing... we don't do that) and do the rest of the items in the order and at the time that fits our house.

There is nothing extraneous, like "testimonials" and plugs for extra stuff I certainly don't need if I'm struggling to take control of the stuff I already have.

I don't have to make lists of mandated routines, nor maintain a "control journal" that I don't want and will not look at.


(I'm feeling a little FlyLady hostility, it seems.)


Really, it just seems to be a better system for us because we can look at the day, at our school and activity commitments, and fit the chores into that.


Like homeschooling, it's all about what works for you. :D

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