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Well-Trained Bodies May


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I got an orthotic today, and was told I could start some walking to see how it feels. So I walked in the back yard for 10 minutes, and will see what happens tomorrow. Also did some stretching exercises.

@Soror - thanks for the encouragement! The chemo pills make me feel mildly nauseated and extremely fatigued about 2 hours after taking my morning pill, though I gradually feel better at the end of the day. So, it's about 5 hours a day of feeling like garbage. I see the oncologist in a few weeks. Maybe she'll tell me my body will get used to it and symptoms will fade, but if they remain, I'm not sure if 2 years of this will be worth having a slightly better chance of cancer not recurring.

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Got in a walk at the dog park and did some work on the foundation of the pergola. Leveling blocks is really hard and frustrating work! 

Tomorrow I'm going to try and finish the paving stones for the pergola in the morning, take the pup to agility to practice some moves with dd, then tennis in the afternoon. Probably more pergola work in the evening. 

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I'm back from visiting my mother and ready for the next season which is arriving today!  Yesterday I did a 5 mile walk, hope to do a mini-hike this afternoon then going to a contradance in the evening.

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We had a cold, wet April and then spring finally arrived this week, and now this weekend it will be in the 90's! Needless to say we are not acclimated to heat yet at all, so we'll see how we do. And if the AC that was installed in December works. Dh power-washed the moss/dirt/dog hair off the patio last night. I got all of the patio furniture cushions out of the attic. We need to get the rest of the garden plants into the earth and off of the patio table, but hopefully we'll get to enjoy a little outdoor time this weekend.

Skipped exercise yesterday, did yoga this morning.

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I did pretty well last week. Walked a few times, played pickleball three times, worked out with my trainer. I’ve been consistent with my Rollups and pushups, stretches almost every day. 
I don’t think I’m doing enough weight/resistance work though. I’d like to add something effective in with that daily stuff. I think I would be more consistent than trying to work in another long workout during the week. Just not sure what that’s going to be. 

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We’re doing foster care respite for three kids today, and I’ve decided that hefting this enormous, huge baby around is plenty workout for me. Seriously. Even with all the weight lifting I do, I can barely manage to stand holding this baby for more than a few minutes. Just rolls upon rolls of baby fat and very, very solid. Phew!

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On 5/12/2023 at 4:09 PM, skimomma said:

Today's goals have been met!  All I have for the weekend is my long run tomorrow and one Pliability session on either day.  Phew.  I'm going to adjust goals for next week and remove either one run or one CF.  This was too much, I think.

I think scaling back is a good idea. I think if we read some of Sims work you'll be encouraged that scaling back is a positive, not a negative. Even as amateur athletes we can overtrain and more is not always better. Good for you for listening to your body.

On 5/12/2023 at 11:00 AM, Jenny in Florida said:

Hi all -- I have no clue when I last checked in. Despite the semester being over, I somehow feel like life has gotten more busy, rather than less. I suspect this has more to do with a recurrence/worsening of my depression and simply lacking the energy to do anything more than the minimum, but it means I often go days without even opening my laptop, let along reading the board, let alone posting anything. 

That said, I have mostly kept up with the usual routine: walk with and without dog each morning for a total of 4.5 - 5K, do 15-20 minutes of additional strength and stretching exercise (Monday-Friday and sometimes on weekends), walk again with and/or without dog after work (sometimes right after work and then again later in the evening) to reach my total 15,000-step goal, yoga class one or two evenings a week.  When weather or other considerations require, I substitute time on the stationary bike for walking outside. I did miss my step goal once this week, because I went out to a show with a friend and got home too late to do anything other than take the dog outside and try to get some sleep.

My adored yoga-at-the-lake teacher has announced she won't be returning until September, so I went in search of a second class to take until she returns. (I still have regular Tuesday evenings with the other teacher.) I discovered the yoga studio that is a mile from my house has a Friday evening class that fits into my schedule. I went last week to check it out and, although it was a little more challenging than I am used to, I enjoyed it. So, I've decided to add that to my calendar for a few weeks and see how it goes. 


Spring Start 2023 Challenge: 545.7 of 650K
Activity Streak: 85 Days

Hugs Jenny. I hope the new yoga ends up being a great fit.

On 5/12/2023 at 12:42 PM, Harriet Vane said:

@Soror Thanks for asking. My knees are better but not great. Not actively throbbing all day but also nowhere near normal. I’m taking the improvement thus far as a sign that they will continue to improve.

