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Thanksgiving Tackle thread 2023


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I woke up to wake Ds to go dog-sit. Having coffee and wasting time now.


Shower ✔️ 
TG lunch at mom’s assisted living place. ✔️ 


Make a salad and cut sweet potatoes. Make deviled eggs? ✔️ 

Go to friends’ house for dinner, board games, and hanging out. ✔️ 


I am thankful for WTM boards and y’all on the tackle thread! I hope you have a good day! 

Edited by ScoutTN
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32 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're doing turkey, etc. Saturday when dss and the grands will be here. Today I'm doing my FOO's traditional meatballs and ravioli. The sauce is on the stove with meatballs cooking in it. The house smells wonderful.

Oh gosh, meatballs and sauce sound wonderful.   My bil is Italian and his grandmother taught my sil how to make her meatballs and sauce and it is divine!  

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I made a checklist for today's cooking, and y'all..........oh, my goodness. It's working like magic.  We're on track, people are taking turns passing through the kitchen and doing what needs to be done, the house is clean...and they're all loving checking off what they do in different color pens.

I don't have anything to do now.  The kids are taking turns doing their laundry and playing MtG between, all the food is prepped up to the next point.  I get to just hang out for a bit.



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1 minute ago, WildflowerMom said:

We’re done with eating!   Thank you Lord it’s over.  I informed everyone that next year will be premade stuff or Cracker Barrel.   I am in fibro pain something fierce.   But it was all really good!   I’m about to eat some pecan pie! 

Yay for being done!  I'm sorry you're in pain, though. 


We eat in 1 hour.  Mac & cheese is ready to go in the oven and potatoes are being peeled as I write.

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We had a small turkey. I stuffed the cavities with diced onion and celery tossed in herbs, and then rubbed the skin down with herbs. It was in the oven by 9 am CST, and was perfectly cooked and golden by noon. I made a loaf of bread that actually rose and tasted great. Mark made the mashed potatoes and gravy. Dd made stuffing, and roasted green beans and broccoli. We made a small bowl of fruit.

Everyone ate well, and it wasn't such a huge meal that it was overwhelming to prepare or clean up. I washed mixing bowls and pots as we went along. So the kitchen was half way decent when we started eating. I am sitting in the recliner for a while, and then will go unload and load the dishwasher.

Later on they want me to make Danish Rismalande`. We will see. I am tired since I didn't sleep well last night. Mark made homemade ice cream, both regular for everyone but son in law, and then coconut milk/cream based for son in law. So it isn't as though no one has a dessert to eat.

We will help the kids decorate the tree this evening.

Edited by Faith-manor
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We ate the not very good food and visited with mom. Kids and I helped her tidy up, get Amazon packaging out of her apt, sort things to be returned etc. It was nice not to do any work at all for the meal, but next year we will make a different plan. Restaurant maybe. 

Doing a bit of food prep for tonight. Making hot tea to enjoy while I read. 

Ds’ walls do look more gray in the daylight. 

@TravelingChris I am glad you are enjoying your day and feel well.

@WildflowerMom Sorry for the fibro pain! I hope you can rest and coast on leftovers tonight and tomorrow!

@HomeAgain Hooray for people following a plan! 


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I have to say, every dish today turned out very well.  I managed to convince the rest of the family that we didn't need stuffing by not actually putting it on the checklist. They forgot about it.😆But nobody missed it, either.  Each dish had a distinct flavor and texture that complemented the whole meal and they all turned out perfectly. Oldest ds was thrilled I set aside some "naked" salad, which was the only concession.  He doesn't like dressing but will eat it without. 


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We had a great day today! The food turned out good, and the company was even better. 

We decorated the cookies I made, and the kids played spikeball. 

We had a game of Sushi Go Party going after that. 

After the guests left, we made hot cocoa and decorated the Christmas tree. 

Dh and I watched Amazing Race after that. 

I've been packing for a trip we take with the kids tomorrow. We'll pick dd up on our way. 

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Our evening with friends was fun! Ds had a good time, even though he was the only boy with 3 teen girls. 

Unloaded the dishwasher, started the dryer, adjusted the heat, and got a snack. Lit a candle and am snuggled in bed with my book. 

A nice day.

Edited by ScoutTN
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I had some good quality time with each of my girls today, for which I am thankful!

Ran the Turkey Trot with Kid1.  We had to walk a ways to & from the race due to road closings etc.  By 11am I had done 6 miles and Kid1 had done 8.  😛

Kid2 wanted me to "help" her while she cooked Thanksgiving dinner.  Mostly I just cleaned as she cooked.  Besides the usual traditions, she decided to try a baked mac'n'cheese for the first time.  It was good!

At dinner, the girls presented their Christmas lists.  One kid actually did an impressive PowerPoint with animation and music.  😛

I took a nap after eating way too much.

About 10pm, I went downstairs to do night pup duty and get some coffee for the night shift of work.  However, Kid2 wanted to chat and bake cookies, so that's what we did until past 1am!  We both enjoyed this unusual time together.

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