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Is anyone willing to share what you pay for heat?


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The place we just moved into has a gas stove for heat. Right now it's looking like it will cost over $300 a month to heat this little 1000 sq ft home. Does this seem appropriate? I have always had electric heat before and never paid that much.


ETA: I forgot to mention that this cost is assuming we keep it at 68 degrees in the house.

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We use propane. We have a 250 gallon tank and we have to fill it twice a year -- once at the beginning of winter and once to help us finish winter and get through to the next winter. Now that prices are coming down, it will probably end up costing us less than $500 for the whole year. *But* we keep the house a lot colder than that. We pretty much don't turn on the heater unless it's below freezing outside. Also, we don't have central heat. My neighbor has a smaller, and probably less drafty, house and he needs to have his tank filled every 45 days -- but he has central heat.

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I will make most of you feel better about your situation. We have a 3130 sq ft house. We heat the upstairs to 68, the downstairs to 68, and a huge "man room" area, we actually turn the heat off. I chase my kids around the house constantly turning off lights and such. We hardly decorated for Christmas so as not to add to the costs. I live in a small rural area, and this month, our electric bill was $525.00!!!!! It honestly should be a crime to charge that much!

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Our house is about 1000ft. and in the winter can cost around $700/mo to heat. We got on a plan with our electric co (we have electric everything), and they spread the amount out over the whole year...so right now we're paying $213/mo. That's slated to go up 30% sometime in the next year...


We keep the house at 64 or 65 degrees during the day, and 62 at night...if we could afford it I would turn the heat up much higher!

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I will make most of you feel better about your situation. We have a 3130 sq ft house. We heat the upstairs to 68, the downstairs to 68, and a huge "man room" area, we actually turn the heat off. I chase my kids around the house constantly turning off lights and such. We hardly decorated for Christmas so as not to add to the costs. I live in a small rural area, and this month, our electric bill was $525.00!!!!! It honestly should be a crime to charge that much!

Wow...ours is more expensive than that with 1000sf and the heat at 65!

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2600 sq ft with heat pump and all electric $ 340.00 current bill

(set 68 degrees)

$180.00 last bill (heat off)


I live in Alabama so our weather changes, we don't have a complete stay cold winter (this helps the bill). We have had temperatures in the 60's for about 2 weeks so next bill will be lower. The high bill was during our cold spell temperatures in the 30's.

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We have natural gas for heat and hot water, everything is else is electric and we are currently payin about $125 a month on level pay.

Level pay averages our usage for the previous year and then we are charged a set amout every month all year. So we pay more in the summer than we use in order not to have big bills in the winter. I expect next year it will go up some because as of the first of the year the rates go up, again.

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Approximately 2000 square feet in PA. We have a pellet stove and a gas fireplace (which we use only occasionally). We bought 4 tons of pellets for $800 in the spring, but we probably won't use them all this winter. We haven't filled the tank for the the fireplace in about 7 years, and I have no idea how much gas is left in it...


Our house is in the 60s in the kitchen and upstairs rooms, frigid (40s) in the rest of the house in the winter.



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We keep our house at 68 degrees in the day time and 65 at night while we are sleeping. Our heat and electricity in the winter is between $200-225 ($150 of that is heat). We have a story and a half at 1900 square feet.


Our 60 year old house seems very efficient even for other homes in the area. I think it also depends on where you live and your utility rates. For you, I'm hoping for a warm winter!

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We have a natural gas furnace - about 1350 sq ft upstairs and a full, finished basement (but there are only 2 vents downstairs). I keep the house between 66-68 during the day, 62 when we're gone (which isn't a lot) and 66 at night. Last month's bill was $57, but it hadn't been very cold yet. In previous years, our highest bill was about $90.

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It all depends on where you live. I keep my temps right around 73 year round (I am very sensitive about temps). I pay about $500 year round for gas/electric. The electric is higher in the summer because of air conditioner and the gas is higher in winter because of heater but the two together always equal about $500. My brother is a OTR truck driver and hardly ever home. He keeps his temps set at about 60 in the winter and about 78 in the summer. His bills is about 3/4 of mine. He lives in TX. I live in TN. Makes all the difference in the world.


Housing costs and taxes are the same. My brother's house was less than half the cost of mine but his taxes are more than twice as much. Makes no sense at all.

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We haven't lived in our house very long but our gas bill for last month was 92.00 and the electric was 160. Our house is 4300 sq ft. I keep the thermostat at 68-69 during the day upstairs and down and turn both down to 62 at night.


We did just put a radiant barrier in our attic and I think it's making a ton of difference!



Oh...our house is 4 years old and we just have a gas water heater and gas heat. Everything else is electric. This doesn't include water/sewer.



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We have all electric. We do have a fireplace that isn't used right now (venting issues) and a small wood stove in the basement that has not been used very much at all this winter. We spend $150-$200 per month on electric in the winter time. During the hottest months of the summer, it can get up close to $300 per month. We keep the heat between 65 and 70 during the winter, the air conditioning between 72 and 75 during the summer. (I'd keep it warmer, but dh works construction and has trouble cooling off.) Our house is 2,100 sq. ft. not counting the basement, so I'd guess it's close to 4,000 sq. ft.

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These numbers are crazy to me!


We paid $60 for electricity in Dec and $130 for natural gas. We keep the house at 71* most of the year (day and night).


Our bills stay around $175 in the Dec, Jan, Feb and July, Aug, Sept due to heat/air conditioning. Other that that the combined total is under $100.



I like lights on in the winter (too bleak in the PNW) so we do waste some electricity there but otherwise the kids are pretty good about lights and such.

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We have gas heat (radiators), and around the same square footage (about 1,000). Our bill is usually under $100, sometimes $150. It was higher once when gas went up.


I keep it around 65 here if it's freezing out, but if it's around 50 or so outside, I don't even turn the heat on. It's 53 right now, and I've got the doors open! My poor children that have never lived where it's really cold complain a lot.


ETA: That's just gas, not electricity.

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We are all electric. We have a house of about 1850 sq. feet. We keep the thermostat around 70, but we play with it based on how the house feels.

We will probably spend $150-200 for electricity and water (they are on the same bill) during the winter months. Last year January was the highest.

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