I'm glad to hear there is improvement. Here's hoping it continues.

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I made my step goal for the week, just barely. I was just busy and had too much driving and some fatigue at the end of the week with my period. 

For 1.5 weeks I've tried adding back lower body strength work. I've adjusted moves and done everything with bodyweight only. However, I noticed a couple of days ago a regression. Not just an increase in pain but trouble with sitting on the toilet- I haven't had that in several weeks at least. I'm going to discontinue the trial on that for the time being. I'm not sure what I did that bothered it so I'll stick to upper body work. I've had increases in pain with too much sitting/driving and not enough walking but not like this.

This week should be slower on driving so it should be better. Fingers crossed.  

I had planned a strength workout this morning but I'm going to have to readjust my plans as the program I was doing is full body. I guess I'll go back to just doing individual upper-body workouts and take another rest day today.

Today: family hike for Mother's Day 🙂

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Yesterday - brisk beach and valley walk while Husband cycled over to join me at a cafe for coffee. Then two hours of weeding in the afternoon.

Today should have been a thirteen mile hike but I missed my way and Husband had to pick me up from where I hit the road.  Still managed about nine miles. Really lovely walk along a river  - not far from home but I had no idea that it was tucked away in the suburbs of a town. The concrete hippos were installed as decoration when the town was designed.



Edited by Laura Corin
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Rough week, dh was out of town for work for the first time since pre covid 2020. No water fit for me all week.
 My hips still hurt from last weekends bike ride so no biking but I did walk a mile yesterday and today. And carried home a curb side free set of plastic shelves all the way across the neighborhood 😂 


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It's been a very busy weekend. I've got in dog walks, pergola building, pergola patio building, and tennis. I'haven't paced myself all that well, but my body isn't too sore yet. I have been much better about getting outside help with the building. I bribed my dc on Mother's day with pizza! 😄

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I did meet my goals for last week with an 8 mile run and Pliability on Saturday morning.  We spent the afternoon hiking to 5 different waterfalls.  It was lovely.  Complete rest on Sunday.

I am still feeling out how to integrate CF and running.  I started CF last fall shortly before ski season started so this is really the first time I am balancing CF and running.  Skiing is much easier on my body so it was no problem to double up CF and skiing on that same days.  I'm finding running to be trickier to balance well.  So for this week, I think I will aim for more flexible goals.  Rather than 5 CF, 5 runs, and 6 Pliability, I am going with 9 CF/run and 5 Pliability.  With a planned rest day, that means doubling up on three days but leaving more choice on three other days so I can chose based on weather or how I feel.  Even that seems daunting right now, but once I get out of the Monday morning anxiety fog, it will seem more reasonable!

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4 ish mile easy hike/walk Sunday for Mother's Day

That's the longest I've walked since the injury and it went well. On March 19 I took a 3-mile hike with dh and it was super slow and painful by the end. Granted the terrain was rougher but still yet this was so much better. 

I'm starting to work on weaning off of the gabapentin again. Fingers crossed I make it this time. 

today's plan: walk / short mobility+ upper body strength

I already did one short walk but plan to do another 1 or 2 later. 

I'm going to start trying out some different mobility workouts this week. Yoga doesn't work very well as I have to modify it so much. 

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I did nothing yesterday. But I did enjoy sitting on our patio and feeling the warmth of the sun. Until I decided it was a touch too warm (91 degrees--not acclimated yet). It will be in the 80's all week. It's like we skipped over the 60's and 70's. Today I did 30 min on the treadmill.

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On 5/14/2023 at 8:25 AM, Soror said:

I think scaling back is a good idea. I think if we read some of Sims work you'll be encouraged that scaling back is a positive, not a negative. Even as amateur athletes we can overtrain and more is not always better. Good for you for listening to your body.


I ordered her first book and am looking forward to reading.  I struggle because I have what seem to be competing fitness goals.  And running is more about my mental health than anything else.  Running and skiing diffuses my anxiety better than anything else.  I was not planning to run today but when I still had raging Monday anxiety by lunchtime, I decided to slip in a quick run.  It made all the difference.

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Took a 2 mile trail hike this morning.  Not far but it was an uneven trail so harder than just walking on a path, and quite a few steep parts.    I'm going to try and do this trail most mornings.  Eventually I should be able to build up to walking the 3 1/2 or so miles from work to home through the woods.   

