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Anyone willing to share their migraine tips?


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I have had a headache for probably 20 of the last 60 days. Not horrible, it is comes and goes throughout the day. One night it was so bad, I considered the ER. Other times, it just feels like some pressure and I feel nauseous. 

I am pretty well versed in migraines, dd24 takes a monthly injection (Emgality) and has was diagnosed with migraines at 6yo by a neurologist.  I have had them as long as I can remember as well, but they aren't that often and I can usually treat them with a high dose naproxen and some non-drug strategies. Ice packs, heating pads, massage etc. 

I have now had a headache (migraine really since I am nauseous) for 10 days. Saturday I took 3 Maxalt 10mg, and today I took 2. They will give me relief for a few hours, and then the pain/nausea comes right back. 

I had Covid at New Years, but my headaches started a month prior, so I don't think they are related. This last cluster could be maybe, but unlikely since things were already increased before I got it. I don't have any signs of a sinus infection or bad tooth. The pain switches sides. so that is also unlikely with a tooth going bad. I had a UTI and was on antibiotics, so If there was a sinus infection, that would have helped. (Same med I take for both). My life is stressful, but it always is. I haven't changed jobs, desk chairs, pillows etc. I got new glasses but even going back to my old ones hasn't changed anything. I also had the new ones checked to verify the prescription. Food/hydration is the same. I take a daily vit sometimes, B-complex and B12. But they are all the same for years. I have avoided common migraine triggering food. I exercise and/or do yoga most days. My neck can turn both ways fine, and I got a deep tissue massage to see if that was it. It didn't help, and it usually does improve on the first visit, if my neck is the problem. I will keep going weekly for 4 visits to make sure, but it doesn't seem to be the case. 

Any other ideas? I am so sick of this feeling of pressure and pain. My migraines are one sided behind the eye/temple area. They usually start on one side and eventually will cover ear to ear. As it starts to ebb/flow, I notice it can switch sides and this is usually when it does it. They are diagnosed by a migraine specialist and while I had imaging of my brain done maybe 12 years ago, I haven't done a repeat yet. 

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Try taking a lot of magnesium glycinate (for at least 10 days) and see if that does the trick. I can sometimes break the cycle that way. It usually takes about 800mg a day for me if I am maintaining levels, but at times it took more if I am really deficient.

Honestly, this has been more effective than Rx drugs for my migraines.

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I am so sorry. I know how debilitating migraines can be. I take prescription medication for mine. Over the counter stuff stopped working for me. Taking magnesium everyday has decreased the number of migraine I have. With everything you said on your post, my advice for you is to make an appointment with your doctor, as 10 days is a long time to have a migraine. I hope you get relieve soon.

Edited by StillStanding
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Yes on checking BP. Maybe blood sugar too.

I have been told that migraines can “transform” to chronic, and sometimes an Rx can reset them. I no longer go to that doctor (she’s loony), but I did find that her treatment worked for a days-long migraine (Toridol followed by hyrdocodone for a couple of days), and then I worked on triggers later (turns out I have MCAS).

Anyway, just mentioning in case the loony doctor was actually correct.

If you were previously stable, my guess is that BP or blood sugar or something else more long-term has changed because that or dietary indiscretion are about the only things that trigger me now. Or weather. If you check blood sugar, getting an A1C would help show whether an on the spot high blood sugar is a fluke due to pain or part of a pattern.

If you think it’s weather, I can PM some information from my allergist for you to research. Just let me know.

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I am wondering if the medication you are taking, the naproxen and Maxalt, are causing rebound headaches…to the point where it feels like one continuous headache? Even the triptan migraine medications are known to cause rebounds. I’ve had this problem before many times, so I try not to take too much medication, which can be very hard sometimes! 

For me, I take a daily migraine preventative medication along with a monthly shot (mine is Ajovy, but it’s probably similar to your DD’s Emgality). This regimen (along with avoiding my triggering foods, staying out in the sun for a long time, and making sure I’m in spaces with decent air flow) has helped reduce my headaches. The other thing I have noticed since starting the shots, is that if I get a headache I can tolerate it most of the time without having to taking any medication and just go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning with no more headache. This also reduces the chances of the rebound headaches. 

Allergies and weather can be a factor too, so that’s something else to think about. I’d definitely talk with your doctor further about possibly trying a different medication for when you get the migraine…there are non-triptan meds available.

I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! I hope you start feeling better soon. 

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One, are you combining the Maxalt with ibuprofen or naproxen? They have a "synergistic" effect - they work better together. You mentioned the naproxen for your daughter, but I wasn't sure if you're taking it yourself.

Two, you can develop a resistance to these specific triptan medications, but your doctor should let you try another one. I'd definitely do that for next time.

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Several people in my family get migraines, some are pretty chronic.

With one of the last big storms that swept across the country, two of my children plus my dh had a migraine that lasted about 10 days.  

My dh used to have at least a low-grade one daily, for almost 20 years, and maybe three really bad ones every month.  I usually ended up bringing him to the hospital twice/year.  One of my dd's is following this pattern.  (My dh stopped getting them chronically about 10 years ago.)

However, both my dh and my dd found that by living a gentle, predictable lifestyle, away from triggers, they can often keep away the worst symptoms.  (Except when there are extreme weather conditions.)  The book they found most helpful was Heal Your Headache by David Buchholz.  

I'm really sorry you're dealing with this.  🙁  Migraines are awful.

ETA:  I think when my dh was getting migraines daily, he took a calcium channel blocker which seemed to help.

Edited by J-rap
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my migraine triggers were:

dehydration.  (hydration is more than just water, you need the electrolytes.  I drink coconut water, which gets expensive, so I drink NUUN and add 3 -  4 potassium capsules with each glass.)

too much sugar

too much sun


do you need a new pillow?  sleeping wrong can cause a headache for me.

dh learned something from our shiatsu provider.  stand facing someone, arms relaxed.  They then need to put hands at the bottom of the ribcage and go back and forth fast.  it relaxes the abdominal muscles, which affects circulation.  It works for me, I don't know why.

there is a pressure point for headaches - can't remember, the one I am remembering is for when my lungs are congested.

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