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20 hours ago, skimomma said:

I ordered her first book and am looking forward to reading.  I struggle because I have what seem to be competing fitness goals.  And running is more about my mental health than anything else.  Running and skiing diffuses my anxiety better than anything else.  I was not planning to run today but when I still had raging Monday anxiety by lunchtime, I decided to slip in a quick run.  It made all the difference.

I think it is the best one with the most specific advice. I think you will find it helpful to sort out your goals and work with your body.

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Yesterday I did a 15 min NatMov mobility workout (Movement Parallels Life on Youtube). It felt great and I could do everything. It is dynamic movement focused on keeping up mobility and strength as we age with movements that we use/should use naturally. I'm aiming for a longer one this morning as I'm not doing my strength training today.

Yesterday was rough. I didn't hit my step goals despite 2 walks as I laid around too much during the morning. In the afternoon, I had about 2 hours of driving, 1.5 hrs sitting in a salon chair, and  3 hours of meetings which were mostly standing there- at least I wasn't sitting for that. But I made myself walk after dinner even though I didn't want to because I knew my body needed it.

It's been 12 weeks since I started working on losing my winter- stress/hormone/steroid weight. At the most, I was up 6 pounds and at my yesterday weigh-in I had lost it. That is still up a few pounds from where I like to be but right now I'm just focused on eating well and letting my weight settle where it settles. It seems I have a hard time maintaining as low as I'd like so I'm I'd decided to just let it be. Most of those 12 weeks I didn't lose any. It took at least 3 weeks before it budged- then I lost steadily for about 3 weeks and then had a 3 week standstill while we dealt with lots of stress and then the last 3 weeks I've been losing again. 

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Dog walk completed, Pergola work on-going when I can fit it in. Tennis after work. It's a great day so far!

@Soror Great job with the physical activity and weight loss! 

@Wheres Toto Trail hiking is more work than a sidewalk, and more fun! Great you're able to get out most mornings!

@Laura Corin Loving your spring photos!! Keep them coming! I love that hippo statue! I told my dh that I wanted to invest in a statue for our backyard at some point. I don't think I could pull off a hippo, sadly. 😅

@Toocrazy!! That's great you're enjoying getting in early morning dog walks as well as pickle ball play. Dh and I, as well as the dogs, are loving our early morning dog walks in the woods. The only draw back is that I find it hard to refocus on sitting and working rather than being outdoors. 😉 

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I met my goals for Monday and Tuesday with a one hour run, CF, and Pliability for both.  Same goals for today.  It turns out that I will be traveling this weekend with no good opportunity for running or access to CF, so I am going to cram by weekly goals in by Friday.  Not ideal but there will be a good recovery time.

I tweeked something in my wrist while reaching for my seatbelt (of all things) yesterday.  I have trouble with carpal tunnel and the pain today feels like a flare up.  I have not done anything wrist-heavy in CF or Pliability this week so that appears to be sheer bad luck.  This could be  problem if Thursday or Friday's CF is going to conflict.  Luckily today's does not involved wrists and I do have the flexibility to swap in a run for a CF if that happens.  Or just ask the coach to find alternative activities for me, which he is always happy to do.

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The orthotic I used for my 10 minute walk on Friday did not work. I woke up with a good deal of pain. The fitting of these things is so imprecise. How does it feel? she asks me. It feels like there is something in my shoe. How do I know if the weirdness I am feeling is "good" or not?

Went to class yesterday. I can leg press 120lbs, which I would say is about my limit. They have this arm machine where I pull the weight towards me, and I think I am at 67lbs for that. I might be able to go a little higher there, but not by much.

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54 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Fitbymik cardio this morning. Low impact with squats. I don't understand advertising some workouts as "no squats". Low impact I understand. Squats are the easier part for me!

I guess it depends on your body and what conditions may trigger pain. My knee sometimes buckles or experiences sharp pain with a standing slow, low squat. So a "no squat" work-out would be nice for me. The "low impact" description usually means there is no jumping or running.

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Travel chaos this week, but unlike my recent vacation, this is working travel and it's been tough getting in any exercise. My dd is moving on Saturday, so I'm staying with her to help with the move. Yesterday I was deep cleaning and painting and ended up physically aching and sore, so that counts for something. The two days before were driving days that included some visiting with people along the way. My schedule was so tight I hardly even took any stretches or walks along the way, so I ended up extremely stiff and sore from the long sitting over two days without any exercise benefit at all. 

There is soooooo much work to do packing and cleaning that that will have to be my focus now through the weekend. I did bring a stretchy band, and I'd like to try to get in at least 1-2 ten-minute sessions to do some basics that will help keep me limber.

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

I guess it depends on your body and what conditions may trigger pain. My knee sometimes buckles or experiences sharp pain with a standing slow, low squat. So a "no squat" work-out would be nice for me. The "low impact" description usually means there is no jumping or running.

I'm not meant to do deep squats because of pelvic floor issues.

Today  - walk plus errands on foot at lunchtime.  Then 20 minutes of upper body weights after work. There will be a late night dog walk later. 

Husband is cooking Mexican fish. Yummy.

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On 5/16/2023 at 9:33 AM, Soror said:

I think it is the best one with the most specific advice. I think you will find it helpful to sort out your goals and work with your body.

It arrived today so I will start digging in tonight.

Meanwhile, I have done my run for today.  I was able to get on a trail for the first time this season.  Still very muddy but almost all the snow is gone.  Lots of slip-sliding on the muddy parts and my shoes are a mess but it was really nice to get onto something new.    I nearly ran right into a very cheeky deer.  He must know this is not hunting season.  I am very lucky to live within one mile of world class ski/run/bike trails.  I still have Pliability and an evening CF session.  Feeling good for both despite the wrist and three nights of little sleep.  Our town is doing some major nighttime construction and no one is sleeping around here!

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Got in my morning dog way, shifted some sod in the backyard, and will take the pup to agility class in the evening. 

The weather got suddenly quite cold (37 F), so I had to bring in the few annual plants in hanging baskets I'd purchased. I knew enough not to plant before May 24 at least! 😅

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2 hours ago, knitgrl said:

Not feeling terribly energetic today, but did my dumbbell workout anyway.

That's often the most satisfying work-outs for me. I didn't have the energy and didn't really want to do it, but it felt good to do it. Way to go!!

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14 hours ago, wintermom said:

The weather got suddenly quite cold

Frost warning here last night - brrrr!  My only exercise has been going up and down stairs, getting our place open, plus lots of lifting, hauling, and wiping.  Nothing cardio but I can start hiking again over the weekend.

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I met my goals for yesterday and had a really good day at CF, far exceeding the lift totals I anticipated.

Today begins the weekend "negotiation."  I am going to be gone Friday afternoon - Sunday afternoon in a place where running is not possible at all.  I could cram all of my goals in today and tomorrow morning, but I don't think that is super healthy.  I do technically have Sunday afternoon to squeeze in a run.  Realistically, I know how coming home works and generally the idea of carving out time and energy for a run after getting home, unpacking, getting the week all set up, etc.... is optimistic.....but something I'd like to work on going forward.

So, right now my plan is to do Pliability and CF today and tomorrow, finishing up those goals for the week.  Then plan to run on Sunday evening and hope that the threat of failing to reach my goals will be enough motivation to break through the post-travel chaos.  

The next four weekends are impacted by travel, some in places where I can at least run and others not, so I need to start working on a good way to deal with these interruptions.  I will for sure have to adjust my goals accordingly.


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Yikes! That little pile of sod I moved yesterday had some big impacts on my body. 😨 My lower back is sore, my right arm was painful all night, and I feel pretty shattered this morning. I'm really hoping that the OTC pain meds, coffee and rest will help me feel a lot better, and quickly. I'm supposed to play doubles tennis at 7pm today. 

Note to self: limit the digging and wheelbarrow use to perhaps 3 loads a day. The rest will be there to finish up the next day. Or better yet, delegate to the dc. ☺️

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Fitbymik dumbbell workout--lots of squats. My knee can go weird with sideways motion, and it always clicks when bending, but squats go ok for me. I've been using a mix of 5 lb and 8 lb weights (Mik uses 8), generally 5 lbs for exercises with 2 weights and an 8 lb for exercises with 1. I did one exercise with two 8 lb weights and I think I'm ready to do more of that, but for fly-type exercises with arms extended out from the body I'll stick to 5 lb. But I'm realizing I don't have shoulder tendonitis pain now--I still did in the fall after PT. I think it just took months and months of no longer writing with my arm overhead for it to go away.

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Busy, busy I did strength training Mon/Wed and walking every day- usually multiple times.

Besides being busy I am weaning off of the gabapentin. It has been a bit rough at times- the hardest part is that it has messed with my sleep (also some headaches and just feeling off). So far the pain hasn't been terrible not great but not nearly as bad as the last 2 times I tried to go off. It has been 3 nights now since I've taken it- it is supposed to be out of your system within 48 hours so I think/hope I'm over the worst of it. 

So, I'm taking ibuprofen + tylenol 3x a day. Next goal is to drop the afternoon dose but I'm expecting that will be at least another 2 weeks. We'll see how it progresses. I'm just trying to walk away the pain. 

I need to do lifting today but I'm having a hard time motivating. I was actually able to fall back asleep this morning and after so much running I just don't want to do anything.

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I am on the way out the door for the weekend.  I did meet my goals for the week after all.  I intended to leave my final run for Sunday afternoon, when we return.  And I might very well still run that day if I feel good and have time.  CF this morning was very skill-based and not much of a workout in the traditional sense, so on a whim, I steered towards the trails on my way home and snuck in a quick 5 mile run before work.  I also did my final Pliability for the week.  

We are out of town again next weekend so I will have to adjust next week's goals accordingly.  Part of that trip was to include an enduro run race with a team of 4.  24 hours to run a 4-mile trail loop as many times as possible.  The team (or individual) with the most loops wins.  We had no plans to win or even run after dark, just go until all four of us could no longer bite off another loop.....maybe 3-4 per person.  Unfortunately, one of my teammates got hurt and we could not find a replacement for him.  So, no race.  But the other two and I will be camping together so we plan to get in some fun group runs that weekend, which will make setting my goals for the week much easier.  

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Today the sun came out just in time for a 5 mile after-work walk. Scotland's countryside is at peak greenness right now. Even the barley in the fields is gorgeous. And the bluebells and primroses  - the latter are spinkies in the local dialect- are both out.



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I recovered enough to play tennis just fine Thursday evening, but I was very sore and many joints were painful Friday. I took a bunch of OTC pain meds, then thought of taking a double shot of allergy meds. One or both of those things worked!! I'm feeling way better today. It rained most of the day, so I was limited to mostly indoor activities. I did a bunch of hourse work, decluttering, and moved my home office out of my bedroom into dd's old bedroom. 

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First hike in weeks yesterday, hooray!  We did an all-downhill, left a car at the bottom hike for dd's benefit.  She's excited to do more walking and hiking this summer so I'm trying to make it less scary.  She's Type 1 diabetic and her new pump is so effective that she has a hard time staying not-low when she's doing any activity.  She's a wiz at running it, but it cannot be dissuaded from keeping her in the target range and she just hasn't figured out the sport settings to the degree she needs to feel safe. 

I've finally realized that what I thought was sciatica is actually hip bursitis.  It's been better since I've been avoiding trigger foods, only flaring at night if I sleep on the opposite side.  Anyone with any experience with hip bursitis have any suggestions?  I realized it wasn't sciatica when I finally took some ibuprofen for a migraine and the hip pain went away.  I've basically rested it for a month of not hiking or long walks, but I do wonder if stopping those things made it worse since I've never had it before.

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Took the pup for a walk, then pup and I attended a 3.5 hr "drive and engagement" seminar so I could learn some dog sport handling/training skills. It was really interesting and I have a ton of new techniques to practice with pup. 

I did a little yardwork when I got home, but otherwise no exercise. We're hosting some family members for dinner, so I wanted to fix up some "spring cleaning" items in the backyard, such as re-install the pump for my waterfall and try to get rid of the stinky water in the reservoir. Happily, there is only one leak!! I should be able to attend to that. ☺️

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This body hasn't been well trained since I returned from my trip to Greece in March. I was so proud of myself for navigating the mountainous areas complete with rocky trails. Keep in mind I've spent nearly all of my life in a state whose highest elevation is 345 feet and I haven't traveled to the mountains. All four of us Florida gals on the trip were excited to hike in the mountains. I was so sad that I couldn't use MMW to keep track of those hikes. For one I was saving data but also we were often hiking in areas with no cell coverage. I planned to log them but it doesn't feel the same logging something so special after the fact.

Anyway, since I returned I've struggled to get back into a regular fitness routine. I'm posting here for accountability and to try and motivate myself. Reading what you all are doing, even if you too are struggling, helps to make me want to try harder.

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